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词汇 visual angle
释义 visual angle ˈviʒuəlˈæŋɡl 短语¹⁸⁰⁰⁹⁸⁺¹
Among them, the former consists of the status model, the motion model, the visual angle error model, the delay arithmetic model and the relation between the missile and IR decoy.
红外诱饵弹数学模型包括红外诱饵弹的状态模型、运动模型、导弹视角误差模型、“延迟”算法以及导弹相对诱饵弹的运动关系。 cnki

Meanwhile, in the field of large screen display, Plasma Display Panel PDP featuring high contrast, high resolution and wide visual angle, shows great advantages in competition.
在大屏幕显示方面,等离子体显示屏 PDP以其大视角、高对比度、高分辨率等优势而显示出越来越强的竞争力。 cnki

The affirmative or negative visual angle in writing process is the reference idea followed by the author's psychology and the reflected of his value standard.
肯定性视角与否定性视角是作家在创作过程中以一种潜在的心理为背景所遵循的参照观念,是他所持有的一种价值标准的反映。 cnki

The fortified geography curriculum resource' s exploitation and using are this geography curriculum innovation' s new visual angle.
加强地理课程资源的开发和利用是本次地理课程改革的新视角。 cnki

Therefore the Dialogue theory offered us new visual angle and room for thinking.
对话理论为我们提供了一个新的视角与思考空间。 cnki

Among them, the principal- agent theory at modern economics is the important developments of theories. Its unique visual angle of treating the question makes it have outstanding theory glamour.
其中,委托—代理理论作为现代经济学理论的重要发展,它看待问题的独特视角使其具有非凡的理论魅力。 cnki

Equipped with steering auxiliary lamp, it effectively widens visual angle when the vehicle turns and ensures safety when driving during nighttime.

From the theory of visual angle of depiction, the reform of news writing is also a process that the visual angle of news writing transforms from single to multifarious.
从叙述视角理论来看,新闻写作改革的过程也是新闻从单一视角向多元视角叙述的转变过程。 cnki

From new visual angle, it mainly contains four aspects: dialectical guiding ideologies, supreme strategic position, actual basic general plans and scientific operating principles.
从新的视角看,其主要包括四个方面:辩证的指导思想,至高的战略地位,务实的基本方略和科学的操作原则。 cnki

In order to construct and develop the cultural philosophy of Marxism, it is necessary for us to analyze Marx's original cultural philosophy so as to widen its visual angle, and enrich its intension.
为了建构与发展马克思主义文化哲学观,我们有必要进一步理解分析马克思原生态文化哲学观点,以求拓宽其视角,丰富其内涵。 cnki

Multiple Intelligence Evaluation Theory provides new visual angle and multiple ways for the implementation of new course innovation.
多元智能评估理念为新课改的实施提供了新的视角和多元的切入点。 cnki

On the basis of the view, I re- explore to intension and function of literature education in middle school from the new visual angle.
在此观点基础上,笔者从新的视角对中学文学教育的内涵和功能进行了一番再探。 cnki

So this paper tries to study control on accounting fraud of listed company of our country from corporate governance structure visual angle.
为此本文从公司治理结构视角出发研究我国上市公司会计舞弊控制问题。 cnki

The article tries to analyze this problem from the visual angle of the new institutional economics.
本文试图从新制度经济学的视角来分析我国地方公债发行的问题。 cnki

The author is in inspired characters, peculiar writing style, from history and realistic visual angle, link the era theme closely, scrutinize and annotate“ harmonious” essence and deep intension.
作者以激扬的文字,别具一格的文风,从历史和现实的视角,紧扣时代主题,审视和诠释“和谐”之本质及其深刻内涵。 cnki

The second part of the essay discuss the art of narrating, mainly from three respects, the visual angle and the style of narrating, and the imagery.
论文的第二章是对苏童小说叙事艺术的探讨,主要从叙事视角、叙述风格及意象三方面进行论述。 cnki

The definition of the particular theory of games is a completely new visual angle undoubtedly.
特别是博奕论关于公司治理的定义无疑是一个崭新的视角。 cnki

Then it views the investors' behavior biases with the unique visual angle by proposing three models of white information box, black information box and grey information box.
同时借用了投资者的信息白箱、黑箱、灰箱三种模型,以独特的视角对投资者的行为偏差进行了透视。 cnki

There is not only theoretic rationality and realistic necessity, but also realistic maneuverability in government transformation under the visual angle of harmonious society.
社会视角下的政府转型不仅具有理论上的公道性、现实中的必然性、而且具有现实中的可操纵性。 qk114

These analyses not only builded up the role of PR in the stage of brand, but also offered new visual angle and strategies for brand construction.
通过这些分析,不仅重树了公关在品牌时代的地位,还给企业品牌塑造提供了新的视角和策略。 cnki

This article analyzes the development of money market after China entering WTO from the new visual angle of exchange rate system, capital flow and monetary policy.
本文从汇率制度、资本流动与货币政策的新视角分析加入 WTO后我国货币市场发展的问题。 cnki

This text does a discussion to the inherent motive force of private enterprises from the visual angle of enterprise culture.
文章从企业文化的视角,对民营企业发展的内在推动力问题进行了探讨。 cnki

This text attempts to do a discussion to the inherent motive force of private enterprises from the visual angle of enterprise culture.
本文试图从企业文化的视角,对民营企业发展的内在推动力问题作一探讨。 cnki




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