

单词 video recording
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显像记录; 录象

a recording of both the visual and audible components especially one containing a recording of a movie or television program近义词 video录像
You need more studios base for video production.你们需要更大的录象空间以适应录像业务发展的需要。
One video of one bomb falls down a chimney.只是一段关于一颗炸弹炸掉大楼的录象。 A producer of video recordings who, for the production of a video recording, exploits a work created by others shall obtain permission from, and pay remuneration to, the copyright owner.
录像制作者使用他人作品制作录像制品,应当取得著作权人的许可,并支付报酬。 putclub

By using the method of video recording and analyzing, this paper makes an analysis and study on technique of our elite female race walkers.
采用摄像及录像解析等研究方法,对我国优秀女子竞走运动员的技术进行生物力学研究与分析。 cnki

Small- group discussion and feedback from teachers are the most common teaching methods. The most effective methods are, however, role- play and video recording.
小组讨论及教师信息反馈是目前最常用的教学方法,但最有效的教学方法是角色扮演和录像; cnki

The styles are not limited and can include documentary, family video recording, scenario, reorganization works, MV, humor short, scenery, news and skill showing films, etc.
作品体裁不限,包括纪录片、家庭录像片、剧情片、改编作品、 MV、幽默短片、风光片、新闻片、个性才艺展示片等。 blog.sina.com.cn

Analysis of what is measured through video recording is an effective way of measuring usability.
利用视频来分析测量结果是可用性测试的有效手段。 ltesting

Could the guests make the video recording or take pictures in the hotel?
客人是否可以在酒店内摄像和拍照? peixundoc.com

Develop and promote screen capture, video recording, and other software that makes tests easier to run.
开发和促进屏幕捕获、录音工具以及其他一些能让用户测试更为容易的方法。 yeeyan

Even with the sound turned off on a video recording, babies were able to tell whether someone had switched from speaking English to speaking French, the scientists who conducted the study found.
负责此研究的科学家发现,即使是关掉声音的录像,婴儿仍然能够区分出说话者是否已经由说英语转换成说法语。 bokee

Features include front camera support, auto- continuous image shooting with no preview, flash or sound, high resolution video recording and more.
同时,它支持前置摄像头,无预览无闪光无声音地自动连续拍摄,高分辨率拍摄等等。 yeeyan

I put everything else on “ pause”, just like a video recording.
我像录影一样,把其他的东西都暂停。 yeeyan

Therefore, regarding the expansion memory system, must experience a memory video recording the system and the network storage device manufacturer technical collaboration process.
所以,对于扩展存储系统来说,也要经历一个存储录像系统与网络存储设备厂商的技术合作过程。 ccdetian.china.b2b.cn

Users of the new Apple phone are simply blown away by the excellent quality of the video recording; some people even go as far as to say it is the best they have seen in a mobile phone until now.
人们最期待的一个功能就是录像,用户对其非常满意,有人说这是他们见过的最好的录像手机。 yeeyan

When a video recording, disseminated on the internet, showed her apparently responding to her parents, there was an outpouring of public sympathy.
当显示她表面上能对其父母做出反应的录像在因特网上传播后,公众深表同情。 ecocn




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