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VFR 基本例句 abbr.visual flight rules 空目视飞行规则 Both FIT and VFR are still a big share of the present China's outbound tourism composition and besides represent a big influence. 自助游和探亲访友游依旧在中国出境游市场中占有极大地份额,与此同时也对这个市场有着一定的影响力。 sinaurl.cn So how to promote tourism destination focusing on FIT and VFR travelers? 旅游目的地应该怎样推广自我来迎合自助游客和探亲访友的游客呢? sinaurl.cn Equipped with a Night VFR avionics suite from either Dynon or Garmin, getting out and back to your secret destination will also be much easier. 她还配备了符合夜间 VFR要求的 Dynon或 Garmin的航电套装,去你的隐秘的世外桃源将更加容易。 cneaa It indicates that fighter pilots acquire information mostly from the OV in VFR visual flight rules condition and most of their visual attention is allocated to the outside world. 表明视觉飞行规则下,战斗机驾驶员主要从外景获取视觉信息,他们的大部分注意力都集中在外景。 cnki Night VFR and command instrument ratingsCIR require you to prove your ability to navigate by instruments only. 夜间目测及信号导航等级则要求仅用仪表装置来证明你导航的能力。 strong-study VFR night flight and IFR flight under visual conditions are also said to be possible. VFR夜间飞行和 IFR目视条件下飞行同样也是许可的。 cneaa |