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词汇 vindictive
释义 vin·dic·tive 英vɪnˈdɪktɪv美vɪnˈdɪktɪvAHDvĭn-dĭkʹtĭv ★☆☆☆☆高四GIMS宝八COCA³¹⁰⁷⁸BNC²³⁵⁰⁴iWeb²⁵⁵¹⁸Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

disposed to seek revenge or intended for revenge;

more vindictive than jealous love

punishments…essentially vindictive in their nature

showing malicious ill will and a desire to hurt; motivated by spite;

a despiteful fiend

a truly spiteful child

a vindictive man will look for occasions for resentment

来自 vindicate,提供证据,反驳指责,后引申词义指复仇,报复。GRE红宝书源自venge 报复;胜利后最常见的特点是要报复,惩罚,杀敌人;win verdict 赢得法院裁决就是对另一方的报复vin-dict-ive形容词后缀⇒adj.有报仇心的³⁷;怀恨的²⁸;惩罚的³⁵GRE难词记忆vindictive→indicative a.指示的→词根记忆vin力量+dict说+ive近义词 mean意思是bitter苦的cruel残酷的nasty下流的spiteful恶意的avenging报仇的unkind不和善的ruthless残忍的rancorous怨恨的resentful不满的malicious怀恶意的hurtful造成损害的vengeful复仇心重的malevolent有恶意的implacable难宽恕的unforgiving不原谅的merciless无慈悲心的despiteful故意为难的revengeful燃起复仇念头…反义词 forgiving宽容的

用作形容词It is not right to harborvindictivefeelings.怀有报复的念头是不对的。
Thevindictivelittle girl threw stones at me.那个充满报复心的小女孩拿石头扔我。
I have novindictivefeelings about it.我对此没有恶意。adj.hateful, revengeful
同义词 cruel,malicious,merciless,resentful,retaliatory,ruthless,spiteful,unforgiving,vengefulavenging,grim,grudging,implacable,malignant,rancorous,relentless,unrelenting,venomous,wreakful
反义词 compassionate,considerate,forgiving,gentle,giving,kind,merciful,nice,sympathetic,thoughtfulhelpful
balefuladjective menacing
bitchyadjective spiteful
despitefuladjective malicious
implacableadjective merciless, cruel
malevolentadjective hateful
punitiveadjective concerning punishment
castigating,correctional,disciplinary,in reprisal,in retaliation,penal,punishing,punitory,retaliative,retaliatory,revengeful,vindictive In a draft script for the upcoming movie“The Social Network” that I obtained from sources in the movie industry, Zuckerberg is portrayed as vindictive and naive.
我从电影工业的一些朋友那里获得了即将拍摄的“社交网络” 的初步剧本,扎克伯格被描绘成一个幼稚而且喜欢报复的家伙。 yeeyan

Its implicit thesis is that the allied bombing campaign was a vindictive and unprovoked attack on a country that itself adhered scrupulously to the rules of war.
本书暗含的主题是,盟军对这个坚守战争规则的国家发动的轰炸运动,是一次无正当理由的,带有报复性的进攻. ecocn

Small wonder, then, that Mr Ellison has hit out against HP’s “ vindictive” lawsuit.
这也难怪埃里森先生会攻击惠普颇具报复心理的起诉了。 ecocn

At his wedding to Lorna, a vindictive Carver shoots the bride.
在他与罗娜的婚礼上,心怀怨恨的卡弗射杀了新娘。 yeeyan

At home, Mr Ahmadinejad’s imperious and vindictive personality has alienated many conservatives, too.
在国内,内贾德傲慢和仇恨的个性同样疏远了许多保守派。 ecocn

For Mr Polanski’s fans, the extradition decision is vindictive and sinister.
对罗曼斯基先生的影迷来说,将其引渡是个蓄意报复、阴险狡诈的决定。 yeeyan

He cites Alexander Hamilton, who wrote that human beings are“ ambitious, vindictive, and rapacious.”
其中一个住在亚历山大汉密尔顿,写过人类是“野心勃勃的,相互仇恨的,贪婪的”。 yeeyan

He is so vindictive that he never forgives anybody.
他是那麽有?烈报复性的心,所以永不原谅任何人。 iciba

However, you are right to be worried about the vindictive legal action she could take, and also right that her sex makes a big difference.
不过,你是对的,她的确可能采取报复性法律手段,而她的性别问题也的确关系重大。 hjenglish

In contrast, Chinese intelligence agents steer clear of people who are vindictive, since the agents believe they may become volatile and explosive.
相比较而言,中国谍报人员避开那些有报复性的人,因为他们认为那些人可能会变得反复无常、易暴露。 icxo

In the late Sixties, American scientists had discovered that focusing bitter, vindictive and negative thoughts on mould inhibited its growth.
在60年代末,美国科学家发现,将痛苦、怨恨和消极的想法集中在霉菌上,可以抑制它的生长。 yeeyan

IT WOULD have been out of character for Viktor Yanukovich, Ukraine's thuggish and vindictive president, to let his rival, Yulia Tymoshenko, simply walk free after her four- month trial.
如果轻易的让竞争对手季莫申科在经历四个月的审讯后无罪释放,这并不符合乌克兰总统亚努科维奇凶残并记仇的个性。 ecocn

Large mobs of half- starved and vindictive townsmen descended on villages to seize food from farmers accused of hoarding.
大批半饥饿和心怀报复的城镇居民来到乡村,从农民手中抢夺粮食,后者则被指控为囤积居奇。 yeeyan

Late Tuesday, Oracle Chief Executive Larry Ellison fired back, calling H-P's lawsuit“ vindictive.”
周二晚些时间,甲骨文执行官 Larry Ellison回击了惠普的诉讼,称其为“报复行为”。 yeeyan

Members of his team believe that tougher rules for business are necessary to cool voter anger that would otherwise result in even more vindictive measures.
奥巴马团队的成员认为,要熄灭选民的怒火,对企业采取更严厉的管制是必须的,否则会受到选民更猛烈的报复。 yeeyan

Social networking fuels the growth of vindictive“ flash mobs” which ambush innocent columnists such as Jan Moir.
社交网络助长了“快闪族”报复之心,以致袭击无辜的专栏作家如莫伊尔。 yeeyan

Some easterners recently quit the party, complaining of his “ vindictive egomania”.
最近一些东德人退出该党,抱怨拉方丹“复仇心重”、“自大狂”。 ecocn

That looks vindictive: the office in question is his post as head of the ruling Pakistan People’s Party.
这看来就像是报复行为:事件中的那项职务是执政党巴基斯坦人民党的主席。 ecocn

The result is that,18 months after Sheikh Hasina’s Awami League AL won a parliamentary election in a landslide, Bangladesh’s politics is back to normal: personal, vindictive and confrontational.
结果如此,18个月后哈西娜的人民联盟阿盟以压倒性多数赢得议会选举,孟加拉国的政治恢复了正常状态:个人集权,报复和对抗。 ecocn

The two parties had debased the country's politics into a Punch-and- Judy show of non- co-operation and vindictive retaliation.
孟加拉的政治舞台上,这两个党派上演了一出你推我搡的木偶戏,只有报复没有合作。 ecocn

There were people fighting each other in the pages of the press: aggressive, personal, vindictive, often nothing to do with architecture.
一些人在报刊中长篇大论地互相争吵:挑衅性的,私人性的,报复性的,多数与建筑八竿子也打不着。 yeeyan

You also have a tendency to brood and to bear grudges and can be suspicious and vindictive.
另外,你喜欢沉思,易于记仇,而且可能会有些多疑,又怀有报复心。 hjenglish




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