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词汇 virginity
释义 vir·gin·i·ty 英vəˈdʒɪnɪtiː美vɚˈdʒɪnɪtiAHDvər-jĭnʹĭ-tē ●○○○○高COCA²³⁰⁹⁷BNC²⁰⁷⁶⁷iWeb¹⁸³⁷⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
the condition or quality of being a virginthe white rose of virginity白玫瑰似的纯洁…
virgin-ity名词⇒n.处女⁴⁵;处女性²;童贞⁵³近义词 virtue美德innocence无罪

用作名词And he shall take a wife in hervirginity.他要娶处女为妻。
The heart of that ex-convict was full ofvirginity.这个老苦役犯的心里充满了处子的纯真。
She lost hervirginitywhen she was twenty.她是二十岁失去童贞的。noun.celibacy, chastity
同义词 purityabstinence,chasteness,cleanness,continence,honor,innocence,integrity,maidenhood,restraint,sinlessness,spotlessness,virtueimmaculacy
反义词 corruption,disgrace,dishonor,evil,wildness
celibacynoun abstinence from sexual activity
chastitynoun celibacy, purity
puritynoun chastity
virtuousnessnoun chastity
abstemiousness,abstinence,chasteness,cleanness,continence,decency,demureness,devotion,honor,immaculacy,innocence,integrity,modesty,monogamy,morality,naïveté,purity,restraint,singleness,sinlessness,spotlessness,temperance,uprightness,virginity,virtue Now one of the moments in which this tension between virginity and chastity seems to be most pronounced is in the encounter between Comus and the Lady that we looked at in the last class.

The brothel's owner rubbed her with pineapple juice, which supposedly lightens the skin, and sold her virginity to a businessman.
妓院老板给她涂擦上凤梨汁以使皮肤光亮,把她的童贞卖给了一位商人。 yeeyan

There is a lot of pressure on young women to lose their virginity.
当代女性承受很大压力,不得不结束她们的处女之身。 yeeyan

There are disagreements even among Puritans about which state, virginity or married chastity, is the superior one in the eyes of God.

There's also another transition that he's making, and this involves the subject of virginity: not a speechlessness, but his actual abstinence.

And the surgery they are waiting for is to restore their virginity.
而她们等待的外科手术将使其“重返处女之身”。 yeeyan

As Alice sees it, it is not your virginity that is the problem, but your sense of isolation and loneliness.
爱丽丝觉得,童贞不是你的问题,问题在于你感到被隔绝,很寂寞。 yeeyan

Both groups lost their virginity at an average age of21, had about three lifetime partners, and had similar rates of STDs.
两组人都在平均年龄21岁时失去童贞,平均有过三名固定性伴,并且有相似传染性病的几率。 yeeyan

But, maybe we need to throw out the idea of virginity altogether, toss away the idea that you “ lose” something from a single act.
但是,也许我们需要完全丢掉处女这个概念,不要有从一个行为中你会失去什么的想法。 yeeyan

But now a senior general who asked not to be identified said the virginity tests were conducted and defended the practice.
但是现在一名将军在要求不要暴露身份的情况下说出了处女检查的事实,并为此进行了辩护。 yeeyan

Now it goes without saying that we all know what virginity is.

She has been re- enacting events from her life for more than10 years, including her own birth, losing her virginity in“ a sunny blue Plymouth” and her grandfather's funeral.
她已经像这样重新上演她的生活10多年了。包括她的出生,她在“一个阳光明媚的蓝色普利茅斯”中失去的童贞和她祖父的葬礼。 yeeyan

Since then, statements that he felt“ threatened” by homosexuality and that advised women not to treat virginity“ lightly” have entrenched his image as a social conservative.
自此以后,他的言论,比如声称他感觉受到同性恋现象的“威胁”,比如规劝女人不要“轻率地”对待童贞,牢固地树立了他社会保守派的形象。 ecocn

Sometimes programs are measured by how many teens take virginity pledges, not whether the teens stick to them, avoid sexually transmitted diseases or unplanned pregnancies, says Rosenbaum.
他说,有时候一些项目只是去衡量有多少青少年做了童贞宣誓,而不是有多少人认真去履行他们,避免性病和意外怀孕。 yeeyan

That's how I find myself in the Hotel Chelsea with kind, funny and incredibly hot James, barely dressed and as close as I've ever been to losing my virginity.
我就是这样发现自己在切尔西酒店和善良、风趣而且非常性感的吉姆斯一起,几乎没穿衣服,眼看就要失去我的童贞了。 yeeyan

The women were required to take a vow of virginity, and though often seen as a flourish, they meant business: in 1998, one died and two more were injured when Gaddafi was attacked.
虽然这支队伍经常被看做是一帮巾帼花瓶,可她们给卡扎菲打工那是真“卖命”:1998年卡扎菲遇刺受袭时,他的处女保镖一死两伤。 yeeyan

Try thinking about your virginity in another way.
试着从另外一个角度来思考你的童贞。 yeeyan

Virginity is probably never going to be seen as cool, especially as it has been claimed as a“cause” by devoutly religious groups.
处女很可能在将来并不是一件好事,尤其是它被虔诚的宗教团体一直视为一种“原则”。 yeeyan




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