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词汇 BFS
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For the time being, some indexes on the BFs don't match the conditions of enriched raw materials and modernized equipment due to unsatisfactory operation regime.
当前一些高炉指标与达到的精料和装备条件不相匹配。原因是高炉强化后基本操作制度不够理想。 chemyq

In the process of topology analysis, sub stations are searched by BFS in the whole power network range and DFS is used in the traversing of the components within the substation.
拓扑过程中,厂站一级按广度优先搜索,而每个的厂站遍历按深度优先搜索进行。 boshuo

The experiences of bottom and hearth management of WISCO's BFs was summarized.
对武钢高炉炉缸、炉底技术管理的主要经验进行了总结。 cnki

The final result of parsing is the parse tree with the largest probability searched with Breadth-first search BFS.
采取 BFS算法高效搜索概率值最高的候选句法树作为最终的句法分析结果。 cnki

The high blast temperature technology by top combustion preheating furnace preheating the intensifying combusted air is used for the hot stoves of New No.2 and No.3 BFs in Angang.
鞍钢新2号、新3号高炉热风炉应用了顶燃式预热炉来预热助燃空气的高风温技术。 cnki

The installation and use of copper stave of BFs in Europe and America is described.
介绍了铜冷却壁在欧美几座高炉上的安装使用经验。 chemyq

The present situation of the BFs, the development of the burden structure and the weakness of the existing burden structure at Xingyang Iron& Steel Plant were analyzed.
分析了信钢高炉现状、炉料结构的发展情况及存在的问题。 chemyq

The technology of dry gas cleaning with filter bag is widely used for cleaning system of small and medium BFs, which is continuously modified and renewed in practice.
高炉煤气干法滤袋除尘工艺在中小型高炉煤气净化系统中被广泛应用并在实践中不断地改造和更新。 cnki

The waste plastics injection in BFs is a new technique for environment protection. It has been successfully adopted in some steel works in Germany and Japan.
高炉喷吹废塑料是一项新型环保技术,德国和日本的一些钢铁企业已成功地采用了该项技术,国内的一些学者也提出了我国高炉喷吹废塑料的设想。 cnki

Accelerator-based beam- foil spectroscopy BFS is an important method for spectroscopic studies of highly ionized atoms.
基于加速器的束箔光谱法 BFS是一种适于高离化态离子光谱分析的实验方法。 cnki

Adjacency matrix of the storage structure of the graph for the DFS and BFS traversals.
对以邻接矩阵为存储结构的图进行 DFS和 BFS遍历。 pudn

AISC Ironmaking Plant has now10 BFs.
鞍钢炼铁厂现有10座高炉。 chemyq

At the initial stage, chaotic optimization algorithm is used to search a global initial point. Then, a BFS algorithm is adopted to complete the parameters-optimized process.
该算法在起始阶段利用混沌优化算法寻找初始点,随后采用 BFS法完成参数寻优过程。 cnki

Being a social responsible company, Guangdong Junfeng BFS Industry Company Limited improved the sale and marketing strategy by different stages, and resulted a good market effect.
广东骏丰频谱实业有限公司作为一家有社会责任感的企业,已经在营销的多个层面加以完善改进,收到了一定的市场效果。 fabiao

Combining the geometry knowledge and Broad First Search BFS technology used in artificial intelligence, distribution network topology module is developed.
采用图论的有关知识和人工智能中的广度优先搜索技术,开发了配电网的拓扑分析模块。 cnki

Finally, simulation experiments was carried out on intelligent BFS in the present paper.
最后,论文对智能 BFS进行仿真实验。 fabiao

He said the BFS believed the10 family limit was 'more restrictive than it needed to be'.
汉密尔顿博士还表示不列颠生殖协会 BFS认为10个捐精受用家庭的上限“没有必要得过于苛刻了”。 yeeyan

The INBA slag treatment system for Angang New No.2 and No.3 BFs is presented and the software design of the system is emphatically described.
介绍了鞍钢新2号、新3号高炉 INBA炉渣处理系统,并着重介绍了其自动控制系统的软件设计。 chemyq

The paper analyzes the reasons for BFs in BISC No.1 and No. 2 Ironmaking plants, and discusses the ways to design long life BF through improving the weak links.
通过对本钢一铁、二铁高炉短寿原因的分析及对影响高炉寿命的薄弱环节的改进,探讨了设计长寿高炉的途径。 chemyq

The basic intensive smelting system of BFs at Liuzhou Iron & Steel Group Co. has been found through long time practice based on quality burden.
以精料为基础,积极探索柳钢高炉强化冶炼的基本操作制度,不断改善高炉技术经济指标。 chemyq

The BFS traversal terminates when every vertex has been visited.

The BFS wants more resources needed to run late- opening clinics to accommodate would-be donors after normal working hours.
不列颠生殖协会 BFS希望得到更多资源以满足潜在捐精者在工作时间后能够去那些关门较迟的诊所捐精。 yeeyan

This method uses intermediate nodes' location information to create undirected graph at destination node, and uses Breath-First Search BFS algorithm to find another disjoint path.
本文提出的方法在目的端利用获得的中间节点位置信息来生成无向图,再利用广度优先遍历算法 BFS计算出另外一条不相交路径。 cnki

This paper systematically researched the characteristic of grinding the high-Ti BFS and its application in High Performance Concrete HPC, which aims to develop the new area of the high-Ti BFS.
本文系统地研究了攀钢高炉渣微粉的特性、及其在高性能混凝土中应用技术,以期为攀钢高钛型炉渣在混凝土中应用开拓一个新方向。 cnki

This Final Report sets out the major findings and recommendations associated with the retail consultancy assignment, including but not limited to those previously presented to BFS.

Wallace says BFS became the first PC-farm-based airfare search and pricing engine in commercial use in April2000, although ITA had a beta site at the time.
Wallace表示,2000年4月推出的 BFS是第一个面向商业应用的计算机机票搜索和定价引擎,当时的 ITA只有一个测试网站。 yeeyan

When a fault occurs in a power system, fault area is located using Broad First Search BFS method by breakers and bus voltage message.
电网发生故障时,根据断路器跳闸信息和母线电压信息,采用 BFS广度优先搜索的方法搜索出故障区域。 cnki

BFS starts at a given vertex, which is at level0.




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