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词汇 VFS
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At the core of that set of interfaces is the virtual file system switch VFS.
这组接口的核心就是虚拟文件系统交换器 VFS。 ibm

At the top is the virtual file system VFS, which presents a common interface to higher-level applications.
架构的顶层是虚拟文件系统 VFS,它为高级应用程序提供通用接口。 ibm

Late in2000, Vince Darley, a scientist with Eurobios, prepared an ambitious rewrite of Tcl's filesystem application programming interface API that, among other advantages, gives VFS hooks.
在2000年底, Eurobios科学家 Vince Darley准备雄心勃勃地重新编写 Tcl的文件系统应用程序编程接口 API,其中的优点之一就是提供 VFS挂钩 hook。 ibm

The internal architecture of the VFS is made up of a dispatching layer that provides the file system abstraction and a number of caches to improve the performance of file system operations.
VFS的内部架构由一个调度层提供文件系统抽象和许多缓存用于改善文件系统操作的性能组成。 ibm

The request is passed up to the NFS daemon, which identifies the target file system tree needed for the request, and VFS is again used to get to that file system in local storage.
需求向上提交给 NFS守护进程,它为需求标示出目标文件系统树,并且 VFS再次用于在本地存储中获取文件系统。 ibm

The virtual file system VFS is an interesting aspect of the Linux kernel because it provides a common interface abstraction for file systems.
虚拟文件系统 VFS是 Linux内核中非常有用的一个方面,因为它为文件系统提供了一个通用的接口抽象。 ibm

The VFS keeps track of the currently- supported file systems, as well as those file systems that are currently mounted.
VFS记录当前支持的文件系统以及当前挂装的文件系统。 ibm

Another structure maintained in the VFS is the mounted file systems see Figure3.
VFS中维护的另一个结构是挂装的文件系统见图3。 ibm

As Linux presents a common interface to the file systems through the virtual file system switch VFS, the user's perspective of Ceph is transparent.
因为 Linux显示文件系统的一个公共界面通过虚拟文件系统交换机 VFS, Ceph的用户透视图就是透明的。 ibm

Basically it delegates most of the VFS calls to a specialized daemon that handles them.
从根本上来说,它将大部分 VFS调用都委托给一个专用的守护进程来处理。 ibm

Before looking at the overall architecture of the VFS subsystem, let's have a look at the major objects that are used.
在查看 VFS子系统的总体架构之前,我们先看看所使用的主要对象。 ibm

In addition to abstracting the details of file operations from the underlying file systems, VFS ties the underlying block devices to the available file systems.
除了从底层文件系统抽象文件操作的细节之外, VFS还将底层块设备绑定到可用的文件系统。 ibm

In Tcl's release8.4, in contrast, “ Tcl's filesystem is completely virtual filesystem aware,” as the community page on VFS explains.
相比之下,在 Tcl的发行版8.4中,正如有关 VFS的社区页面所说明的那样:“ Tcl的文件系统是完全支持虚拟文件系统的”。 ibm

In that sense, VFS is like object orientation, high-level languages, or run- time libraries: it provides nothing new, and you can do in your own programming everything VFS does.
从这个意义上说, VFS类似于面向对象的高级语言或运行时库:它不提供任何新内容,您可以自己编程来做 VFS可以做的任何事。 ibm

Now that I've reviewed the various important objects in the VFS layer, let's look at how they relate in a single diagram.
我们已经查看了 VFS层中的各种重要对象,现在我们通过一个图表展示它们之间的关系。 ibm

Now, check and see if there is a VFS- lock patch available for your particular kernel version.
现在,检查是否有可用于特定内核版本的 VFS- lock补丁。 ibm

Now, let's add some concrete architecture to the abstract features that the Linux VFS provides.
现在,我们向 Linux VFS提供的抽象特性添加一些具体的架构。 ibm

Once a request is found to be destined for NFS, VFS passes it to the NFS instance within the kernel.
一旦发现了为 NFS指定的需求, VFS会将其传递给内核中的 NFS实例。 ibm

Plenty of industrial-strength products rely on VFS.
许多在业界有影响的产品都依赖于 VFS。 ibm

Scripted documents and VFS are large topics that deserve column installments of their own.
脚本化文档和 VFS是宏大的主题,值得开辟它们自己的专栏。 ibm

Several popular languages now support VFS constructs, and Cameron Laird shows you what they are good for.
几种流行的语言现在都支持 VFS构造, Cameron Laird向您说明这些构造适用于什么。 ibm

That is, rather than using VFS technology to access existing external resources, it manages a special- purpose database, internal to the application, as a complete filesystem.
也就是,不是使用 VFS技术去访问现有的外部资源,而是要将一个特殊用途的数据库位于应用程序内部当作一个完整的文件系统进行管理。 ibm

That's the 20,000-foot view of the VFS and file system components.
这就是 VFS和文件系统组件的高层情况。 ibm

The idea behind a VFS is simple: it represents as a filesystem something that is not a filesystem.
VFS背后的构想很简单:它将不是文件系统的事物表示为文件系统。 ibm

The virtual file system VFS is the abstraction layer for the multitude of file systems that are supported in the kernel.
而虚拟文件系统( VFS)是内核中支持的大多数文件系统的抽象层。 ibm

This article has scratched the surface of the VFS, its approach, and objects used to provide uniform access to differing file systems.
本文探索了 VFS的基础概念,以及为访问不同文件系统提供统一接口的对象。 ibm

Venus has exactly the same function as the AFS Cache Manager, which takes its file system jobs from the VFS layer inside the kernel.
Venus具有与 AFS Cache Manager完全相同的功能,即把文件系统任务从内核内部的 VFS层取出。 ibm

With VFS, though, resource management is far easier and more rational.
但是,有了 VFS,资源管理就变得非常容易且更加合理。 ibm

VFS is also like UNIX's“ everything is a file” concept, in that it's easy to understand and imitate the idea, but it might take years to appreciate how much it simplifies application design.
VFS和 UNIX的“一切均是文件”的概念也很相似,因为这个想法很容易理解和模仿,但是要意识到它能将应用程序设计简化到哪种程度,还需要花几年工夫。 ibm

VFS simplifies a range of interesting problems.
VFS简化了许多有趣的问题。 ibm




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