释义 |
Vilma ˈvilmə Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺² 基本例句 n.薇尔玛⁵⁰Wilhelmina 的昵称;亦作Velma⁵⁰(f Milton Runyon andVilmaF.Bergane ;20 maps by Rafael Palacios.书名/作者 Around the world in 2000 pictures /eited by A. It is an unforgettable experience being here, thanks toVilmaVillaverde .对我来说,这是一次难忘的经历,谢谢威尔玛。 VilmaVillaverde for letting us to be elected to participate in this wonderful experience.这里是陶艺家向往的地方,既有陶瓷生产,又有民俗艺术,还有为现代陶艺创建的博物馆群。 I want to transmit my thanks to all authorities, such as Mr.Xu, Dr.Ichi Hsu and the project organizers who made possible my presence in Fuping and especially I thank the curatorVilmaVillaverde.首先我要向负责此次活动的机构表示感谢,谢谢徐总和许以祺博士,也谢谢有关这个项目的其他领导,是你们给了我这样的机会,尤其要谢谢威尔玛女士。 I feel grateful for the invitation received fromVilmaVillaverde, Dr.I-chi Hsu and Chairman Mr.Xu Dongfeng, and for the opportunity to share my thoughts and feelings through my ceramics work.很高兴受到威尔玛女士、许以祺博士以及徐都锋董事长的邀请来到富平,有幸通过这次陶艺创作与大家一起分享我的想法和感受。 |