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词汇 viet nam
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The combined influence of adverse individual and family background factors and of child maltreatment upon mental health in adolescents in Viet Nam is consistent with research in non- Asian countries.
不利的个人和家庭背景因素以及儿童虐待对越南青少年心理健康的综合影响与非亚洲国家的研究结果一致。 who

To examine the prevalence of multiple types of maltreatmentMTM, potentially confounding factors and associations with depression, anxiety and self-esteem among adolescents in Viet Nam.
考察越南多种儿童虐待的发生状况,潜在的多重因素以及儿童虐待与青少年抑郁、焦虑和自卑之间的联系。 who

As announced previously, a family cluster in northern Viet Nam has been the focus of intense investigation.
正如以前所宣布的,越南北部的一个家庭群集一直是紧张调查的重点。 who

Chile, Japan, Australia, Viet Nam and the EC reserved their third party rights.

In the Second World War, the Americans flew cakes and cookies to the troops and during the Viet Nam war huge recreational facilities were set up on the beaches.
在二次世界大战时,美国人就已经往军队空运蛋糕和曲奇饼,在越南战争中,在海岸边设立娱乐设施为军人提供玩乐服务。 yeeyan

In recognition of this problem, Viet Nam has had partial motorcycle helmet legislation since1995.
在认识到这一问题后,越南自1995年就已实施了部分摩托车头盔立法。 who

In Viet Nam, improved on- farm hygiene, farming practices, poultry movement controls and vaccination campaigns will reduce the frequency of bird flu outbreaks.
在越南,改进农场卫生、农作方法、开展家禽流动控制和接种疫苗活动,这一切将会减少禽流感爆发的频度。 fao

In2009 alone, Viet Nam dealt with more than 400 donor missions to review health projects or the health sector.
仅在2009年,越南就接待了400多个捐助方代表团在该国审查卫生项目或卫生部门。 who

Instead of a quick victory, they end up with a quagmire akin to Viet Nam, where they have to keep putting in more and more energy just to maintain the status quo.
并没有像想像中那样快速地取得胜利,他们经常把事情拖得很繁冗,就像越南战争一样,过多得精力和时间被浪费在了维持现状的拉锯战之中。 yeeyan

Laboratory results have confirmed avian influenza infection H5 virus subtype in two brothers in the northern part of Viet Nam.
实验室结果已确认越南北部兄弟二人的禽流感感染 H5病毒亚型。 who

One example of lack of coordination given in the report is that of Viet Nam, where400 donor missions visited in one year.
报告中举出的一个缺乏协调的例子是越南,一年中就有400个捐助者特派团访问该国。 who

One of the mutations has been seen previously in viruses isolated from a small outbreak in Hong Kong in2003 two cases, one of which was fatal and from the2005 outbreak in Viet Nam.
突变之一以前曾在从2003年香港一次小暴发两例,其中之一死亡以及从越南2005年暴发分离出的病毒中见到。 who

Road traffic injuries are a leading cause of death and disability in Viet Nam.
在越南,道路交通伤害是造成死亡和残疾的一大主要原因。 who

Since January2004, when human cases of H5N1 avian influenza were first reported in the current outbreak,97 cases and53 deaths have been reported in Viet Nam, Thailand and Cambodia.
2004年1月第一次报告了目前暴发中的 H5N1禽流感人间病例,自那时以来,越南、泰国和柬埔寨报告了97例病例和53例死亡。 who

The current outbreak of human cases in Viet Nam has included several clusters, mostly in family members, of cases closely related in time and place.
目前越南人间病例的暴发已包括在时间和地点方面密切相关的若干病例群集,大多数在家庭成员中。 who

The Philippines and Viet Nam were the only HBCs among them.
菲律宾和越南是它们当中唯一的负担沉重国家。 who

The increases in China, India and Viet Nam should offset declines in major producing countries, according to the report.
该报告认为,中国、印度和越南产量的增长应能够抵消主要生产国的减产。 fao

This is especially important to avert the continued spread of HIV infection among injecting drug users, especially in China and Viet Nam, and among sex workers, especially in Cambodia.
这对抑制艾滋病毒感染在注射毒品者尤其在中国和越南以及性工作者尤其在柬埔寨中持续传播尤为重要。 who

This latest case brings the total in Viet Nam, reported since January2004, to31 cases, of which23 have been fatal.
这一最新病例使越南自2004年1月以来报告的总数达到31例,其中23例是致命的。 who

This mutation has previously been identified in Viet Nam in one case in2005.
这一突变以前在2005年越南的一个病例中曾得到鉴别。 who

Until now,20 provinces and municipalities of Viet Nam have been affected.
到目前为止,越南全国有20个省市受到疫情影响。 who

Upon receipt of this information, WHO will also include these cases in the cumulative total for Viet Nam.
在收到这些信息后,世卫组织还将把这些病例列入越南的累计总数。 who

Visitors coming to Viet Nam are encouraged to respect basic precautions when consuming water and food.
鼓励前往越南的访问者在饮水和进食方面遵循基本注意事项。 who

Viet Nam is contiguous to China.

Viet Nam, with76 cases and37 deaths, has been the most severely affected country, followed by Thailand, with17 cases and12 deaths, and Cambodia, with4 cases and4 deaths.
越南有76例病例和37例死亡,是受影响最严重的国家,其次是泰国,有17例病例和12例死亡,以及柬埔寨,4例病例和4例死亡。 who




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