

单词 vindicating
释义 vin·di·cate 英'vɪndɪkeɪt美'vɪndɪkeɪt COCA⁷¹⁶⁰⁴BNC⁷⁰⁵⁶⁶Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
show to be right by providing justification or proof;

vindicate a claim

maintain, uphold, or defend;

vindicate the rights of the citizens

clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting proof;

You must vindicate yourself and fight this libel

近义词 claim要求prove证明uphold支持excuse原谅defend防守assert断言forgive原谅clear清楚的support支持maintain维持acquit宣布无罪justify替 … 辩护absolve宣告…无罪exonerate确定无罪exculpate为某人开脱pardon原谅,宽恕,饶恕…successfully成功地,圆满地…defend successfully成功地保卫

用作动词I consider that I've been completelyvindicated.我认为已经证实了我完全无辜。
The report of the committeevindicatedhim.委员会的报告说明他是清白的。
The report fullyvindicatedthe unions.这份报告充分说明工会是正确的。
He tried hard tovindicatehis honor.他拼命维护自己的名誉。 The dance movements are emotion of world heart's core image vindicating.
舞蹈动作是心灵深处之情感世界的形象表白。 www.qikan.com.cn

The serviceman is the human who the people respect, serviceman's offer and loyal is they best vindicating.
军人是人民敬仰的人,军人的奉献和忠诚是他们最好的表白。 dota123

Along with development of society, peoples request of life quality and consciousness of vindicating rights became more and more intense.
随着社会进步,人们的对生命质量的要求与维权意识不断增强。 chemyq

Further vindicating the viruses themselves was another study around the same time showing that rhinoviruses infect only a small number of cells lining the nasal passages.
几乎在同一时间,进一步证实病毒本身的另外一次研究表明鼻病毒只是感染了鼻道上的少量细胞。 yeeyan

If Mr Rove is indeed planning to spend the next few years working on his memoirs and generally vindicating the Bush presidency, he is in for a busy retirement.
如果罗夫确实计划接下来几年里自己著书为布什的任期作辩护,那他退休后就有的忙了。 ecocn

It has serious significance to clarifying the facts of cases, and correctly applying law, and vindicating the judicial authority, and also guaranteeing the rights of parties.
它对于查清案件事实,正确适用法律,维护司法权威,保障当事人的权利,具有重要意义。 fabiao

Moreover, as a member of donor group, Britain could seek to play a“ leading role” in the world by advocating and vindicating the “ group interests” of donors.
不仅如此,作为援助国集团的成员,英国还可以通过倡导与维护援助国的“集团利益”来发挥自己世界性的“领导作用”。 cnki

New leftists see China's rural woes as vindicating the positions they have held for a long time.
新左派将中国农村的不幸视为自身长久以来所坚持的立场的一种证实。 blog.sina.com.cn

P- Vindicating diagram of reciprocating compressor can reflect the change of pressure in compressor cylinder, and it is a truthful record of working condition in the cylinder.
往复压缩机的 P- V指示图能反映压缩机气缸内压力的变化情况,是压缩机气缸部分工作状况的真实记录。 cnki

Right now would be a good time to pause and ask yourself whether you belong to that little company who will have the privilege and honor of vindicating God before the universe.
现在正是好时候,停下来问问自己是否属于那一小群拥有特权与尊荣的人,可以在全宇宙面前为上帝辩白。 muyisheng

System of non- competition is one of important means of protecting right of commercial secret and vindicating fair competition in the market economy, it has its important value.
竞业禁止制度作为市场经济中一种保护商业秘密和维护公平竞争的重要手段,其自身具有重要的价值功能; cnki

To improve medical quantity military hospital should enhance the consciousness of Self-discipline and vindicating rights when serving soldiers.
为提高为兵服务质量,军队医院应增强自律与维权意识。 dictall




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