释义 |
bhikkhuBNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹ 基本例句 🌏比丘;比库;比丘相应 A quarrelsome bhikkhu shrouded by delusion, does not comprehend the Dhamma taught by the Awakened One when it is revealed. 喜欢争论、愚昧痴迷的比丘,即使教他,他也不懂佛陀宣示的法门。 fjnet Being a Bhikkhu from the birthplace of Buddha, Nepal, I am very proud to participate in this program and share my views here. 作为一名在佛陀诞生地尼泊尔的比丘,我很自豪地参予这一计划和在此分享我的见解。 blog.sina.com.cn Indian Sangha community proceeded its management by following the regulations for Bhikkhu and Bhikkhuni and twenty Khandas. 印度时期的佛教僧团,主要是通过二部戒法和二十犍度这样一些规范来达成对僧团的管理。 longquanzs Now I will tell you the layman's duty. Following it a lay- disciple would be virtuous; for it is not possible for one occupied with the household life to realize the complete bhikkhu practice dharma. 我还要告诉你们优婆塞怎样行事才能成为好佛徒,因为完整的比丘之法,在家的优婆塞是达不到的。 fjnet Please ordain me a Bhikkhu so that I can develop the Noble Eightfold Path. 请给我授戒让我成为比丘,这样我就能够修行八正道。 blog.sina.com.cn So he approached the Lord Buddha and requested ordination as a Bhikkhu. 于是他靠近佛陀,请求受戒成为比丘。 blog.sina.com.cn Such a Bhikkhu is taken away by human beings. He will be unable to reach the ocean. He will be attached to these people whom he is improperly associating with. 这个比丘就是被人所取,他没办法到达大海,因为他执着这些他不如法交往的人。 blog.sina.com.cn Taken away by a human being means that a Bhikkhu lives, mingling improperly with laity. 被人所取是指比丘不如法地跟俗人混在一起。 blog.sina.com.cn |