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词汇 bias
释义 bi·as 英ˈbaɪəs美ˈbaɪəsAHDbīʹəs ★★☆☆☆高六研GIMST四八COCA⁵⁰³⁰BNC⁵³¹²iWeb⁴⁹²⁵Economist⁴⁹¹⁶


opinion or feeling that strongly favors one side in an argument or one item in a group or series; prejudice

vt. 使倾向于; 使存偏见

cause to form fixed opinions or against sth without enough information to judge fairly

a partiality that prevents objective consideration of an issue or situationa line or cut across a fabric that is not at right angles to a side of the fabric
slanting diagonally across the grain of a fabric;

a bias fold

influence in an unfair way;

you are biasing my choice by telling me yours

cause to be biasedprejudice,bias




用作名词 n.
介词+~free from bias毫无偏见without bias毫无偏见~+介词bias against对…的成见bias for对…的偏爱bias in favour of对…的偏见或偏爱bias towards对…的偏见或偏爱
近义词 n.prejudicev. prejudice反义词n. fairness
用作名词n.The committee is of a conservative bias.委员会有一种成见。
She is free from bias.她毫无偏见。
He is without bias.他不偏不倚。
Her scientific bias showed itself in early childhood.她对科学的偏爱在她幼年时就表现出来了。~+ prep. -phraseSome people has a bias against foreigners.有些人对外国人有偏见。
She has a bias against people who wear glasses.她有一种成见,不喜欢戴眼镜的人。
He has a bias against Scottish products.他对苏格兰产品有偏见。
He has a strong bias against the plan from the beginning.他对这个计划一开始就抱有强烈的偏见。
She liked old-fashioned ways and had a bias against progress.她喜欢旧有的方式,而对进步有偏见。
He has a bias against wasting money.他有一种倾向,不喜欢浪费钱。
Some companies have a bias for younger personnel.有些公司偏爱年轻的员工。
An umpire should have no bias in favour of either side.裁判不应偏袒任何一方。
The pianist has a bias in favour of Chopin.这位钢琴家偏爱肖邦。
He showed a strong bias towards women and minorities.他对妇女和少数民族表现出强烈的偏见。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.Don't let his insults bias you against her.不要让他侮辱性的话使你对她产生偏见。
The newspapersbiased their readers against the new government.这些报纸使读者对新政府产生偏见。
His backgroundbiases him against foreigners.他过去的经历使他对外国人有偏见。
Many parents arebiased against popular music.许多父母对流行音乐有偏见。
The judge wasbiased in favour of the second candidate.裁判对第二名候选人有偏袒。Pbiasing偏置Pprebias预偏置Pbiaseda.有偏见的Pbiasseda.有偏见的Pself-bias自给偏压Punbiaseda.没有偏见的Pbackward-bias逆向偏压Pforward-biased正偏的正向偏置的Preversed-biased反偏的反向偏置的



bias在用于恶感即“偏见”和“成见”时可接介词against或in favour of, towards;用于好感即“偏爱”和“癖好”时可接介词for或in favour of, towards。

bias虽以-s结尾,但却是可数名词单数形式,常与不定冠词连用。注意在be free from bias,without bias,no bias等短语中,bias前不用不定冠词。



用作名词He has abiasagainst Japanese products.他讨厌日本的产品。
Histories are often warped bybias.历史常为偏见所曲解。
The judge dispenses the law withoutbias.这名法官执法公正无私。
Her scientificbiasshowed itself in early childhood.她在科学方面的倾向性在孩童时代就已显现出来。
She has a strong musicalbias.她对音乐有强烈的爱好。用作及物动词The lawyer made a tearful plea tobiasthe jury.这名律师以哭诉影响陪审团的裁决。
His experiencesbiashim against businessmen.他的经历使他对商人抱有偏见。
No man is allowed to be a judge in his own cause, because his interest would certainlybiashis judgment.任何人都不能充当法官来裁决自己的事情,因为他的利益必然是他的判断发生偏差,从而可能有损廉正。noun.belief in one way;partiality
同义词 bigotry,favoritism,inclination,intolerance,leaning,preconceived idea,preconceived notion,preconceived opinion,preference,prejudgment,prejudice,tendency,tilt,unfairnessbent,chauvinism,discrimination,disposition,illiberality,mind-set,parti pris,partiality,partisanship,penchant,preconception,predilection,predisposition,prepossession,proclivity,proneness,propensity,standpoint,viewpointnarrow-mindedness,one-sidedness
反义词 disinterest,equitableness,fair-mindedness,fairness,justice,neutrality,objectivity,open-mindedness,tolerance,unbiasednessimpartiality,justnessnoun.diagonal weave of fabric
同义词 angle,incline,oblique,slantverb.cause to favor
同义词 distort,incline,prejudice,slant,swayinfluence,prepossess,twist,warp,weightmake partial
反义词 leave alone,straighten,be fair be impartial be just
attitudesnoun mental outlook
airs,angles,approaches,beliefs,bents,biases,characters,demeanor,dispositions,frame of minds,headsets,inclinations,leanings,like it is,mental states,mindsets,mindtrips,moods,notions,opinions,perspectives,philosophies,point of views,positions,postures,predilections,prejudices,proclivities,reactions,routines,say sos,sensibilities,sentiments,sets,slants,stances,standings,standpoints,stands,temperaments,tempers,twists,views,where one is ats
bigotrynoun intolerance, prejudice
Jim Crowism,discrimination,dogmatism,fanaticism,injustice,narrow-mindedness,partiality,provincialism,racialism,racism,sectarianism,sexism,unfairness
convertverb change belief, especially regarding religion
actuate,alter conviction,assimilate to,baptize,be born again,bend,bias,brainwash,bring around,budge,cause to adopt,change into,change of heart,convince,create anew,impel,incline,lead,lead to believe,make over,move,persuade,proselyte,proselytize,redeem,reform,regenerate,save,see the light,sway,turn
convertingverb change belief, especially regarding religion
actuating,alter conviction,assimilating to,baptizing,be bearing again,bending,biasing,brainwashing,bringing,bringing around,budging,causing to adopting,change of heart,changing into,convincing,creating anew,impelling,inclining,leading,leading to believing,making over,moving,persuading,proselyting,proselytizing,redeeming,reforming,regenerating,saving,seeing the light,swaying,turning
directionnoun course, route
aim,angle,area,aspect,bearing,beeline,bent,bias,current,drift,end,inclination,line,objective,orientation,outlook,path,point of compass,proclivity,range,region,road,set,side,slant,spot,standpoint,stream,tack,tendency,that-a-way,tide,track,trajectory,trend,viewpoint,way
directionsnoun course, route
administrations,charges,commands,controls,governments,guidances,leaderships,orders,oversights,superintendence,supervision A more sensible solution would be to bias the lock towards the looping thread.
还有一个更合理的方案,即将锁偏向给执行循环的线程。 infoq

Accountability techniques, then, can be quite supportive because they provide some objectivity to your self- perceptions and at least provide some evidence to buttress against this negativity bias.
负责任的技巧,可以很有说服力,因为责任在你的自我知觉里设立了客观目标,至少为消极的偏见提供了否定的证据。 yeeyan

After all, many of the inequities that philanthropy seeks to eliminate are rooted in cultural bias—and many of the opportunities for change are rooted in cultural awareness.
毕竟,慈善事业所旨在消除的诸多的不平等,是深植在文化的偏见中的,同时,在文化意识中也隐藏着许多机会---改变的机会. kle100

But despite all that money, it is usually left to judges themselves to decide if there may be a danger of bias, and to remove themselves if there is.
虽然金钱在法官选举中的角色日益重要,但是在实际判例中却通常由法官个人决定是否有偏向嫌疑,自己作出回避。 ecocn

But since this bias is systematic, it can be identified and removed.
但这一偏差是系统性的,因此可以被识别和移除。 ecocn

Don't let her insults bias you against your husband.

Employment experts say other companies have policies of hiring only people with jobs— but do not publicly acknowledge their bias.
就业专家说,有些公司有只招聘有工作的人的政策,但是从未公开承认他们的偏见。 yeeyan

He's absolutely impartial.; He is free from any bias.

It is important to note that if there is no bias in the estimates, then half of the estimates are high and half are low.
很重要的是要注意,如果估计中不存在偏置,那么有可能是一半估算值高,一半低。 ibm

Just because your bias or your tendency or your experience tells you to sulk and stonewall, you don't have to react that way.
如果只因为您的偏见或者是您的意向或经验就让您生气或采取抵制行为,那么最好不要那样做。 ibm

Knowing her political bias we discounted most of her story.

One is what we talked about before regarding first impressions, which is a confirmation bias.

People with expertise in one field, such as renewable energy, may have a bias towards it.
在某个领域,如可再生能源方面拥有专业知识的人或许对此有偏见。 kekenet

Solicit more opinions, compile them, and then consider how much personal bias may be involved.
征集更多的意见,编辑它们,然后考虑其中包含这多少个人偏见。 yeeyan

Some accuse the court of an anti- African bias.
一些人指责法院存在反非洲的偏见。 ecocn

Some opponents complain of a racial bias in its application.
一些反对者诉说在执行中存在种族偏见。 ecocn

There is no selection bias, she observes, since this is a randomised trial.
她指出,这个实验不存在选择性偏差,因为这是一个随机试验。 ecocn

This is because men dream up the perfect woman, a bias that spurs them to give chase.
这是因为男人凭空想出完美女人的形象,这种偏见刺激男人进行追求。 yeeyan

Truthfulness bias: people tend to assume that others are telling the truth, even when they are lying.
真实偏差:人们倾向于认为他人说的都是真话,甚至别人在说谎也如此。 yeeyan

We assume that the time spent executing the instructions in the program is negligible, but there is a slight bias introduced by that time.
我们假定程序中指令执行所花费的时间是可以忽略的,但实际上它还是会引入一些偏差。 ibm

What does your site look and feel like when you strip away all your preconceptions and bias?
如果去掉所有的先入之见和偏见,您的站点会给人什么样的观感? ibm

What strikes me as paradoxical is that, notwithstanding this negative bias, we as a society remain fascinated by the gilded life.
但我发现吊诡的是,尽管有负面的偏见,我们这个社会仍然着迷于镀金的生活。 yeeyan

While these methods may help tame the tangle of options, they suffer from one major problem: bias.
这些方法有助于解决选择的困惑,但却要面临另一个重大的问题:偏见。 yeeyan

Writing is alleviated via bias on abbreviation.
写被关于缩写通过偏见减轻。 kekenet




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