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词汇 VGS
释义 VGSBNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
Visual Guidance System 目视制导系统
How to control the Vgs of the PA is a problem in front of the PA designers.
功率放大器的栅极偏置电压控制一直是功放设计者需要考虑的问题。 cediy

It is recommended to create shared VGs using PowerHA- CSPOC even though these can be created using general AIX commands.
尽管可以使用一般的 AIX命令创建共享卷组,但是建议使用 PowerHA- CSPOC创建它们。 ibm

The support for classical concurrent mode VGs has been completely removed from AIX5L Version 5.3.
而在 AIX5L Version5.3 中则彻底地删除了对经典并发模式 VG的支持。 ibm

If other data in other VGs also need to be recovered to serve the clients, do so immediately, before recreating the mirrors.
如果其他 VG中的其他数据也需要恢复以服务与客户机,则请立即进行恢复,然后再重新创建镜像。

In order to do the n- to- m, physical- to- logical volumes mapping, PVs and VGs must share a common quantum size for their basic blocks; these are called physical extents PEs and logical extents LEs.
为了实现 n- to- m物理到逻辑卷映射, PV和 VG的基本块必须具有相同的大小;这些基本块称为物理区段 PE和逻辑区段 LE。 ibm

It is suggested that the oblique-cut semi- cylinder shell is a kind of VGs with efficient heat transfer enhancement but low pressure drop.
结果表明:斜截半柱面涡流发生器是一种强化换热效果好又阻力损失小的涡流发生器型式。 fabiao

These PVs are gathered logically into VGs; within VGs, LVs are laid down across sets of PPs to build structure onto the PVs.
从逻辑上说,这些 PV应包含在 VG 中,在 VG中, LV放在多组 PP上,以构建 PV上的结构。 ibm

This enhancement supports advanced scalability and performance for systems with a large number of VGs and applies to all VG types.
对于那些具有大量 VG的系统来说,这种增强可以支持高级的可扩展性和性能,并且适用于所有的 VG类型。 ibm

This opens up the prospect of configuring VGs with a relatively small number of disks and fine-grained storage allocation options through a large number of PPs, which are small in size.
这使得我们能够通过较大数量的 PP,以较少数量的磁盘和细粒度的存储分配选项来配置 VG,其中这些 PP的容量很小。 ibm

When creating VGs and LVs, you can give them a meaningful name as opposed to the previous examples where, for didactic purposes, the names VG0, LV0, and LV1 were used.
在创建 VG和 LV时,可以给它们起一个有意义的名称而不是像前面的示例那样使用 VG0、 LV0和 LV1等名称。 ibm

While AIX5L Version 5.2 did not allow creation of classical concurrent mode VGs, it did support them.
尽管 AIX5L Version 5.2不允许创建经典并发模式 VG,但是的确提供了对它们的支持。 ibm




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