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词汇 Virgo
释义 Vir·go ˈvɜːɡəʊ;英ˈvɜːgəʊ美ˈvɝgo ★★☆☆☆高

astrology a person who is born while the sun is in Virgoa large zodiacal constellation on the equator; between Leo and Librathe sixth sign of the zodiac; the sun is in this sign from about August 23 to September 22直接来自拉丁语名词virgo处女,宾格形式为virginem,是英语单词virgin处女的词源。古希腊神话中,谷物女神德墨忒尔有个独生女儿,叫做珀尔塞福涅,长得十分美丽。冥王哈迪斯看上了她,趁她在外游玩时掳走了她,强迫她做了冥后。谷物女神德墨忒尔上门索求女儿时,冥王施展诡计,哄骗珀耳塞福涅吃了三颗冥府的石榴籽。这样,珀耳塞福涅每年不得不离开母亲,回到冥府住三个月。女儿离开的这三个月,谷物女神无心掌管农事,万物凋零,人世间进入冬季。后来,宙斯将珀耳塞福涅的形象升入天空,成为了星空中的“处女座”,在拉丁语中被称为Virgo。virgo cluster室女座星系团;处女座…
近义词 virgin处女

用作名词Mercury's new transit ofVirgowill begin tonight.水星将于今晚开始转入处女座。
If something is wrong, aVirgowill want to help.如果需要帮忙,处女座的人会挺身而出。
Saturn will finally leaveVirgoand stop opposing your Sun.土星终于离开了处女宫结束了和太阳的对抗。
Saturn inVirgohas been having a strong influence on your life, making it much more serious and no-frills, especially for the March-born Pisces.落于处女宫的土星一直对你的个人生活有着强烈的影响,食将会让这种影响更加深远和精准,尤其对于三月鱼更是如此。as in.sign of the zodiac
同义词 Aquarius,Aries,Cancer,Capricorn,Gemini,Libra,Pisces,Sagittarius,Scorpio,Taurus,horoscope sign,leo,zodiac sign
sign of the zodiacnoun astrological sign
Aquarius,Aries,Cancer,Capricorn,Gemini,Libra,Pisces,Sagittarius,Scorpio,Taurus,horoscope sign,leo,zodiac sign The Caoricorn's practicality suits the Virgo's accuracy perfectly.
摩羯座的实用与处女座追求精确完美结合。 yeeyan

The Virgo's cautious, prudent attitude the to sex doesn't satisfy unlimited desires of the Pisces.
处女座对于性爱的谨慎、小心翼翼无法满足双鱼座对于性爱的无限欲望。 yeeyan

Being cold and detached also comes under the Virgo personality traits.
处女座的个性下会显示出冷酷和格格不入的特性。 yeeyan

Gemini treats Virgo as a boring creature.
双子座认为处女座无趣。 yeeyan

Handout image from The Virgo Consortium of a computer simulation to illustrate the distribution of dark matter in the Universe.
计算机模拟的这张免费分发的处女座星团图片显示出宇宙黑暗物质的分布。 yeeyan

He notes that the Milky Way’s north side points toward the Virgo cluster, an enormous nearby gathering of galaxies.
他注解道银河的北边指向的是室女座大星云,一个临近星系聚在一起组成的庞然大物。 yeeyan

Leo, a fire sign, is the fifth sign of the Zodiac and is ruled by Sun; whereas Virgo, an earth sign, is the sixth Zodiac sign ruled by the planet Mercury.
狮子座是一个火象星座,是黄道十二宫中第十五个星座,它的守护星是太阳;然而处女座属于土象星座,黄道十二宫中第六个星座,守护星是水星。 yeeyan

Leo will respect Virgo's clever and alert mentality.
狮子座能尊重处女座的机智及警惕。 yeeyan

Life is never boring for Virgo and Pisces and their discussions are never dull.
处女座和双鱼座的生活永远不会无趣,而他们间的讨论也永远不会乏味。 yeeyan

Love making between Virgo man and Pisceswoman also depends on their level of understanding!
处女座男人和双鱼座女人之间的爱也依赖于彼此理解的程度之上。 yeeyan

People born under Leo and those born under Virgo are completely different from each other as their personalities, thoughts and outlook towards life is completely opposite.
狮子座的人和处女座的人彼此在个性,思维方式,以及他们的生命观都是完全相反的。 yeeyan

Restrained Virgo has trouble keeping up with highly demonstrative Scorpio and doesn't understand what all the fuss and bother is about.
克制的处女座不太能了解超爱表现的天蝎,也不能理解天蝎的小题大做和烦恼。 yeeyan

Similarly, Virgo renders the much needed stability to the relationship and helps the Pisces in decision making.
同样的,处女座也给予双鱼座稳定的关系以及在帮助双鱼座作出决定。 yeeyan

TAURUS & VIRGO: Problems usually arise in the bedroom, however in all other areas you and your Virgoan will do remarkably well.
金牛座和处女座:问题总是出现在卧室里,不过在其它任何方面你们都配合得相当不错。 kekenet

Taurus's tenacity and Virgo's sharp mind are a good combination for success as a team.
金牛座的坚持不懈与处女座睿智的头脑对于一个成功的团队来说是个完美组合。 yeeyan

The Virgos' feeling of safety is vanishing. Sagittarius doesn't try to understand the Virgo's needs.
处女座会渐渐地没有安全感而射手座并没有尝试去理解处女座的需求。 yeeyan

When Virgo and Scorpio join together in a love match, these Signs that are two apart in the Zodiac are brought together.
当处女座和天蝎座在爱情竞赛中携起手来,这两个黄道之中分离的星座将会相聚。 putclub

You're not the only sign feeling the financial squeeze play this week. Virgo is also dancing this two-step see above.
你不是本周唯一感觉到财政困难的星座,处女座也是这种情况。 hjenglish

Virgo likes to attack back when confronted.

Virgo man is least likely to understand the emotional requirements of his sentimental partner, which will hurt her often.
处女座男人是很难理解他的脆弱伴侣的情感需求的,所以他经常伤害她。 yeeyan

Virgo men can turn selfish and cold at times, whereas, the Pisces woman is known for her kindness and compassion.
处女座男人有时会变得自私和冷漠,反之,双鱼座女人却以仁慈和怜悯而著称。 yeeyan

Virgo personalities have a mind which bears a strong and firm character.
处女座性格中有着坚强和刚毅的个性。 yeeyan

Virgo wants a long term commitment; Sagittarius has to be free to roam.
处女座想拥有长期承诺,而射手座需要自由,从而“漫步花丛中”。 yeeyan

Virgo will try to excite and satisfy the partner.
处女座则尝试使对方感到激动和满意。 yeeyan

Virgo woman and Pisces man, is an extremely fulfilling relationship. Virgo woman is extremely pampered by her Pisces partner and often left wondering what to expect next from her romantic partner.
处女座女人和双鱼座男人是非常和谐的一对,处女座女人被她的双鱼座伴侣纵容着,她的浪漫伴侣让她常常期待着他。 yeeyan

Virgo's are work, security and cleanliness oriented.
处女座都是勤奋、可靠并有洁癖的人。 putclub

Virgo's neat orderly mind meshes well with Capricorn's self-discipline and capacity for hard work.
处女座头脑清醒有序与摩羯座的自律和努力工作相协调。 yeeyan




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