

单词 virtually
释义 vir·tu·al·ly 英ˈvɜːtʃuːəliː美ˈvɝtʃuəliAHDvûrʹch›-ə-lē ★★★☆☆高四六研IMT牛4八COCA²⁵⁵⁹BNC¹⁹⁵⁵iWeb³³²⁸Economist³⁷³⁷


almost; very nearly

in essence or effect but not in fact;

the strike virtually paralyzed the city

I'm virtually broke

of actions or states slightly short of or not quite accomplished; all but;

the job is just about done

the baby was almost asleep when the alarm sounded

we're almost finished

the car all but ran her down

he nearly fainted

talked for nigh onto 2 hours

the recording is well-nigh perfect

virtually all the parties signed the contract

I was near exhausted by the run

most everyone agrees

词根词缀: virt勇气,力量,能力,技能,优点 + -ual形容词词尾 + -ly副词词尾virtually impossible根本不可能
非常记忆virtual实际上的〖熟词〗+ly老爷〖拼音〗⇒实际上他就是老爷virtual几乎是事实的,虚拟的+ly副词后缀⇒几乎,差不多;虚拟地。谐音记忆音“我调理”⇒实际上是我调理的近义词 actuallypractically
用作副词adv.He was virtually a prisoner.他实际上是个囚犯。
The job was virtually completed by the end of the week.到周末时这项工作差不多完成了。
用作副词It isvirtuallyimpossible to predict the future accurately.精确预言未来的事实际上是办不到的。
It's not an agreement as such, but it will havevirtuallythe same effect as one.它算不上是协定, 但实际上起协定的作用。
This opinion was held byvirtuallyall the experts.差不多所有的专家都持这一看法。adv.for all practical purposes
同义词 basically,essentially,nearly,practicallyaround,as good as,effectually,for all intents and purposes,fundamentally,give or take a little,guesstimate,implicitly,in all but name,in effect,in essence,in substance,in the ballpark,in the neighborhood,morally,not absolutely,not actually,something like,upwards of
almostadverb nearly, very nearly
about,about to,all but,approximately,around,as good as,bordering on,close to,close upon,essentially,for all practical purposes,for the greatest part,in effect,in the neighborhood of,in the vicinity of,just about,most,much,near to,nigh,not far from,not quite,on the brink of,on the edge of,on the point of,on the verge of,practically,pretty near,relatively,roughly,substantially,well-nigh,within sight of
essentiallyadverb basically
actually,approximately,at heart,at the heart of,centrally,characteristically,chiefly,determinately,factually,fundamentally,importantly,in effect,in essence,indispensably,inherently,intimately,intrinsically,materially,more or less so,naturally,necessarily,originally,permanently,primarily,principally,quite,radically,really,significantly,substantially,truly,typically,virtually,vitally
in effectadverb in actuality
morallyadverb practically
nearlyadverb almost
about,all but,approaching,approximately,as good as,circa,close but no cigar,closely,give or take a little,in effect,in essence,in substance,in the ballpark,in the neighborhood,just about,more or less,most,much,nearabout,not quite,practically,pretty near,roughly,round,roundly,some,somewhere,upwards of,virtually,well-nigh,within a little
per seadverb essentially
alone,as such,by and of itself,by definition,by its very nature,by itself,fundamentally,in essence,in itself,independently,intrinsically,of itself,singularly,solely,virtually And he began to wonder if he was seeing something virtually unheard of: forged fingerprints.
他开始怀疑自己是否看到了几乎闻所未闻的东西:伪造指纹。 yeeyan

It's not unusual for me to take a project from an idea through implementation and training, but this was a rare opportunity to specify virtually everything involved in the project.
对于我来说,经历一个项目从设想到实现再到培训的整个过程并不鲜见,但还是很少有机会自主地确定项目的几乎每个方面。 ibm

The high price of ivory is increasing the incentive to kill elephants everywhere in Africa, and especially in places where there is virtually no law.
象牙的高额卖价不断地刺激着人们在非洲到处猎杀大象,特别是在一些几乎不存在法律的地方猎杀。 ecocn

The introduction of this new authentication function was virtually transparent to employees.
这个新身份验证功能的引入几乎对员工是透明的。 ibm

Also, elderly inmates without family or community ties have virtually no chance of parole, which is granted only for those with a reliable guardian.
此外,没有家庭或者社会关系的老年犯人几乎没有假释的机会,虽然假释只需要一名可靠的监护人。 yeeyan

Best of all, it can turn virtually any script or program into a service.
最重要的是,它实际上可以把任何脚本或程序转换为服务。 ibm

But this time the company plans to bring them together virtually, via online meetings.
但这一次,事实上,公司计划通过在线会议的手段将他们聚在一起。 ecocn

Companies have virtually no powers of coercion.
公司实际上没有任何强制力。 yeeyan

From the blastema come skin, muscle, bone, blood vessels and neurons, ultimately growing into a limb virtually identical to the old one.
皮肤、肌肉、血管和神经元从芽基中长出来,最终生长成为和原来肢体几乎一模一样的新肢体。 yeeyan

I hated to give up Dick Morris, but by then he had become so involved with Republican candidates and officeholders that he was compromised in the eyes of virtually all Democrats.
虽然我不愿意弃用迪克.莫里斯,但在那时,他已经与共和党的候选人和官员过从太密,因此,他在几乎所有民主党人眼里有妥协的嫌疑。 yeeyan

I think virtually all parents want their children to do well in school.
我想,事实上每一个家长都希望自己的孩子学业成功。 yeeyan

It's like an agile athlete balancing on one foot: They constantly adjust and realign themselves, but these adjustments are virtually unnoticeable in the context of the performance.
这就像一只脚平衡的灵活的运动员:他们不断地调整并重新校准自己,但这些调整在性能的情况下实际上是不明显的。 ibm

Only tenuously linked to any civilian institution, they are above the law and sign off on virtually all big decisions.
只要与任何文人机关扯上一点关连,他们的地位就高于法律并实际上签署所有重大决定。 ecocn

Questions of good and bad, virtue and vice, appear on virtually every page of The Prince.

Schools have done what virtually every organization does when implementing an innovation: cram it into its existing operating model to sustain what it already does.
学校已经做了几乎每一个组织在实施一项革新时都会做的:将它填补到其现有的教学模式,以保持之前的措施。 yeeyan

She has virtually become our adviser.

They will be so realistic that it will be virtually impossible to tell them from the real thing.
事实上,他们是如此逼真,你不可能将他们从真实的东西中区分出来。 ebigear

They still do, with some now virtually the size of continents.
它们现在仍然这样,大小几乎要跟上大陆的面积。 yeeyan

This implied there would be virtually no inflation at all, on average, over the next decade.
这意味着,在未来十年内,平均而言将几乎没有任何通货膨胀。 hjenglish

This word has virtually dropped out of usage today.

Yet recent reports say that around 350 of them have abandoned their country over the past several years, virtually all to the reviled United States.
然而,最近的报道称,在过去几年中,大约有350名球员抛弃自己的国家,几乎都去了政治上被痛斥的美国。 ecocn

Yet virtually all plan to step up the pace of austerity.
然而几乎所有的计划都将加快紧缩的步伐。 yeeyan

Virtually all people want their beliefs to be in some correspondence with reality, and they also want to act to maximize the achievement of their goals.
事实上,所有人都希望他们的信念多少是与现实相符的,同时也希望他们的行为能够最大程度地促进目标的实现。 yeeyan




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