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词汇 Villefort
释义 Villefort
n.维勒福尔在法国;东经 3º56' 北纬 44º27'
Monte Cristo with a smile on his lips, uttered in the depths of his soul a groan which would have made Villefort fly had he but heard it.
基督山的嘴上虽带着微笑,可在内心里却发出了一声怒吼,要是维尔福听到了这个声音,他一定会飞也似的逃走的。 jukuu

The petition finished, Villefort read it aloud.
请愿书写好了,维尔福把它朗诵了一遍。 ebigear

“ But, ” asked Madame Danglars, looking AT her husband with uneasiness, “ how could thAT prevent M. de Villefort”
“但是,”腾格拉尔夫人恐惧不安地望着她的丈夫问道,“那件事怎么会阻止维尔福先生——” ebigear

“ Indeed!” replied Villefort, looking at his father with astonishment, “ you really do seem very well informed.”
“真是这样!” 维尔福惊奇地望着他的父亲回答,“你们的消息看来的确很灵通。” ebigear

“ It is probable, sire, ” replied Villefort.
“这是可能的,陛下,”维尔福回答。 dictall

“ My dear father,” said Villefort, “ I am, on the contrary, delighted; but I so little expected your visit, that it has somewhat overcome me.”
“我亲爱的父亲,”维尔福说,“我,恰恰相反,我是很高兴的,只是我没想到您会来,父亲,所以吃了一惊。” ebigear

“ Oh, rely on me,” said Villefort.
“哦,放心好了。”维尔福说。 ebigear

But tell me what interest Madame de Villefort can have in your remaining unmarried?

Dantes waited, expecting a question. Villefort fell back in his chair. He passed his hand over his face, and for the third time he read the letter.
丹尼斯静候著,希望他提出问题。威尔福倒坐在他的椅子里。用手抚摸著的脸庞;然后第三次阅读那封信。 iciba

I have told you of heR attempts to propitiate M. de Villefort, heR devotion to the elder Dants.
我已经告诉过您,她曾怎样去向维尔福先生求情,怎样想尽心照顾唐太斯的父亲。 ebigear

In order to go from the door to the house, or from the house to the door, M. de Villefort would be obliged to pass by one of these clumps of trees.
要从那扇门走到屋子里或从屋子里走到那扇门,维尔福先生必须经过一处树丛。 jukuu

Madame de Villefort gazed upon the face so expressive even in its stillness;
维尔福夫人凝视着这个静止的但依旧动人的面孔; qc99

Never mind that foolish GIRL, Villefort, “ said the marquise. ” She will soon get over these things.
“别听那傻姑娘唠叨了,维尔福,”侯爵夫人说,“她不久就会听惯这些事情的。” ebigear

No, Maximilian, it is not suitors to which Madame de Villefort objects, it is marriage itself.
不要那么想,马西米兰,维尔福夫人并不是挑剔男方,她压根儿反对结婚。 hjenglish

Oh, “ observed Madame DE Villefort, ” it must be an admirable anti- spasmodic.
“噢,”维尔福夫人说道,“它一定是一种妙极了的镇静剂吧。” ebigear

The assizes, also, were about to begin, and Villefort, shut up in his room, exerted himself with feverish anxiety in drawing up the case against the murderer of Caderousse.
法庭再过两三天就要开庭,维尔福把自己关在房间里,以一种狂热的心情准备控告谋害卡德罗斯的凶手材料。 bab

The moon is just bursting through the clouds, and there, standing where you do, and wrapped in that cloak that conceals your figure, you remind me of M. de Villefort.
月亮正从云堆里钻出来,而您所站的那个地点,和您裹住全身的这件披风,使我想起了维尔福先生。 ebigear

Unfortunately, “ said Villefort, ” there are the treaties of1814, and we cannot molest Napoleon without breaking those compacts.
“不幸的是,”维尔福说,“我们被一八一四年的条约束缚着,除非破坏那些条约,否则我们是无法动一动拿破仑的。” ebigear

Villefort ran to her and seized her hand, which convulsively clasped a crystal bottle with a golden stopper.
维尔福奔过去抓住她的手,痉挛的那只手里握着一只金盖子的水晶瓶。 jukuu

Villefort stood watching, breathless, until his father had disappeared at the Rue Bussy.
维尔福屏息静气地站在那儿呆望着,直望到他的父亲拐入了蒲赛街。 ebigear

Villefort violently unbuttoned his great- coat, which seemed to strangle him, and passing his livid hand across his forehead, entered his study.
维尔福用力解开那件似乎要窒息他的大衣纽扣,用他那只毫无血色的手按在额上,走进他的书房。 ebigear




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