

单词 VHF
释义 VHF 英ˌviːeɪtʃ'ef美ˌviːeɪtʃ'ef ☆☆☆☆☆高iWeb¹⁸⁹⁰⁵Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
abbr.Very High Frequency 甚高频⁸⁹n.甚高频;特高频¹¹

a group of illnesses caused by a viral infection usually restricted to a specific geographic area; fever and gastrointestinal symptoms are followed by capillary hemorrhage30 to 300 megahertzVHF receiver甚高频接收机…VHF radio range甚高频无线电指向标…vhf broadcasting甚高频广播VHF direction finding甚高频定向vhf tuner甚高频党器,甚高频频…
近义词 hemorrhagic fever出血热viral hemorrhagic fever病毒性出血热…very high frequency无特高频率=VHF…

用作名词This radio station broadcasts only onVHF.这家电台只用甚高频广播。
These atmospheric conditions are playing merry hell withVHFreception tonight.这些大气环境在破坏今晚的甚高频的接收效果。 A series of microcrystalline silicon thin films were fabricated by very high frequency plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition( VHF- PECVD at different silane concentrations in a P chamber.
在掺杂 P室采用甚高频等离子体增强化学气相沉积 VHF- PECVD技术,制备了不同硅烷浓度条件下的本征微晶硅薄膜。 dictall

Our factory is a company of developing, manufacturing and marketing as a whole. We are specialized high-classMIC. Our product is: VHF, UHF wireless MIC, wire MIC, and meeting microphone.
本厂是一家集产品研制、开发、生产、销售、技术服务于一体的企业,主要产品有 VHF、 UHF无线麦克风及有线麦克风、会议麦克风等。 http://dj.iciba.com

The Falcon III RF-7800V provides high-speed data connectivity up to192 Kbps, making it the fastest VHF combat net radio available.
“猎鹰” III RF-7800V提供了高速数据链接能力,可达192Kbps,使最快速的甚高频战斗网络无线电得以应用; www.etiri.com.cn

The panels charge two12- volt batteries, which connect to the VHF radio, GPS and navigation lights.
它们为两个12伏的电池充电,这两个电池连接到高频电台、 GPS和导航灯。 yeeyan

The NORMARC8005 SCAT- I ground station receives and validates GPS signals and then transmits the calculated signal corrections and flight path data via a VHF data link.
NORMARC8005 SCAT-1地面站接收和验证 GPS信号,然后通过 VHF数据链发送计算后的信号校正和飞行路径数据。 www.etiri.com.cn

After one hour the pilot on the bridge to order anchoring at destination Communication means between pilot and chief is portable VHF.
一小时后引航员在驾驶台命令在指定位置抛锚。引航员和大副之间通信是对讲机。 blog.sina.com.cn

Any aerial that can pick up UHF and VHF signals will receive digital television signals.
任何能捕捉到 UHF和 VHF信号的天线,都能接收数字电视信号。 ecocn

Apart from channel two, the rest of the original VHF channels on the dial were usually just the odd numbers from three to13.
除了2频道之外,原来位于频道调节器甚高频段的其余频道序号,通常只是3到13间的奇数。 ecocn.org

Call for assistance from ashore by VHF.
通过甚高频电话向岸上求救。 blog.sina.com.cn

DVOR Doppler VHF omni- directional Range is one of the equipments most commonly used in today's civil aviation communications and navigation. It provides the perspective information for the aircraft.
DVOR多普勒甚高频全向信标是当今民航最为常用的通信导航设备之一,可以给民航飞行器提供角度信息。 fabiao

Expected to begin initial operation in2015, the system will replace the existing Air Force Space Surveillance System, or VHF Fence, which has been in service since the early1960s.
预计该系统将于2015年投入首次运行,届时将替代美国空军的现有太空监视系统或‘甚高频篱笆’——自从20世纪60年代初期就开始服役。 yeeyan

I can confirm that Russia uses the following VHF downlink frequencies.
我可以证实,俄罗斯使用下面的甚高频下行频率。 sx-che

I'd like to use your VHFVery High Frequency telephone to contact our company.
我想用一下你的高频电话同公司联系一下。 blog.sina.com.cn

In particular, transmit- receive modules mounted on vehicular platforms are widely encountered in ad-hoc network configurations of HF/ VHF military radio.
特别是在一些高频、甚高频军事专用无线通信设施中,往往将多个接收、发射装置安放在同一车体平台上。 cnki

In over-the- air VHF broadcasting, the channel between two analogue stations had to be left unused so that it would not interfere with adjacent ones.
因为甚高频无线广播中,两个模拟频点之间的频道必须留着不用,为的是不干扰邻近频道。 ecocn

Space Fence will replace the current VHF Air Force Space Surveillance System built in1961.
太空护栏将取代目前建于1961年的甚高频空军空间监测系统。 www.etiri.com.cn

That was because, in over-the- air VHF broadcasting, the channel between two analogue stations had to be left unused so that it would not interfere with adjacent ones.
这是因为在空中传播的高频信号中,两个模拟发射频道的之间要有一个空置的频道这样才不会干扰相邻的频道。 ecocn

The authors suggest China's CETC Y-27 radar, which is similar to Russia's Nebo SVU VHF Digital AESA, could counter U.S. stealth fighter technology.
研究人员还表明中国 CETC Y-27型,类似于俄国的 Nebo高频数字水面舰艇单元 AESA型的雷达将能够对抗美国隐形战机的技术。 yeeyan

The plane has UHF and VHF radios plus an instrument landing system.
飞机配备了 UHF和 VHF无线电以及仪表降落系统。 insky

The radio also has an extended range that provides access to low- band VHF.
该无线电系统还可扩展频率范围,提供低频段甚高频。 www.etiri.com.cn

The reference stations have such functions as positioning, VHF electric wave transmit, calculate average value, etc.
系统的参考站具有定位、甚高频电波发射、平均位置等功能; cnki

The resonant reflection mechanism is able to explain strong scattering of VHF/ UHF radar in ESF conditions.
认为这种共振反射理论可能解释 ESF条件下 VHF/ UHF雷达强散射和卫星与地面通讯中断等现象。 iciba

These frequencies, along with other UHF and VHF parts of the spectrum used by analogue television, are now to be vacated.
这些频率,连同模拟电视使用的其他 UHF和 VHF频谱,现在都空出来了。 yeeyan

This paper presents a new design concept for the antenna measurement field, and has designed and tested it in VHF.
本文提出一种新的天线测试场设计方案,并在 VHF频段进行了设计与实验。 cnki

This analytic method is also suitable for the bands of extremely low frequency ELF and very high frequency VHF.
这种分析方法也适用于极低频到甚高频波段。 cnki

When pushing button in handset, the VHF still works in receiving function.
当按下话音按钮开关时, VHF仍工作于接听状态。 blog.sina.com.cn




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