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VillarosaCOCA¹¹⁷⁷⁰⁰ 基本例句 n.维拉罗莎在意大利;东经 14º11' 北纬 37º36' And “decently happy” is a good way to describe Villarosa, who seems to be thoroughly enjoying the challenges thrown his way by the industry, not to mention the success that he has seen. 用“比较满意”来描述维拉罗萨是恰如其分的,看来他非常享受行业带来的挑战,更何况他已经取得成功。 yeeyan On his staff, Villarosa has bankers from all across the international banking sector, since he didn't pillage BPI for talent when he left. 维拉罗萨的员工全部来自国际银行业,因为他离开菲岛银行时,并未带走人才。 yeeyan When Bank of the Philippine IslandsBPI bought the unit from Citigroup in 1996, Villarosa went over to that bank where he rose to the position of executive vice president and treasurer. 1996年,菲岛银行从花旗集团整体购买了该部门,维拉罗萨也随之转入该行,职位升至执行副总裁和财务主管。 yeeyan “ To strengthen our investment banking franchise we have been talking to some returning Filipinos from abroad, ” Villarosa said. “为加强投资银行业务,我们一直与一些国外归来的菲律宾人商谈,”维拉罗萨说。 yeeyan “ We believe that the rich market niche will be in the consumer banking side, ” Villarosa said. “我们认为,个人银行业务将是利润丰厚的市场,”维拉罗萨说。 yeeyan An active Singapore- based fund manager also bought5 percent of the bank in 2003 when its stock was undervalued at17 pesos, which Villarosa describes as “a50 percent discount to book.” 2003年,当其股票贬值到17比索维拉罗萨称之为“5折”资产时,一位活跃的新加坡基金经理也买入了5%的银行股份。 yeeyan As a small player, Villarosa has a curious attitude toward his distribution network. 作为小银行,维拉罗萨对其分销网络保持着独特的兴趣。 yeeyan But just as he can't be BPI, Villarosa doesn't want to be like his former employer, and he feels his retail banking strategy is much more fine-tuned and close to the pulse of his clients. 但是,正如他不能成为菲岛银行,维拉罗萨也不愿意步前雇主的后尘,他觉得自己的零售银行策略更为稳妥,更能贴近客户的脉搏。 yeeyan But Villarosa is careful here as well and has rainy days in mind. 但维拉罗萨心怀谨慎,未雨绸缪。 yeeyan In investment banking the bank has done better, and it has very rapidly picked up a fixed income distribution business that Villarosa can already brag about. 投资银行业务做得比较出色,已经非常迅速地产生了固定收入,对此,维拉罗萨足以自豪。 yeeyan In his card portfolio, Villarosa claims that his average spend per card is almost double the industry average, surely attributable to the Diners factor. 在信用卡组合中,维拉罗萨称,由于大来俱乐部的缘故,他们每张卡的平均消费率几乎是行业平均水平的两倍。 yeeyan Like any good leader, Villarosa doesn't try to do everything himself and he gives a lot of credit to his staff for helping the bank get to where it needs to be. 正如许多优秀的领导者,维拉罗萨不会尝试做每件事,他给予员工充分信任,协助银行进行必要的改进。 yeeyan This has given the bank a stronger focus on salespeople as a result, and Villarosa hired more of them after he joined the bank in order to build a consumer franchise. 这样做的结果是,银行更加重视销售人员,这些人大多是维拉罗萨加入该银行后雇用的。目的是建立消费者特许制度。 yeeyan With his profitability and strong growth, Villarosa is keen to grow his market share and become a more substantial player. 伴随着高盈利和强劲增长,维拉罗萨热衷于发展市场份额,成为更有分量的参与者。 yeeyan |