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词汇 Bharara
释义 BhararaEconomist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
Ben Lawsky remembers the day in2004 when a case he and Bharara had been working on against the Mafia came to a head.
本•劳斯基记得在2004年,当时,他与巴拉拉负责的黑手党的案子到了紧要关头。 fortunechina

But Bharara kept his eye on the ticker as the market continued to fall and eventually came to the conclusion that something big was happening.
股市下跌的势头仍在继续,巴拉拉始终在密切关注着行情的变化,他最终得出的结论是,肯定发生了非常严重的事情。 fortunechina

Thirty members of the Mafia were arrested on a single morning; Lawsky and Bharara had to negotiate30 bail packages.
仅一天早上便逮捕了三十位黑手党成员;劳斯基和巴拉拉必须要商谈30份保释协议。 fortunechina

When Bharara heard of her firing, he went to her and vowed to take action.
巴拉拉听说她被解雇的事情后,他去拜访了她并发誓要采取行动。 fortunechina

While his crackdown on insider trading has been his highest-profile pelt, Bharara has been on a tear across all aspects of the criminal justice system.
此次针对内部交易的打击行动是他就职以来涉案级别最高的一次。 事实上,他的法眼监控着整个刑事司法系统的各个方面。 fortunechina

“ Mr. Bharara is a charismatic figure who is comfortable in front of cameras, can talk tough, and has a knack for the witty sound bite, ” the paper wrote.
报纸中写道:“巴拉拉先生魅力十足,他在镜头前镇定自若,语气坚定,而且总是能巧妙地面对采访。” fortunechina

After his office won the conviction of Rajaratnam, Bharara was lauded far and wide.
在拉贾拉特南被定罪之后,巴拉拉赢得了广泛的赞誉。 fortunechina

As the arrests went down, Bharara, the lead prosecutor, placed calls to mob lawyers representing the criminals.
随着逮捕接近尾声,首席检察官巴拉拉给罪犯的代理律师打电话。 fortunechina

For the past couple of years, Preet Bharara, U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York, has been shaking the trees on Wall Street.
在过去的几年中,皮里特·布拉里,美国纽约南部地区的律师,已经动摇了华尔街股市。 yeeyan

Funny thing is, cops like Bharara use expert networks too.
有趣的是,就像布拉里这样的警察也在使用“专家网络”。 yeeyan

In 2000, Bharara became a prosecutor in the Southern District, where for five years he prosecuted organized crime, narcotics, and securities fraud, among other crimes.
2000年,巴拉拉成为纽约南区的一名检察官。 头五年里,他主要负责起诉有组织犯罪、毒品犯罪和证券欺诈等。 fortunechina

Indeed, the night was remarkable if for no other reason than the level of self- promotion the notoriously private Bharara was engaging in.
其实即便没有其他原因,当天晚上也不同寻常,因为极少在公众面前露面的巴拉拉竟然搞起了自我推销。 fortunechina

Lawsky says he believes Bharara's humor and congenial manner made him successful in that tough assignment.
劳斯基表示,他相信正是巴拉拉的幽默和随和的性格,使他在此次艰巨的任务中取得成功。 fortunechina

Of the many defining characteristics that set Bharara apart from his predecessors, the most remarkable may be his dogged insistence on keeping as low a profile as possible.
巴拉拉与他的前任们在许多方面都存在差异,但最显著的一点或许是,他始终坚持低调行事。 fortunechina

One of his favorite teachers there was Barbara Tomlinson, who taught American history and American literature, and was the adviser to the school newspaper when Bharara was its editor.
他最喜欢的一位老师是芭芭拉•汤姆林森,她在学校教授美国历史和美国文学。 巴拉拉在校报做编辑时,她也是校报的顾问。 fortunechina

Since October2009, Bharara has charged46 people in his investigation of insider trading tied to “ expert networks.”
2009年10月以来,布拉里在他的“专家网络”内幕交易调查研究中已经指控了46人。 yeeyan

Some of the hedge- fund industry’s top brass may soon stand accused of using what Mr Bharara called“ financial steroids”.
某些对冲基金的高层很快会因为使用了巴拉拉所谓的“金融类固醇”而被指控。 yeeyan

Some of the hedge- fund industry’stop brass may soon stand accused of using what Mr Bharara called“ financial steroids”.
一些对冲基金的高层或许会很快就会因为使用被 Bharara称作的“金融类固醇”而遭到起诉。 ecocn

This was the reaction from Preet Bharara, US Attorney for the Southern District of New York.

Whether his future holds further public office or a shift to the private sector, the“ other” Bharara son has already earned himself a place in the history books.
不论未来是竞选公职或到私营行业就职,巴拉拉家的“另外”一个儿子已经名垂青史。 fortunechina

Years later, around August2009, Tomlinson got a call out of the blue from Bharara's mother, who wanted to know if she was the same Barbara Tomlinson who had taught her son Preet at Ranney.
几年后,大约2009年8月份,汤姆林森突然接到巴拉拉母亲打来的电话,她先问她是不是在兰尼小学教过她儿子普里特的那位芭芭拉•汤姆林森。 fortunechina

Bharara made that point emphatically when he announced Rajaratnam's arrest.
巴拉拉在宣布拉贾拉特南被逮捕的消息时,曾着重强调了这一点。 fortunechina

Bharara and his co- producer were oblivious to those facts and, at first, were also clueless about the import of what was going on.
巴拉拉和他的联合制作人起初对这些事情并不在意,也不清楚这一事件的意义。 fortunechina

Bharara said their efforts to destroy evidence showed the two men were aware they had been engaged in illegal activity.
巴拉拉说,他们销毁证据的行为显示,这两个人意识到他们的非法行为。 voanews




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