

单词 BHA
释义 BHA 英ˌbiːeɪtʃˈeɪ美ˌbietʃˈeAHDbē'āch-āʹ COCA¹⁶⁵⁷⁸⁵BNC¹²⁶⁴¹⁶⁺
A method for analysis of butyl hydroxy anisole BHA, antioxidant in simvastatin had been established by HPLC.
建立了测定辛伐他汀中抗氧化剂叔丁基羟基茴香醚 BHA含量的高效液相色谱方法。 dictall

An explicit expression for an elmentstiffness of BHA under large deformation is given.
给出了钻具组合大变形单元刚度的显式表达式。 cnki

Butylated hydroxyanisole BHA and the related compound butylated hydroxytoluene BHT are phenolic compounds that are often added to foods to preserve fats.
叔丁基羟基茴香醚 BHA和相关化合物二叔丁基对甲酚 BHT是经常添加在食物里用于保存脂肪的酚类化合物。 yeeyan

In order to solve the model, the beam element and multi-directional contact gap element are adopted, which present a method so as to analyze the force and deformation of BHA.
采用有限元法中的梁单元和多向接触摩擦间隙元,对钻具的双重非线性力学模型进行求解,为下部钻具力学分析提供了一种实用的计算方法。 cnki

In the case of jarring up above a stuck bottom hole assembly, the driller slowly pulls up on the drill string but the BHA does not move.
当震击器向上冲击被卡的井底钻具组合时,司钻慢慢地上提钻柱,但是此时井底钻具组合并不动。 www.infopetro.com.cn

It was show that the antioxidative activity of flavonoids extraction is better than BHT and BHA by studied the antioxidative activity.
通过抗氧化活性比较,表明橄榄叶黄酮的抗氧化活性优于 BHT和 BHA。 airiti

Joint- hinge power BHA is the most advanced new tool used in short- radius horizontal well drilling at present.
铁链式井下动力钻具组合是当前短半径水平钻井中最先进的一种新型工具。 cnki

The problems of low drilling efficiency and low core recovery due to borehole collapse were solved with pulling in casing while drilling through using combined BHA with casing.
采用组合钻具进行跟管钻进,通过随钻跟入的套管保护孔壁,解决因钻孔垮塌导致钻探效率和岩心采取率低等技术难题。 cnki

The inhibition of formaldehyde generation by butylated hydroxyanisole BHT and butylated hydroxy toluene BHA further supported this contention.
丁羟基甲苯 BHT和丁羧基苯甲醚 BHA对甲醛的产生的抑制作用进一步支持这一论点。 cnki

The practical application shows that the result is accurate and the method can tell whether the design of BHA is proper effectively.
计算和实例分析表明,该方法分析结果准确,可以有效地对钻具组合设计是否最优做出评价。 cnki

The silk easy to crease and with low wet abrasion fastness was treated for darkening the colors and anti-crease property with semi- acetal cross-linking agent BHA together with reactive polysiloxanes.
丝绸易皱、湿摩擦牢度不高,采用双半缩醛交联剂 BHA配合反应性聚硅氧烷对真丝进行增深固色及防皱。 dictall

The vertical resolution and depth of investigation depend on the distances between the toroids and the bit, which, in turn, depend on the type of bottom hole assembly BHA used.
纵向分辨率和探测深度与螺旋线圈和钻头之间的距离有关,与所使用的底部钻具有关。 www.infopetro.com.cn

The BHA transmits its torsional vibration to the gear system of drill power pack and brings about nonlinear vibration.
钻柱将其扭转振动传至钻机动力头,引起动力头齿轮传动系统的非线性振动。 cnki

To pick up BHA is our work tomorrow.
接大钻具是我们明天的工作。 agoil

BHA is found in butter, meats, cereals, chewing gum, baked goods, snack foods, dehydrated potatoes, and beer.
黄油、肉类、谷类、口香糖、焙烤食品、休闲食品、脱水土豆和啤酒中都能找到它的身影。 yeeyan

A stabilizer on the BHA positioned opposite the casing shoe reduces lateral motion of the assembly inside the casing.
钻具组合上有扶正器可使套管鞋反向定位以减少套管内钻具组合的侧向移动。 agoil

Accurate prediction of BHA deflecting capacity is very important for precise well trajectory control.
预测下部钻具组合 BHA的造斜能力对准确控制井眼轨迹十分重要。 cnki

After a series of separation and purification procedures, a pure compound was obtained which hnd the optimum activity, its antioxidative activity was clearly stronger than that of BHA.
经过一系列分离纯化步骤,从中得到了一种抗氧化性能很强的单体化合物,其抗氧化性能明显强于 BHA。 ilib

Considering small annular clearance and large hole curvature in slim hole, the nonlinear mechanics analysis of BHA is carried out by gap-element method.
针对小井眼水平井环空间隙小、曲率大的特点,应用间隙元法对下部钻具组合进行了非线性静力学分析; cnki

Fifth, a relatively stiff bottom hole assembly may not easily fit through the dogleg section drilled with a relatively limber BHA.
第五,同相对塑性的井底钻具组合相比,相对刚性的井底钻具组合在通过狗腿段时可能不很容易通过。 www.infopetro.com.cn

Gas chromatographic method was developed for the quantitative determination of BHA, BHT in chicken oil.
建立了鸡油样品中 BHA、 BHT的气相色谱检测方法。 dictall

Henderson was found guilty at a British Horse Racing Authority BHA hearing last month of administering the prohibited drug tranexamic acid to Moonlit Path before a race in February.
英国赛马管理局上个月通过听证,确认亨德森曾于今年2月带“月光小径”参加一场比赛前向其注射违禁药物氨甲环酸。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

It discussed problems about wellbore structure, BHA, bit selection, drilling parameters and so on.
探讨了小眼井井身结构、钻具组合、钻头选型、钻井参数等问题。 chemyq

Objective To compare the curative effect of the total hip arthroplasty THA and bipolar hemiarthroplasty BHA for the treatment of the femoral neck fractures.
目的比较全髋关节置换 THA与双极半髋关节置换 BHA治疗股骨颈骨折的疗效。 cnki

Pendulum assembly is a kind of BHA for hole straightening, which is applied widely in drilling practice.
钟摆钻具是一种常用的纠斜钻具组合,在钻井中应用极为广泛。 dictall

SO, the formulas of BHA's critical load and critical length were deduced and given by the hor to fit in with the BHA's loading features as well as to improve the calculating exactness.
为此,推导了钻具在自重作用下失稳的临界钻压及临界失稳长度公式,以便使公式更符合 BHA自身的受力特点,提高计算准确性。 cnki

The computation results are in agreement with the field BHA, thus indicating all the drilling tools used are more reasonable.
计算与观场施工相吻合,说明所用钻具都比较合理。 chemyq

The results show that the extracts have stronger antioxidative activity than BHA in the system.
结果表明,该提取物的活性略强于人工合成抗氧化剂 BHA。 chemyq

The basic assumptions, equations and boundary conditions for bottom hole assembly BHA analysis were discussed.
讨论了下部钻具组合分析的基本假设、基本方程和相应的边界条件。 dictall

This paper gives the necessity of using steering drilling tool in directional well drilling in Jidong Oilfield through the analysis of the limits in using conventional BHA.
通过分析定向井使用常规钻具组合的局限性,提出在冀东油田定向钻井中引入导向钻具的必要性。 chemyq

This paper describes how to use finite element and clearance element methods to establish slim hole BHA dual nonlinear mechanics analysis model and theoretical analysis method.
通过试验研究及力学分析,采用有限元法、间隙元法建立大庆油田小眼井下部钻具双重非线性力学分析模型和理论分析方法。 cnki

Using diesel tail gas drilling, the determination of airshed, necessary equipment, downhole BHA and drilling technology measures etc. are presented in this paper.
文中介绍了利用柴油机尾气钻井中气量确定、必要的装备、井下钻具组合和尾气钻井工艺措施等。 cnki

While pulling the BHA through the rotary table, the Driller must stop when stabilisers reach the table and have the Floormen remove the bushings.
当起钻到 BHA,扶正器到达钻盘面时,司钻必须刹住刹把,让钻工移开方补心。 blog.sina.com.cn

BHA's data base concept is proposed.
提出了 BHA数据库的概念。 cnki




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