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词汇 vipassana
释义 vipassanaCOCA¹⁶⁰⁷⁵⁴
Are you committed fully and exclusively to the practice of Vipassana meditation as taught by S. N. Goenka and his authorized assistant teachers?

In this context, vipassana is synonymous with panna.
此处,毗婆舍那与般若《智慧》等义。 foyuan

Realization at these two levels is called Right Understanding Sammaditthi in the course of Vipassana meditation.

Sitting cross- legged, my hands cupped upward, I began to struggle with the basics of Vipassana meditation, trying to pay attention to my breath as it tickled my nostrils.
盘腿坐下,双手呈杯状向上伸,开始努力内观修行,鼻子发痒时我试着把注意力集中到呼吸上。 yeeyan

Although Vipassana meditation is beneficial for most people, it is not a substitute for medical or psychiatric treatment and we do not recommend it for people with serious psychiatric disorders.
虽然内观能带给一般人最大的利益,可是它是不能取代医药或精神病的治疗。所以我们不推荐给患有严重精神异常的人来参加这项课程。 trvihara

Although Vipassana was developed as a technique by the Buddha, its practice is not limited to Buddhists.
虽然内观技巧是由佛陀所开展出来,但这并不等于只限于佛教徒才可以修习。 trvihara

And that is how I learned the art of Vipassana Divorce.
这就是我如何学习内观分离的艺术。 yeeyan

And when I say don't feel sorry for Vipassana, I mean it.
并且当我说的时候,别对 Vipassana感到懊悔,我意思是。 jingxin

But after meditating Vipassana-style for a few months, I also knew how to handle that terror: I would place my fear in a display case, as if it were a diamond, and shine a spotlight on it.
但是经过几个月的内观修行,我已经知道如何掌控恐惧:把恐惧寄托在可见的物体上,假如它是颗钻石,就找到它的焦点。 yeeyan

But Vipassana is not mere labelling or reciting, so one must not cling to them blindly.
但内观不仅仅是标记或念名,所以一个人不能盲目地执着这些。 bhfj

By Day4, she hated him. She deplored his hands; the fancy way he held his fingers struck her as pretentious. And just like that, her Vipassana Romance vanished.
到了第四天,她开始讨厌他。原本所迷恋的握手方式突然让她觉得他很自命不凡。就这样,她的内观浪漫消失了。 yeeyan

Doing Vipassana means to be aware. Being aware is very fruitful. The Buddha practiced Dhamma through being aware, and so became Enlightened.
修毘婆舍那也就是要觉知,觉知是非常有成效的,佛陀依觉知修习佛法而觉悟的。 tseatw

Eventually, he went to Asia and did extensive training in each of the three major Buddhist meditative traditions: Vajrayana, Zen, and Vipassana.

However, to do Vipassana we have to study through listening and reading at first, before we start practicing. Otherwise we'll waste a lot of time gathering all the leaves in the forest.
然而,在练习毘婆舍那之前,我们必须先听闻并阅读经典,否则会浪费很多时间在收集森林里的叶子。 tseatw

I am teaching Vipassana because I got benefit from it and I want to share my benefit with others.
我在教 Vipassana,因为我从中得到了好处,而我希望与其他人分享这个好处。

In fact, Vipassana eliminates the three causes of all unhappiness: craving, aversion and ignorance.
事实上,修习内观可以根除三大苦的根源,亦即:贪爱、瞋恨与愚痴。 trvihara

Is your spouse a Vipassana meditator in this tradition?

Of the idea-concepts, the concept of a being must be abandoned if one is to have any Vipassana insight at all.
在思想观念的概念法中,必须放弃众生的概念,才谈得上成就任何内观智。 folou

One is known as vipassana and the other is anapanasati, ' contemplation'.

People from many religious denominations have experienced the benefits of Vipassana meditation, and have found no conflict with their profession of faith.
很多来自不同宗教的人都已体验过内观静坐所带来的利益,亦发觉和本身的信仰毫无冲突。 trvihara

Researchers spent three months training volunteers in the practice of Vipassana meditation, which centers on minimizing distractions.
研究者花了三个月的时间训练志愿者练习致力于减少分心的 Vipassana冥想。 yeeyan

The type of meditation, called Vipassana, is an ancient discipline from India and taught as a form of rigorous self- observation, leading to mental and emotional freedom.
这种冥想叫作内观 Vipassana,是来自印度的一种古老训练,并且教导人们严格自我观察的形式,走向心理与情绪自由。 ectalking

The Vipassana Research Institute VRI was established in1985 for the purpose of conducting research into the sources and applications of the Vipassana Meditation Technique.
内观研究所 VRI建于1985年,旨在引导研究回归源头,指导内观禅修技术的应用。

This is the real purpose of Vipassana meditation: to awaken an understanding of truth in all its aspects, and to maintain this understanding in every situation.

This is Vipassana: experiencing one's own reality by the systematic and dispassionate observation within oneself of the ever- changing mind-matter phenomenon manifesting itself as sensations.
这就是内观:体验自我实相,借着有系统的与平静的观察,观察自身不断变化的身心现象所显示出来的感受。 yeeyan

Vipassana is a universal path.
内观是一条普遍可行之道。 yeeyan

Vipassana meditation aims at the highest spiritual goals of total liberation and full enlightenment.
内观静坐的最终目标是证得完全的解脱和全然的觉悟。 trvihara




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