

单词 violation
释义 vi·o·la·tion 英ˌvaɪəˈleɪʃən美ˌvaɪəˈleʃənAHDvī'ə-lāʹshən 高六T四COCA³⁶⁵⁸BNC¹⁰⁵⁰⁹iWeb³⁰³²Economist⁸²⁷⁵

a crime less serious than a felonyan act that disregards an agreement or a right;

he claimed a violation of his rights under the Fifth Amendment

entry to another's property without right or permissiona disrespectful actthe crime of forcing a woman to submit to sexual intercourse against her willcrime,sin,guilt,offence,violation







词根词缀: viol暴行,暴力 + -ation名词词尾violation flow入侵流code violation代码违例, 违反行为…flagrant violation公然违反write-protect violation写保护非法access violation访问违章,访问违例,…in violation of违反, 违背transmission code violation传输代码破坏…fetch violation取数违法code violation detection扰码检测line violation侵区犯规walking violation走步违例catching violation接球犯规bipolar violation双极性破坏点…air violation侵犯领空violate侵犯
violate侵犯,违反,亵渎+ion名词后缀⇒侵犯,违反,亵渎。近义词 sin原罪ruin毁灭rape强奸break打碎abuse滥用guilt罪行crime犯罪breach破坏offense过错offence犯罪assault攻击defiance蔑视invasion侵略intrusion闯入defilement弄脏disruption分裂commission佣金usurpation篡夺infraction违反destruction破坏disturbance扰乱misdemeanor轻罪irreverence不敬infringement驳斥encroachment侵蚀trespass非法侵入contravention违法disobedience不服从entrenchment掘壕沟desecration亵渎神圣delinquency少年犯罪…misdemeanour坏事ravishment狂喜

用作名词The drunken driver was brought to the police station forviolationof traffic regulations.这个喝醉了的司机因违反交通规则而被带进了警察局。
From now on anyviolationof the regulation must be cruelly punished.今后任何违反秩序的行为会受到严厉惩罚。
They were in openviolationof the treaty.他们公然违反条约。
Stealing was aviolationof my ethics.偷盗违背了我的道德标准。noun.breach; breaking of the law
同义词 abuse,contravention,encroachment,infraction,infringement,misdemeanor,negligence,offense,transgressionbreak,breaking,illegality,misbehavior,nonobservance,rupture,trespass,wrongtransgressingtrespassing,violating
反义词 obedienceobservancenoun.rape, defilement
同义词 assault,destruction,invasion,mistreatment,pollutionblasphemy,debasement,defacement,degradation,desecration,devastation,dishonor,outrage,profanation,rapine,ravishment,ruin,sacrilege,spoliationdefacing
反义词 building,construction,creation,honor,piety,reverenceobedience,observance
abusenoun physical hurting, injuring
assaultnoun attack
attacknoun physical assault
advance,aggression,assailing,assailment,barrage,blitz,blitzkrieg,charge,defilement,dirty deed,drive,encounter,encroachment,foray,incursion,initiative,inroad,intervention,intrusion,invasion,irruption,mugging,offense,offensive,onrush,onset,onslaught,outbreak,push,raid,rape,rush,skirmish,storming,strike,thrust,violation,volley
attacksnoun physical assault
breachnoun violation of a law
contrabandnoun black-market production
bootlegging,counterfeiting,crime,dealing,goods,moonshine,piracy,plunder,poaching,rum-running,smuggling,stuff,swag,theft,trafficking,violation,wetbacking And that white finding triggered this investigation and then also triggered this apparent violation.

And violations related to white, basically you just get a notice of violation.

In a further violation of the tribunal’s ruling, around170 white farmers are now being prosecuted in Zimbabwe’s courts for refusing to leave their land.
更进一步违反该法院的判决,目前约170白人农场地主因拒绝离开自己的土地而在津巴布韦法院遭到起诉。 ecocn

It is easy to see how moral rights can be useful in fighting plagiarism since such an act is not only a violation of the author’s copyright, if he or she holds it, but also the moral rights.
显而易见,道德上的权利在与剽窃的斗争中是如何起作用的,因为这种行为不仅侵犯了作者的版权,如果他或是她持有版权的话,而且也侵犯了其精神权利。 yeeyan

Any attempt to write to this memory range will result in a protection violation.
任何对该内存范围执行写操作的尝试将导致保护违反。 ibm

But Americans have been jailed for such things as importing lobsters in plastic bags rather than cardboard boxes, in violation of a Honduran rule that Honduras no longer enforces.
然而,美国人会因为用塑料袋而不是用纸箱装载进口的龙虾违反了洪都拉斯的法律该法律在洪都拉斯已不再生效被送进监狱。 ecocn

But there is disagreement over whether the launch of what North Korea says was a communications satellite was a violation of U. N. Security Council resolution1718.
但是在北韩所说的发射一颗通信卫星这个行动是否违反了联合国安理会1718号决议的问题上,安理会成员国存在分歧。 iciba

Hamas and others in the region, she said, had“ learned and understood” that Israel would not countenance such continuous violation of its borders and the targeting of its civilians.
哈马斯和该地区的其他组织,她称,已“学会并领悟”即以色列不会赞成其边境发生的无休止的侵犯和以它的子民为肉靶的行径。 topsage

If we find any violation, we will take action.
如果发现任何侵害,我们就会采取措施。 yeeyan

In some periods, exposure has seemed to be a service of the utmost urgency; in others, a gross violation of all that is humane.
在有些时期,曝光似乎是一种极端紧迫的服务;而在另一些时期,那完全是对人性的粗暴侵犯。 yeeyan

It may be copyright violation, but the power of the audience is far, far greater than the power of the copyright holder.
这也许是侵犯版权的,然而观众的力量远远,大大超过了版权所有人的力量。 yeeyan

Note Do not use this procedure in a production environment to allow unauthorized access to user data in violation of corporate policies regarding privacy and security.
小心请不要在生产环境中使用此过程允许未经授权的用户访问用户数据。这样做可能会违反贵公司的隐私和安全政策。 blog.sina.com.cn

Notice that in both cases, the test terminates when an exception is thrown because of a violation of the immutability contract.
可以注意到,在这两个用例中,测试会在抛出异常时终止,这是因为有语句违反了不可变性合约。 ibm

PEOPLE do not have secret trolleys at the supermarket, so how can it be a violation of their privacy if a grocer sells their purchasing habits to a marketing firm?
人们在超级市场没有带有保密功能的手推车,所以杂货店把他们的购买习惯卖给经销商算是侵犯了他们的隐私权么? ecocn

Political leaders have said the creation of a parallel legal system is unacceptable and a violation of the peace agreement.
巴基斯坦政界领导人说,建立两个平行的司法制度是不可接受的,也违反了和平协议。 ebigear

Reading consists, according to Iser, in the violation of expectations.

Running the same application with a memory tool results in a report of an array- bounds violation on the fourth line.
使用内存工具运行相同应用程序会在第四行产生一个数组边界违规的报告。 ibm

So if you have anything in particular, say you have a tech-spec violation that becomes a reportable event to the NRC.
如果你有特别的事情,比如说你有一个技术方面的违反,那会变成一个可报告的时间,对 NRC来说。163

That, they say, is in direct violation of the Human Rights Act, Article14 which outlaws discrimination.
他们说那直接违背了人权法案第14条,该条法律宣布歧视是非法的。 yeeyan

The policeman rapped the driver for his violation of traffic regulations.

They say they have not coordinated with him, which would be a violation of federal law because he is a government employee who cannot engage in elected politics.
他们否认自己已经与洪博培合作,因为这是违反联邦法律的,洪培博作为一名政府雇员不能参与政治选举。 yeeyan

This week a group of artists filed a lawsuit challenging his decision as a violation of the first amendment.
本周一群艺术家提起诉讼反对他的决定,认为他的决定违背宪法第一修正案。 ecocn




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