

单词 viscous
释义 vis·cous 英ˈvɪskəs美ˈvɪskəsAHDvĭsʹkəs ☆☆☆☆☆高四六GMST宝ICOCA³³⁴⁹⁴BNC¹⁹³⁹²iWeb¹⁹⁵³⁵Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

having a relatively high resistance to flowhaving the sticky properties of an adhesive来自viscid,粘稠的。viscous stress粘性应力viscous resistance粘滞阻力,粘性阻力…viscous creep粘滞蠕变viscous oil粘性油viscous drag粘滞曳力viscous flow滞流viscous damping粘性阻尼viscous loss粘滞损失viscous pressure粘滞压力viscous friction粘滞摩擦viscous fluid粘性流体viscous yielding粘性变形,粘性屈服…viscous force粘性力viscous damper粘性阻尼器viscous behavior粘滞性质viscous dissipation粘滞耗散,粘性耗散…viscous shear粘性剪力viscous slag粘性渣viscous liquid粘性液体viscous layer粘滞层
GRE红宝书vessel 血管里流的是粘状体液;disc 唱片,光盘,都是由粘状物体聚碳酸酯压制而成GRE难词记忆viscous→visc=birdlime 粘鸟胶+ous→→粘鸟胶的→黏稠的visc黏稠之物+ous形容词后缀⇒黏稠的,黏滞的。近义词 gluey胶的thick厚的sticky粘的gummy黏性的tacky发粘的gooey胶粘的pasty浆糊的viscid粘质的syrupy糖浆的coherent连贯的adherent追随者glutinous粘性的treacly如糖蜜的adhesive有粘性的gelatinous凝胶状的mucilaginous粘液质的

用作形容词The monomer, or base epoxy, is a light amber fluid which is usually quiteviscous.单体或碱性环氧树脂,是一种淡琥珀色的液体,通常都是很粘的。adj.sticky, gummy
同义词 gooey,slimy,syrupyadhesive,clammy,gelatinous,gluey,glutinous,mucilaginous,ropy,stiff,tenacious,thick,tough,viscid
反义词 dryunsticky,watery
adhesiveadjective sticking
clingingadjective adhesive
gelatinousadjective coagulated
gooeyadjective sticky, gummy
liquidadjective fluid, flowing, melting
miryadjective slimy
clammy,glutinous,mucky,mucous,muculent,muddy,oozy,scummy,sludgy,slushy,viscous,yukky At the other end of the spectrum is a crude oil that is viscous and with a high wax content.
另一个极端现象就是原油的泄漏,因为原油有很高的粘度,并含有大量的蜡成分。 yeeyan

Our ball bearings are all here, and so we are exclusively operating1 in regime one where the viscous term dominates.

The moisture of the stones, and the viscous nature of the timber framework furnished but poor supports to which to cling, either for hand or foot.
潮湿的石头和粘滑的沟槽对手和脚都是不利的支撑点。 ebigear

The viscous term has to do with the stickiness of the medium.

Well, let's first ask the question, when is the viscous term and the pressure term the same for what velocity?

“The smaller the bird, the more viscous the air is,” he said, which is partly why hummingbirds can maneuver so well and for so long.
“鸟类的体型越小,空气的粘性就相对越大,”他说,这也是为什么蜂鸟如此灵活且机动时间如此之长的部分原因。 yeeyan

Eyjafjallajokull's most recent previous eruption, from late1821 to early 1823, also had quite viscous lava. But that does not mean the volcano produced fine ash continuously.
岛山冰山最近的爆发发生于1821年年底到1823年之间,熔岩粘度也很大,但那并不意味着火山会不断地产生细火山灰。 ecocn

For example, titanium dioxide a naturally occurring mineral often used as a pigment or thickener is considered to be safe when put into a viscous mixture, such as in sunscreen or toothpaste.
例如,二氧化钛一种天然矿物,可用做着色剂或粘稠剂在粘稠状混合物中是安全的,如防晒露或牙膏。 yeeyan

For the particle- separation experiments, the researchers covered a large Lego board with cylindrical Lego pegs and placed the board vertically in a fish tank filled with glycerol, a viscous liquid.
在做颗粒分离实验时,研究人员在一块大乐高板上插满了圆柱状乐高钉,然后把板垂直放入盛满粘性液体甘油的鱼缸。 yeeyan

His task is to transfer an entire syringe of semi- viscous content into a space that's already filled with tissue and fat.
他的任务是把一针管的半粘性物质注射到已经充满了组织和脂肪的位置。 yeeyan

Horn reported back to the capital firm that the product still had a chance, but only if it got new money to fund research into finding a liquid coolant less viscous than the gel.
Horn向总部报告说,如果新的资金能投入研发替代胶体的低粘性冷却液,这款产品仍有市场机会。 yeeyan

In Canada, a VLSD viscous limited slip differential was standard on all cars.
在加拿大市场,粘性防滑差速器 VLSD是所有车的标配。 yeeyan

Konjac fiber has multiple benefits. Konjac is much more viscous than usual fibers, retaining up to17 times its weight in water.
魔芋有很多益处,它比普通纤维更具黏性,吸水量达到自身重量的17倍。 hjenglish

Last time Eyjafjallajokull erupted, from late 1821 to early1823, it also had quite viscous lava.
上次,从1821年末到1823年初喷发的艾雅法拉火山同样有相当黏的岩浆。 ecocn

Less gas and more viscous magma usually mean a less dramatic eruption, often causing streams of lava to ooze from the vent.
气体少,粘浆多通常不会导致剧烈的喷发,往往可见一股股熔岩从火山口流出。 yeeyan

Oil sands consist of clay, sand, and other minerals, coated in water and thick, viscous oil called bitumenor asphalt.
油砂包含有粘土、沙子和其它矿物,由水和粘稠的沥青把它们混合在一起。 yeeyan

One is the composition of the lava. The more viscous lava is, the harder it is for gases within it to bubble out, so such lava has an explosive tendency.
一是熔岩的成份,熔岩越黏,里面气体向外涌就越困难,因此这种熔岩有爆炸倾向。 ecocn

That is below the level needed to justify further investment in the expensive projects open to Western oil firms, such as extracting oil from the viscous tar sands of Canada.
该价格低于西方石油公司昂贵项目――如从加拿大黏性沥青砂中提炼石油――的投资成本价。 ecocn

The more viscous lava is, the harder it is for gases within it to bubble out, so such lava has an explosive tendency.
岩浆越黏,其内部的气体想通过气泡冒出就越困难,所以这种岩浆有爆炸的倾向。 ecocn

The device developed by Curapipe consists of a train of two pigs with a viscous composite trapped between them.
Curapipe公司开发的节水装置由两只“猪”连接在一起,将一种起密封剂作用的粘性混合物夹在中间。 ecocn

The oil they produce is more viscous and acidic than the norm, and so harder to handle.
这些油田所产的石油比正常的更为粘稠更具酸性,而且更加难以进行加工。 ecocn

The sperm with the X chromosome had a larger head and a longer tail, and so, he figured, they would get bogged down in the viscous liquid.
他断定,带有 X染色体的精子头部较大,尾巴较长,将会陷在粘性液体中。 yeeyan

Venezuelan crude, much of which is heavymeaning viscous, currently sells for around half that figure.
委内瑞拉的原油大部分是重油粘性较大,而且目前的卖价仅为预估值的一半。 ecocn

We call this the viscous term, and we call this the pressure term.

When the external temperature rises, the gel component starts to break down and become less viscous, creating new pathways through which the sol can flow and speeding up the cell's movement.
当外部温度提高时,凝胶成分开始分解而且变得不那么粘性,创造了一个溶胶可以流动并且加快细胞移动速度的新途径。 yeeyan




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