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词汇 Vicia
释义 vi·cia AHDˈvishēə BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²

widely distributed genus of annual or perennial and often climbing herbsViciapseudo-orobus Mey.假香野豌豆
Biological effects of foliage spraying boron onViciaFaba L.叶面施硼对蚕豆生物效应的影响。
Effect of sowing date on seed production ofViciaVillosa Var.播期对光叶紫花苕种子生产的影响。
Tissue Culture and Plant Regeneration ofViciaKulingiana Baily;.引用该论文 袁艺;薛伟;王莲;陈润润.
Cytogenetic Toxicity of Potassium Chlorate onViciafaba Root Tip Cells.氯酸钾污染对蚕豆根尖细胞的遗传毒性效应。 RP-HPLC methods were established to determine quercetin in Vicia amoena.
建立了坎离砂中槲皮素含量测定的高效液相色谱法。 fabiao

The infected cells in young Vicia sativa root nodules possess a small amount of cytoplasm, their central parts are some larger vacuoles.
电镜观察结果表明,幼龄箭舌豌豆根瘤侵染细胞的细胞质较少,中央是一些体积较大的液泡。 dictall

The micronucleus test technique in Vicia Faba Root tips was used in detection of the relationship between the pollution of Qingan river and the mortality of digestive cancer.
采用蚕豆根尖微核试验,分析清安河污染情况与消化道肿瘤的关系。 cnki

The pot culture experiment of Vicia faba L. seeded in different soil drought shows that Vicia faba L. has certain adaptability.
蚕豆在不同土壤干旱条件下的盆栽试验结果表明,蚕豆对土壤干旱胁迫有一定的适应能力。 cnki

The relations between the major characters of Vicia sativa and its yield per plant were analysed by using simple correlated coefficient and path analysis.
本文应用简单相关系数和通径分析方法对箭舌豌豆品种的几个主要性状与单株产量的关系进行了分析。 cnki

By using the Vicia-micronucleus test. the mutagenicity of cigarette smoking condense CSC were studied.
利用蚕豆根尖微核技术,对香烟烟雾凝集物 CSC进行了诱变研究。 chemyq

Effect of herbal medicines such as Radix Astragali on mutagenic micronucleus rate in Vicia Faba root-tip cells was observed for the selection of anti- tumor and anti- mutagenesis herbal medicines.
观察黄芪等中草药对蚕豆根尖细胞诱变微核率的影响,筛选具有抗肿瘤、抗诱变作用的中药。 cnki

Karyotype analysis of Medicago sativa and Vicia villosa.

Karyotype analysis of plants in Vicia species.

Some questions about the chromosomal evolution of Vicia are also discussed.
本文还对野豌豆属染色体进化的有关问题进行了讨论。 cnki

The essay introduces a new technology of detecting biohazard of pulping effluent- Micronuces Test Technique in Vicia Faba.
介绍一种新兴的适用于制浆造纸废水的生物危害性监测的技术-蚕豆根尖微核检测技术。 dictall

The Micronuces Test Technique in Vicia Faba is very significant to prevent and cure the trace amount of organic matter in water, which is more sensitive to the poison on water environment.
蚕豆根尖微核检测技术是对环境有毒物反应更灵敏的一种监测方法,对于水体中痕量有机物污染的防治工作有重要的意义。 chemyq

The wild species of narrow-leaf vetch Vicia angustifolia collected from Ceheng County and Sandu County, Guizhou Province were introduced and domesticated.
对采自贵州省册亨县、三都县的窄叶野豌豆野生种进行了引种驯化。 cnki

Vicia amoena is a kind of legume which has large biomass, high nutrition and large distribution.
在豆科牧草中,山野豌豆是一种生物量大、营养成分高且分布广泛的优质牧草。 fabiao

Vicia sativa root nodule is usually rod-shaped, it is mainly composed of many cortex cells and a very large central zone which contains meristem, infected tissue and senescent tissue.
箭舌豌豆根瘤为杆形,主要由皮层细胞和一个体积很大,含有分生组织、侵染组织,有时还有衰老组织的中心区域所组成。 cnki




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