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词汇 Villepin
释义 VillepinCOCA⁶⁷⁸⁹²
Both Mr. Chirac and Mr. Villepin say they will file complaints against Bourgi.
希拉克和德维勒班都表示,他们将对布吉提出控告。 voanews

Dominique de Villepin, a centre-right former prime minister, claims that France will“find itself shrunk on the diplomatic scene”.
中右翼的法国前总理德维尔潘注4抨击道:“法国将面临外交地位的萎缩”。 ecocn

Most recently Mr de Villepin has struggled to contain the crisis over the delay of up to seven months in deliveries of Airbus's huge A380 passenger jet.
近来德维尔潘先生在极力控制由空中客车A380长达7个月之久的延迟交付所引发的危机。 ecocn

The centre-right government of Dominique de Villepin is irredeemably protectionist, fending off foreign predators at every turn.
中右的多米尼克·德维尔潘 Dominique de Villepin政府就是无可救药的贸易保护主义者,动不动就抵制外来大鳄。 ecocn

“ Economic patriotism”, a term coined by Bernard Carayon, a French parliamentarian, has been adopted by Mr de Villepin as his new creed.
“经济爱国主义”是法国议会议员贝尔纳,卡拉永创造的词汇。德维尔潘先生把它当作自己的新信'条。 ecocn

At its heart is a duel between Mr de Villepin, a flamboyant former foreign minister and later prime minister, and the current president.
本案的核心是德维尔潘这名行事张扬的前外长和前总理与现任总统之间的对决。 tesoon

Dominique de Villepin, a former prime minister and rival of Mr Sarkozy, also weighed in.
前总理和萨科奇先生的竞争对手多米尼克•德维尔潘也火上浇油。 ecocn

Dominique de Villepin, a former prime minister, has launched his own party to scoop up disillusioned Gaullist voters.
Dominique de Villepin这位前任总理已经开始组建他自己的政党,来挖走已经不抱幻想的戴高乐主义选民。 ecocn

Former French PM Dominique de Villepin was cleared of plotting to discredit President Nicolas Sarkozy when he was the interior minister.
前法国总理多米尼克·德·维尔潘摆脱了担任内政部长期间,涉嫌阴谋“抹黑”尼古拉·萨科齐总统的指控。 yeeyan

Indeed1980, the year that Mr de Villepin graduated, was obviously a particularly good vintage at ENA.
德维'尔潘先生毕业于1980年,确实,那年显然是行政学院有特殊收获的一年。 ecocn

Last week Mr de Villepin discovered that not even his own ranks fully support the energy project any more and postponed it until autumn.
上星期德维尔潘发现,就是他自己的亲信们也不再完全支持合并计划,随后将此计划推后至今年秋天。 ecocn

Mr Bourgi's claims came just days before Mr de Villepin was acquitted on appeal in the“ Clearstream” trial, a political smear- campaign case, on September14th.
伯吉先生的发言是在德维尔潘向“清流审判”提出诉讼而被无罪释放的几天前,那是发生在九月十四的一项污点战役案例。 renren

Mr de Villepin, who became Mr Sarkozy’s boss when he was chosen as prime minister in 2005, was Mr Chirac’s right-hand man for years.
德维尔潘——希拉克的多年得力助手当选了2005年总理,成为萨科奇的上司。 ecocn

Mr de Villepin has denied all the charges.
德维尔潘先生已否认所有指控。 ecocn

Now, towards its end, France has seen1m-3m people on the streets in a student- led protest against labour- market reforms, and is governed by the imperious, unloved Mr de Villepin.
现在呢?法国的大街上涌动着由学生领导的100万至300万人不等的抗议游行,反对改革劳动市场;而政府呢? ecocn

On the right, Dominique de Villepin, a published poet with several volumes on Napoleon to his name, has just brought out“ Our Old Country”, a rousing appeal to reconnect France“to its destiny”.
右派人士方面,出版过多卷写拿破仑的诗集的诗人多米尼克•德维尔潘刚刚出版了《我们的祖国》一书,该书将法国与“它的使命”再次相连,读来振奋人心,令人跃跃欲试。 ecocn

On the right, Dominique de Villepin, a published poet with several volumes on Napoleon to his name, has just brought out“ Our Old Country”, a rousing appeal to reconnect France“to its destiny”.
书架右侧是著有多部以拿破仑为主题诗篇的诗人多米尼克·德维尔潘不久刚完成的《我们的故土》,这部作品把法国同“它的历史使命”重新相连,十分鼓舞人心。 renren

Only last March, he disowned a labour- market reform proposed by the present prime minister, Dominique de Villepin.
去年3月,他还否决了现任法国总理德维尔潘的一项劳动力市场改革计划。 ecocn

The mishaps started in January when France's politicians, including Mr de Villepin, manned the barricades against Mittal Steel's hostile bid for Arcelor, a big employer in France.
从今天一月份开始了,一连串的不幸接踵而至。当时法国政界,包括德维尔潘,阻碍了米塔尔钢铁集团对阿瑟勒,一家法国大企业的恶意收购。 ecocn

They are behind a smear- campaign inquiry, known as the Clearstream affair, in which Dominique de Villepin, a former prime minister, is about to be tried in court and Mr Sarkozy is a civil plaintiff.
他们是在一竞选诽谤案的调查中,得知了明讯银行结算事件的。法院即将审判本事件中前总理多米尼克德维尔潘,而萨尔科齐是本案的民事原告。 ecocn

When Dominique de Villepin, the prime minister, says unemployment has fallen to9%, and will drop to8% next year, many citizens don't believe him: the figures, they say, must be wrong.
当总理德维尔潘 Dominique de Villepin说失业率已经降到9%,明年会降到8%,许多批评家都不相信他。他们说,数字肯定错了。 ecocn

When foreign minister in 2003, Dominique de Villepin, her former professor, sent a crack team to rescue her; their mission was embarrassingly aborted in Brazil.
法国外交部部长多米尼克•德•维尔潘 Dominique de Villepin是贝坦克特女士的前任教授,他曾为营救该女士而派遣了一个特别行动小组,但是他们在途径巴西之时却遭至难堪的阻挠而放弃任务。 ecocn

Why did public prosecutors in2008 consider that there was not enough evidence to send Mr de Villepin to court, only to change their minds a few months later?
为什么公共检察官在2008年还认为指控德维尔潘证据不足,而仅仅几个月后便改变了主意? ecocn




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