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词汇 Vioxx
释义 VioxxCOCA⁴⁵³⁷⁸

a Cox-2 inhibitor trade name Vioxx that relieves pain and inflammation without harming the digestive tract; voluntarily withdrawn from the market in 2004近义词 rofecoxib罗非考昔<抗关节炎药…
The last thing Merck needs is even the hint of anotherVioxx.最后默克需要的是,甚至暗示的另一个万络。
Vioxx?Can My Doctor Provide Me With Safe Prescription Painkillers?点此看更多相关文章 来源: 作者: 名称:Celebrex?
Merck failed to warn doctors about the risks of its painkillerVioxx.没有警告一声关于止痛药V的危害。
Or consider rofecoxib, more commonly known asVioxx, the once popular pain reliever made by Merck.另一个例子为默克公司生产的rofecoxib,这种商品名为伟克适Vioxx的止痛剂曾经相当畅销。
Doctor Graham said his agency denied evidence thatVioxxwas unsafe.He also said the F.D.也不愿意认可那些已获批准的药品的安全问题。
Vioxx, a pain reliever made by Merck, was pulled from the market in 2004 due to harmful side effects.万络,止痛药作出了由默克公司撤出市场,在2004年,由于有害的副作用。 And it reiterates that Merck still has not shut the door on the possibility of selling Vioxx again.
这就使我们意识到,默克公司实际上还没有关闭重卖万络的可能性。 dxy

Merck failed to warn doctors about the risks of its painkiller Vioxx.
没有警告一声关于止痛药 V的危害。 putclub

The drug maker also said the journal article contained“ numerous inaccuracies” and that its conclusions were based on a limited selection of documents produced in the Vioxx litigation.
默克同时称,该文章包含“很多不正确的地方”,并且该结论的依据仅局限于万络案中提供的一些文献资料。 dxy

The chairman of Merck, a giant American drugs firm, got the top job after a safety scandal caused Vioxx, the firm’s blockbuster painkiller, to be pulled from the market in 2004.
美国的制药巨头默克公司2004年因安全丑闻将其恶名昭著的止痛药万络召回,随后,迪克•克拉克出任公司董事长。 ecocn

The civil suit accuses Merck of hiding information about the seriousness of the risks of heart attacks and strokes for patients taking Vioxx.
民事诉讼控告默克公司向服用万络的患者隐瞒了药物致心脏病发作及中风危险的严重性的信息。 dxy

The criminal charge arose out of the fact that Vioxx had also been promoted as a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis before being officially approved.
该药因被作为治疗关节炎的药物推销而被指控,而这种推销行为是在获得药品管理部门正式批准之前。 qiewo

The jump wasn't driven by a few high- profile drug problems, such as Merck's withdrawal of painkiller Vioxx in 2004 and Pfizer's suspension of rival painkiller Bextra in 2005.
暴涨不能归因于少数世人瞩目的药物问题,如2004年的默克公司止痛药万络退市和辉瑞公司类似的止痛药 Bextra暂停上市。 dxy

The painkiller Vioxx was voluntarily withdrawn in2004, and more recently the diabetes drug Avandia, which is still on the market, has been the focus of congressional inquiries and lawsuits.
止痛药 Vioxx在2004年自动撤销。最近仍然在销售的糖尿病药物 Avandia面临着国会的调查和诉讼。 yeeyan

The recent Vioxx debacle bears this out.
最近 Vioxx的崩溃证明了这一点。 yeeyan

After a series of safety scandals involving Merck’s Vioxx, GlaxoSmithKline’s Avandia and other problem pills, America’s Food and Drug Administration is now decidedly risk- averse.
经历了默克公司的止痛药万络、葛兰素史克的文的亚事件等一系列药品丑闻后,目前美国食品和药品管理局坚决的采取了风险规避态度。 ecocn

After Vioxx and other safety controversies, “ the American people no longer trust the FDA to protect their health, ” said Nissen, who has served on FDA advisory panels.
发生了万络和其他安全争议问题之后,“美国民众不在相信 FDA能够保护他们的健康,”就职于 FDA顾问团的尼森说。 dxy

Celebrex, in the same class of medicines as Merck's recalled Vioxx, is Pfizer's third- best-selling drug.
西乐葆使默克回想起同类的药物,也是在辉瑞第三畅销的药品——万络。 ii86

Compared to placebos, Vioxx and Prexige were associated with twice the risk of heart attack.
与安慰剂相比,万络和鲁米昔布高于其两倍的心脏病风险。 dxy

Critics said the FDA should have reacted sooner to signs of problems related to Vioxx and other medicines on the market.
批评家们说 FDA本应该早点对万络问题的迹象以及市场上其它的药物问题的迹象作出反应的。 dxy

In addition, researchers looked at the relative cardiovascular risks associated with three other drugs not sold in the U. S. , including Vioxx, Arcoxia, and Prexige.
另外,研究人员观察了伴随不在美国销售的其他三种药物的心血管相对风险,其中有万络、托昔布和鲁米昔布。 dxy

Investors are also suing Merck, saying it played down the risks of Vioxx and cost them billions of dollars in stock value after the drug was removed from the market.
投资者也在起诉默克公司,称它轻描淡写了万络的风险,造成了他们的股票价值在药品从市场下架后蒸发了数十亿美元。 topsage

It said the clinical trial had a legitimate scientific purpose in testing the gastrointestinal tolerability of Vioxx compared to the commonly used pain medicine, naproxen.
公司称该临床试验有正当科学目的,是为了比较万络与常用镇痛药萘普生间胃肠耐受性的差别。 dxy

Merck has already turned over at least two million documents in the federal litigation, whose plaintiffs claim Vioxx caused heart attacks and other injuries.
默克公司已经在这一系列诉讼案中递交了两百万份文件,这些案件中的原告都指控万络给他们带来了心脏病和其他损伤。 dxy

Safe natural alternative to Vioxx“ and” Celebrex.
安全的天然替代万络和西乐葆。 dumbmachine

The article includes excerpts of letters patients wrote to Merck about how well Vioxx worked for them.
这些文章包括那些患者写给默克公司的信,说万络对于他们有多重要。 dxy

The findings also support prior research linking rofecoxib Vioxx with adverse cardiovascular effects.
该研究也支持以前关于罗非考昔 Vioxx与心血管副作用相关的结论。 dxy

The New Jersey-based drugmaker was sued by tens of thousands of former Vioxx users who claimed to have been injured by the arthritis medicine.
以新泽西为生产基地的默克公司被数以千计万络使用者控告,这些使用者声称他们在关节炎治疗中受到伤害。 dxy

Then in2004, Merck withdrew its painkiller Vioxx after studies showed the pill increased the risk of heart attacks and strokes.
随后在2004年,在研究显示默克公司的止痛药万络增加了心脏病发作和中风的危险性后,该药撤出了市场。 dxy

Those payments will settle civil claims that its illegal marketing caused doctors to prescribe and bill the government for Vioxx they otherwise would not have prescribed.
这些资金将用于处理由默克制药公司非法销售而导致的民事索偿。这些民事索偿包括他们本不需要的医生处方和政府针对万络的提案。 topsage

With Vioxx event as example, literature research methods were used to analyze the experiences that USA solves those problems.
以万络事件为例,采用文献研究方法,分析美国解决药品安全风险问题的经验。 dictall

Vioxx and related pain medications were taken off the market in 2004 because they caused dangerous heart problems in some people.
2004年,万络及与它相关的缓解疼痛的药物被市场撤下,是由于它们会引发一些病人的心脏病。 dxy

Vioxx was touted as a safer alternative to painkillers such as aspirin when it was introduced in 1998.
1998年默克把罗非考昔推向市场时,曾吹嘘该药是阿司匹林等止痛药更加安全的替代药品。 examren

Vioxx was taken off the market in 2004.
万络在2004年已经退出市场。 dxy




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