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The screen shot of the second virtual Ethernet adapter for the VIO Servers should look the same.
VIO服务器的第二个虚拟以太网适配器的屏幕截图看上去完全相同。 ibm

The VIO client LPARs are told which virtual Ethernet adapters they should use for their communication.
告诉 VIO客户机 LPAR应该使用哪些虚拟以太网适配器进行通信。 ibm

The VIO servers then map these virtual adapters to physical Ethernet adapters, and those VIO client LPARs can communicate through the same device.
然后, VIO服务器把这些虚拟适配器映射到物理以太网适配器,这些 VIO客户机 LPAR可以通过相同的设备进行通信。 ibm

A more efficient solution is to create two VIO Servers, place one SAN- attached I/ O card in each, and then configure multipath I/ O MPIO on the LPARs that need access to the SAN.
一种更有效的解决方案是创建两个 VIO服务器,每个服务器中放置一个连接到 SAN的 I/ O卡,然后在需要访问 SAN的 LPAR中配置多路径 I/ O MPIO。 ibm

A VIO server must also be deployed for partitions that use Active Memory Sharing, and all I/ O access needs to be virtualized by using these partitions.
还必须为使用活动内存共享的分区部署一台 VIO服务器,并且所有 I/ O访问都需要使用这些分区虚拟化。 ibm

Do not put all of the FC adapters used by both VIO servers in the same physical drawer. Instead, stagger the adapters between multiple drawers and assign them independently.
不要把两个 VIO服务器使用的所有 FC适配器都放在同一个物理机柜中,而是应该把适配器交错地安置在多个机柜中并独立地分配。 ibm

Each of the virtual devices point to a different VIO Server.
每个虚拟设备指向一个不同的 VIO服务器。 ibm

For the first problem, IBM engaged everyone— from VIO support to the kernel team—to try to get resolution.
对于第一个问题, IBM调动从 VIO支持到内核团队的多方面人员参与解决问题。 ibm

I will cover both dedicated and virtual I/ O VIO systems.
我将涉及专用的和虚拟的 I/ O VIO系统。 ibm

If you need to add a new VLAN to an existing IVE connection, you must first logically destroy and re- create the underlying SEA device, possibly impeding any VIO client LPARs using that connection.
如果需要在现有的 IVE连接中添加新的 VLAN,必须先删除并重新创建底层 SEA设备,这可能会阻碍使用此连接的 VIO客户机 LPAR 运行。 ibm

In creating the VIO Servers, you assign disks to the server by assigning a storage controller to that server.
在创建 VIO服务器的过程中,通过为服务器分配存储控制器,就为该服务器分配了磁盘。 ibm

Make sure each client adapter on the LPAR points to a different VIO Server.
确保 LPAR上的每个客户端适配器指向不同的 VIO服务器。 ibm

Make sure you make the virtual disk devices of the LPAR the same size on each of the VIO Servers.
请确保在每个 VIO服务器上 LPAR虚拟磁盘设备的容量是相等的。 ibm

Mapping disks to both VIO servers and creating network control channels gives VIO client LPARs two legs to stand on.
把磁盘映射到两个 VIO服务器并创建网络控制通道, VIO客户机 LPAR就会有两个访问路径。 ibm

Of course, the distribution of storage and network traffic can be manually configured across the dual VIO servers; however, this takes a lot of time and effort.
当然,可以跨双 VIO服务器手工配置存储和网络通信流的分布;但是,这会耗费许多时间和精力。 ibm

Of course, you need to create and configure two separate VIO Servers.
当然,您需要创建并配置两个单独的 VIO服务器。 ibm

Set different trunk priority numbers between the two VIO servers.
为两个 VIO服务器设置不同的中继优先级。 ibm

The second virtual Ethernet adapter on each of the VIO Servers must be configured as a non- trunk adapter.
必须将每个 VIO服务器上的第二个虚拟以太网适配器配置为非干线适配器。 ibm

Then, the VIO client LPARs are told the virtual Ethernet adapters and VLAN numbers they should access through an SEA mapping.
然后,通过 SEA映射告诉 VIO客户机 LPAR应该访问的虚拟以太网适配器和 VLAN编号。 ibm

Then, IBM introduced virtual I/ O VIO technology, which allows the same LPARs to use the same storage and network resources, thereby breaking the barrier of disk and adapter isolation.
在此之后, IBM引入了虚拟 I/ O VIO技术,让 LPAR可以使用相同的存储和网络资源,由此打破了磁盘和适配器隔离的壁垒。 ibm

Then, you map those LVs to VIO client LPARs for use, seeing them as individual disks.
然后,把这些 LV映射到 VIO客户机 LPAR,把它们看作单独的磁盘。 ibm

They permit physical adapters to be shared by one or more VIO client partitions.
它们物理适配器供一个或多个 VIO客户端分区共享。 ibm

This specialty partition provides VIO resources to clients that are using VIO servers.
这种特殊的分区向使用 VIO服务器的客户机提供 VIO资源。 ibm

When configuring the profiles of the VIO Servers on the HMC, create two virtual Ethernet adapters on each server.
在 HMC中配置 VIO服务器的概要时,在每个服务器上创建两个虚拟以太网适配器。 ibm

When VIO servers are created, they are assigned both physical Ethernet adapters and virtual Ethernet adapters.
在创建 VIO服务器时,分配物理以太网适配器和虚拟以太网适配器。 ibm

While virtualization is a wonderful thing, be careful not to share too many adapters from your VIO server, or you might pay a large network I/ O penalty.
尽管虚拟化是种不错的技术,但要注意不要从您的 VIO服务器共享太多适配器,否则您可能会付出巨大的网络 I/ O代价。 ibm

With the use of VIO LPARs, you could host15 LPARs with a much smaller number of Ethernet and disk controllers.
通过使用 VIO LPAR,您可以用数量少得多的以太网卡和磁盘控制器来承载15 个 LPAR。 ibm

You also learned how to improve recoverability by using NIM on an LPAR to house recovery images for your LPARs, VIO Servers, and HMCs.
您还了解了如何在 LPAR上使用 NIM为您的 LPAR、 VIO服务器和 HMC 保存恢复镜像,从而提高可恢复性。 ibm

VIO technologies consist of servers, software, and various commands.
VIO技术由服务器、软件和各种命令组成。 ibm

VIO technology can help you use resources more effectively, cut down on hardware costs, and consolidate servers in new and powerful ways.
VIO技术有助于更有效地使用资源,降低硬件成本,以新颖、强大的方式整合服务器。 ibm




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