

单词 violations
释义 violations 英vaɪə'leɪʃnz美vaɪə'leɪʃnz COCA⁶⁴⁸⁸BNC¹¹⁶²⁴Economist⁸⁶⁵³
名词 violation:
a crime less serious than a felonyan act that disregards an agreement or a rightentry to another's property without right or permissiona disrespectful actthe crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her will
用作名词Dazhong Xiao Guang investors as the stock market investors are often subject to insider tradingviolations.广大中小股民作为股票市场的投资主体常常受到内幕交易的侵害。
Also, small outsourcing projects without open bidding, nepotism, seriousviolationsof the rights of property owners.还有,小区外包项目不经过公开招标,任人唯亲,严重侵害业主权益。noun.breach; breaking of the law
同义词 abuse,contravention,encroachment,infraction,infringement,misdemeanor,negligence,offense,transgressionbreak,breaking,illegality,misbehavior,nonobservance,rupture,trespass,wrongtransgressingtrespassing,violating
反义词 obedienceobservancenoun.rape, defilement
同义词 invasion,assault,mistreatment,pollution,destructionprofanation,desecration,devastation,blasphemy,defacement,ruin,rapine,dishonor,degradation,sacrilege,debasement,outrage,ravishment,spoliationdefacing
反义词 observancecreation,construction,honorobediencereverence,piety,building And violations related to white, basically you just get a notice of violation.

On one estimate, almost a third of its work concerns alleged human- rights violations, which made up a vanishingly small percentage of the law lords’ caseload a decade ago.
据估计,侵害人权的指控占几乎他们工作的三分之一,而在二十多年前这在法官们的待处理案件中只是可以忽略不计的部分。 ecocn

“ One of the greatest sorrows, the greatest violations, was what I would almost say was an inability to understand how deep the violation goes, ” she said.
一个最大的悲哀,最严重的侵害,就是,我认为几乎可以说是不能理解这种伤害有多深。 ebigear

Additionally, you do not have the freedom to bounce the instance if any critical problem such as long transaction or integrity violations occurs during the upgrade.
另外,如果在升级过程中发生了任何严重问题,如长事务或违反完整性,您将不能对实例进行恢复。 ibm

Apple conducted its own review of the facility but found few violations of its supplier code of conduct.
苹果自己对该厂做了评估,但几乎未发现有违反其供货商行为守则的做法。 yeeyan

Because forgiveness is the letting go of real offenses, real transgressions, real violations, real faults.
因为宽恕是放过真正的暴力,真正的违法行为,真正的侵犯,真正的错误。 yeeyan

But it was never intended to cope with the aftermath of natural disasters or even“ ordinary” human-rights violations.
但是“保护责任”原则原本不是用来应对自然灾害的后果或是“普通的”侵犯人权事件的。 ecocn

Claiming that he risked suffering torture and other violations of his fundamental rights if returned, Mr Saadi appealed to the European Court to prevent his deportation.
萨迪声称如果被遣返,他有可能遭受酷刑以及其它基本权利的侵犯,故此向欧洲人权法院上诉要求免于被驱逐。 ecocn

Even when treatment is available, it is often delivered in institutional settings which in many countries are associated with stigma and human rights violations.
即使当能获得治疗,也常常是在精神病院提供的,而这种机构在许多国家是与污名和侵犯人权相关联的。 who

He frequently punished his officers for relatively minor violations of military discipline and rarely discussed his plans with them.
他经常因为指挥官们轻微的违反纪律就处罚他们,并且从不跟他们讨论他的计划。 yeeyan

How can we enrich the database with our data and prevent the creepy factor or privacy violations creeping in as try to create personalised experience?
我们怎样才可以在用我们的数据丰富数据库的同时,防止这些恐怖的因素,或者防止在试图创建个性化体验时对隐私的侵害? yeeyan

If something like that happens in Iran, they talk about it for many years, and we have to answer the questions about human- rights violations.
而如果这种事发生在伊朗,他们要说上好几年。我们不得不回应违反人权的问题。 yeeyan

If referential integrity violations are discovered during the load test, then you might also need to set the sequence grouping for container managed persistence.
如果在负载测试过程中发现存在引用完整性违规,则可能还需要为容器管理的持久性设置顺序分组。 ibm

In keeping with the Obama administration’s desire to“ reset” relations with Russia, the White House has toned down its criticism of political freedom violations there.
为了跟奥巴马政府希望“重置”与俄罗斯的关系保持一致,白宫已经缓和了他们对违反政治自由行为的批评。 yeeyan

In my conversations with her, I did not believe that she had the derivatives or mathematical background to understand the violations.
从我和她的对话来判断,我不相信她有足够的数学背景以至于她无法懂得那些违规。 yeeyan

India battled for a decade to crush the uprising, often using tactics that Indian human rights groups and foreign rights groups condemned as brutal and violations of human rights.
印度奋战了十年的时间才镇压住起义,印度军人经常使用被印度人权组织和外国人权团体谴责的,侵犯人权的野蛮战术。 yeeyan

Instead, we should start worrying about who will be the next victim of these privacy violations.
相反,我们应该开始担心谁将是下一个隐私被侵犯的受害者。 yeeyan

Many developers find constraint violations to be a difficult type of class loading problem to resolve.
许多开发人员发现约束违反是一种很难解决的类装入问题。 ibm

The idea is to catch code violations early and often in the early stages of development.
该思想是,尽早捕获代码违规,常常是在开发的早期阶段。 ibm

Then came the nightmare feared by every cacao grower: government inspections into labor or land violations.
接着每个可可种植者都惧怕的噩梦降临了:政府对劳工和违法用地的监察。 yeeyan

This information is for statistical purposes, for tracing protocol violations, and for automated user agent recognition so you can tailor responses to avoid particular user agent limitations.
此信息用于统计目的,用来跟踪协议违规和自动执行的用户代理识别,因此,您可以自定义响应以避免特定的用户代理限制。 ibm

This is why I advocate using static analysis tools to identify coding violations.
这也正是我提倡使用静态分析工具识别编码违规的原因所在。 ibm

We were unable to automatically test sites for violations of this policy with our compatibility testing framework.
我们无法用我们的测试框架来自动测试是否有网站违反了这一策略。 infoq

While the simplest way to avoid class loader constraint violations is to only have one copy of a class in the system, it is sometimes necessary to have multiple versions.
虽然避免类装入器约束违反的最简单方法是在系统中只有类的一个副本,但有时拥有多个版本也是有必要的。 ibm




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