释义 |
Viterbo 基本例句 n.维泰博在意大利;东经 12º06' 北纬 42º25' The worst-hit crops are grapes and maize in Piedmont;cereals in the Veneto, Friuli and Le Marche regions;hazelnut plantations nearViterbo, north of Rome;意大利国家农场主协会的科尔迪雷蒂表示,意大利的野猪繁殖已经失去控制,野猪去年给意大利造成的经济损失多达5000万英镑。 4ViterboF,Trindade JC,Hoshino k,et al. Two end-to-side neurorrhaphies and nerve graft with removal of the epineural sheath:Experimental study in rats.Br J Plast Surg,1994,47:75-77.中华显微外科杂志1998年第2期第21卷神经端侧缝合研究作者:陈统一赵金忠陈中伟单位:200032上海市,上海中山医院骨科… |