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词汇 Viagra
释义 Vi·ag·ra 英vaɪˈægrə美vaɪˈægrə;英vaɪ'æɡrə美vaɪ'æɡrə ☆☆☆☆☆高Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

virility drug trade name Viagra used to treat erectile dysfunction in menViagra 据称源自梵语 vyāghra老虎,它们发音几乎一模一样。但也有人将 V 或 Vi 与单词 vigour、virility、vitality、victory 联系在一起,认为 Viagra 是 virile 和 Niagara 的缩合词,Niagara 就是 Niagara Falls 即尼亚加拉瀑布世界最著名的三大瀑布之一,位于北美五大湖伊利湖与安大略湖的尼亚加拉河上,瀑布巨大的水流以银河倾倒、万马奔腾,所以 Viagra 这种药可以增加血液流动,更暗含着更深一层的意境。
Viagra 是专利商标名,其最早的名字其实叫做 Sildenafil西地那非。科学家最初是希望它能够治疗心绞痛的心脏病,但没想到无心插柳柳成荫,阴差阳错地发现 Viagra 是治疗男性勃起功能障碍ED,Erectile Dysfunction的有效药物。
研发人员感到惊奇,便着手调查,没想到这一调查竟为辉瑞公司带来百亿美元的收入。原来这个药有副作用,副作用是什么呢?就是让每一个人都能成为晚上的国王。辉瑞公司意识到这是个巨大的商机,赶紧加快产品生产,此后短短几年间,Viagra 立即风靡全球,成为无数男人的充电宝。
最后说的就是,伟哥虽好,但也是有副作用的,像什么头疼啊,影响视力、听力啊等,所以它现在是一种处方药,并不是想买就能买的。近义词 sildenafil citrate枸橼酸西地那非<血管扩张…sildenafil昔多芬

用作名词Viagrais hardly the only drug that companies try to copy.伟哥并不是唯一一个药物公司试图复制。
Smokers needed a higher dose than non-smokers to derive any benefit fromViagra.烟民比非吸烟人士要服用较多伟哥才有反应。as potion
同义词 Cialis,love philter,magic instrument,magic potion,philter,stimulant
love potionnoun aphrodisiac
Cialis,love philter,magic instrument,magic potion,philter,stimulant How you get from there to viagra and domestic despotism has been the warped story of the last eight years.
提供伟哥和国内专制以求从那里脱身八年来一直是一个荒诞的故事。 yeeyan

The Beckhams say that quality time is the secret behind their happy marriage, while Michael Douglas once credited Viagra with the secret to his.

The Justice Department also said the pharmaceutical giant provided kickbacks to health- care providers to encourage them to prescribe other drugs, including Lipitor, Viagra and Zoloft.
司法部还声称,辉瑞公司还提供给医疗服务供给者以回扣,并且鼓励他们开其它的药物,包括立普妥,伟哥以及左洛复。 yeeyan

The treatment for your partner would involve taking5mg of Cialis, a longer- lasting version of Viagra, every night to maintain a stable blood level, which will allow him to have an erection on demand.
对你丈夫的疗法也许包括每晚使用5毫克的犀利士一种加长时间版的伟哥,这可以使他的血液水平保持稳定并在有需求的时候可以勃起。 yeeyan

Today’s talking and touching therapies for couple’s sexual problems are largely based on her ideas, just as the development of Viagra and its ilk owe much to the physiological research of Masters.
如今针对伴侣性问题的交谈疗法和触摸疗法大部分正是基于她的想法,这正如万艾可“伟哥”以及相似药物的发展大部分应归功于马斯特斯的生理学研究。 ecocn

A Dutch study cited by the International Journal of Clinical Practice found that, of370 seized Viagra samples, only10 were genuine.
《国际临床实践杂志》提及的荷兰一项调查发现,查封的370份伟哥样品中仅有10份是正宗的。 who

Another objection is that, unlike Viagra, flibanserin cannot simply be administered an hour before sex is planned.
与伟哥不同,另一种反对声是氟立班丝氨无法再性爱一小时前发挥作用。 ecocn

As anyone with an e- mail address knows, the difficulty is not scarcity, but keeping the offers for Viagra, real or fake, at bay.
凡是有电子邮箱的人都知道,困难并不在于稀少,而是对伟哥出售者的忌讳防范心理,无论真伪。 ecocn

At the moment it is still an experimental treatment but it highlights that there are many other uses for Viagra other than purely as an erectile dysfunction medication.
虽然该种方法目前尚处于试验阶段,但却彰显出伟哥除了单纯治疗阳痿之外,还可以有许多其他的功用。 iciba

Before the dawn of Viagra and similar prescription drugs about a decade ago, urologists had little success in treating erectile dysfunction with medication.
在伟哥和类似的处方药出现大约十年前,泌尿科医师从未用药物成功治疗过勃起功能障碍症。 yeeyan

But creating a blockbuster quality- of- life drug like Viagra involves more than just being innovative or being first.
但是,研发出像万艾可这样提高生活质量的畅销药物,需要的不仅仅是创新或率先。 yeeyan

Ginger increases blood circulation to act as a natural Viagra for him.
姜可以促进血液循环,对你的他来说一种天然的伟哥。 yeeyan

It induces the first condition, sort of a Viagra for the mind.
它能诱发性的诱惑的条件,有点儿像给脑袋服用的伟哥。 yeeyan

Once, when analyzing what was suspected to be a counterfeit antimalarial pill, his team discovered traces of sildenafil, the main ingredient in the anti-impotency drug Viagra.
有一次,当分析一份被怀疑是伪造的抗疟疾药时,他的研究小组发现了微量西地那非,也就是补虚药伟哥的重要成分。 yeeyan

Only five years ago, big firms were celebrated as the purveyors of exciting new medicines, such as Viagra, and even more stimulating earnings growth.
仅仅在五年之前,大公司还以生产出伟哥那样让人兴奋的新药和更令人难以置信的收入增长而声名远扬。 ecocn

Peddling my work like a Viagra salesman still feels at odds with the high calling of literature.
我像一个贩卖伟哥的推销员,觉得这与文学的崇高使命格格不入。 ecocn

Pfizer has been criticised for overstating the benefits of Viagra.
辉瑞一直受到批评,认为它夸大了伟哥的好处。 yeeyan

Several doctors say they have found Viagra tablets and condoms in the pockets of dead pro- Gaddafi fighters, alleging that they were using rape as a weapon of war.
几个医生说,他们已经在死亡的亲卡扎菲战士们口袋里发现了伟哥药丸和安全套,并断言那些人将强奸用作了一种战争武器。 yeeyan

The results also show that the risk of these side effects increased as the dose of Viagra rose.
研究结果还表明,随着伟哥的剂量增加这些副作用的风险也随之上升。 yeeyan

This perhaps reflects the growing use of performance- enhancing pills, from Prozac to Viagra, throughout society.
社会上下服用兴奋小药丸从解百忧到伟哥日渐增多也是一佐证。 ecocn

Today, thanks to every tour company in the world pushing it on tourists, it's about as authentic as that pack of Viagra for sale in a back soi on Sukhumvit Road.
今天,还真得感谢这世界上的每一家旅游公司,他们把这里宣传介绍给游客,现在曼谷市素坤逸路的后巷里,贩卖成盒的“伟哥”是再平常不过的事了。 yeeyan

Under these circumstances handing out Viagra is a bit like bombing obscure targets from thousands of feet.
在这种情况下分发伟哥有点像从几千英尺的高度轰炸模糊的目标。 yeeyan

We are also experimenting with new scents, which work like a“ doggy Viagra”, providing further sensory stimulation.
我们也在尝试添加新的香气,功效等同于狗狗中的“伟哥”,提供持久的感官刺激。 yeeyan

Viagra, ski jackets and Father Christmas costumes were all sent to tsunami victims.
伟哥,滑雪夹克和圣诞服饰都被送往了海啸受害者。 yeeyan

Viagra increases blood flow to the penis and blocks the blood from leaving, helping men maintain an erection.
伟哥增强血液流动到阴茎,并阻滞血液离开,这有助于男性持久勃起。 yeeyan




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