

单词 veteran
释义 vet·er·an 英ˈvetərən, ˈvetrən美ˈvɛtərən, ˈvɛtrənAHDvĕtʹər-ən, vĕtʹrən ★★★☆☆高四六研GIST宝4八COCA²⁹⁰⁰BNC¹⁴³²⁴iWeb²⁶⁵⁰Economist³⁸⁴¹

C 经验丰富的人; 老兵

person with much or long experience, especially as a soldier

C 退伍军人

any ex-serviceman

a serviceman who has seen considerable active service;

the veterans laughed at the new recruits

a person who has served in the armed forcesan experienced person who has been through many battles; someone who has given long service
rendered competent through trial and experience;

a seasoned traveler

veteran steadiness

a veteran officer

用作名词 n.
形容词+~disabled veteran残废的军人名词+~sea veteran富有经验的水手war veteran老战士
非常记忆v船〖象形〗+ete两只鹅打伞〖象形〗+ran染〖拼音〗⇒老兵现在是船上的veter老的,经历了很多年的+an形容词和名词后缀⇒老兵,老手。GRE红宝书读: 歪特ran = ren人, 身体特别歪的人-老人.发音记忆“为他人”→本着为他人的思想,成为光荣的老兵谐音记忆音“我的人”⇒这个老兵 是我的人近义词 vet兽医expert专家Dean系主任oldtimer老人specialist专家stager老练的人practiced熟练的technician技术员trouper戏团的团员ex-soldier在乡军人accomplished完成的seasoned经验丰富的sophisticated老练的experienced有经验的old-timer老资格的人…old hand经验老到的人…ex-serviceman复员军人worldly-wise精于世故的old stager经验丰富的人…warhorse军马,老兵,老练的人…past master能手前任主持人…
用作名词n.The baseball veteran loved to coach young players.这位棒球老手喜欢指导年轻选手。
My grandfather is a veteran of the Second World War.我祖父是二战时的老兵。
Some veterans of two world war gathered to celebrate their victory.一些经历了两次世界大战的退伍军人欢聚庆祝胜利。
用作形容词A good idea soaked into thatveteranworker.那位老工人的头脑里有了一个好主意。
Thisveterancadre is looked up to by everybody.这位老干部受到众人的尊敬。用作名词The baseballveteranloved to coach young players.这位棒球老手喜欢指导年轻选手。
That comrade writing these poems is aveteran.写这些诗的那个同志是个老兵。
His grandfather was aveteranof the World War II.他的祖父是二战时的老兵。adj.experienced, seasoned
同义词 old-time,skilled,trainedadept,expert,old,pro,steady,versed,vet,wisebattle-scarred,been around,disciplined,exercised,from way back,hardened,inured,knows one's stuff,long-serving,long-time,not born yesterday,of the old school,practical,practiced,proficient,sophisticated,up to speed,weathered,wise to ways,worldly
反义词 unskilledamateur,green,inexperiencednoun.person with much experience;particularly in war
同义词 expert,pro,vetGI,old-timer,sourdough,trouper,war-horseold guard,old hand,old pro,old salt,old soldier,shellback
反义词 rookie
authoritynoun expert, animate or inanimate
Bible,CEO,arbiter,aristocrat,big cheese,big shot,big wig,boss,brains,brass,buff,city hall,connoisseur,czar,egghead,establishment,exec,executive,expert,feds,front office,governor,guru,ivory dome,judge,kingfish,kingpin,law,power elite,pro,professional,professor,pundit,scholar,specialist,textbook,top brass,top dog,top hand,upstairs,virtuoso,whiz,wizard
capableadjective able to perform
able,accomplished,adapted,adept,adequate,apt,au fait,clever,competent,dynamite,efficient,experienced,fireball,fitted,gifted,good,green thumb,has what it takes,having know-how,having the goods,having the right stuff,intelligent,knowing the ropes,knowing the score,like a one-man band,like a pistol,masterly,old hand,old-timer,on the ball,proficient,proper,qualified,skillful,suited,talented,there,up,up to it,up to snuff,up to speed,veteran
consultantnoun professional advisor
eldernoun older person
ancestor,ancient,forebearer,golden ager,matriarch,old fogy,oldest,oldster,patriarch,senior,senior citizen,superior,veteran
eldersnoun older person
ancestors,ancients,forebearers,golden agers,matriarchs,old fogeys,oldests,oldsters,patriarchs,senior citizens,seniors,superiors,veterans
experiencedadjective knowledgeable, knowing
accomplished,accustomed,adept,been around,been there,broken in,capable,competent,cultivated,dynamite,expert,familiar,having something on the ball,in the know,instructed,knowing one's stuff,knowing the score,mature,matured,old,old hand,practical,practiced,pro,professional,qualified,rounded,seasoned,skillful,sophisticated,sport,tested,the right stuff,trained,tried,versed,vet,veteran,well-versed,wise,worldly,worldly-wise The hope that veteran’s advocates like Rieckhoff have is that soldiers get a fair shake and a fuller understanding of the difficult job they do.
像里克霍夫那样的老兵拥护者们则希望士兵们得到公平合理的对待,更充分地了解他们工作的艰难所在。 yeeyan

“ No administration has ever tried to do something as big as they are doing here, right out of the box, ” said Steve Elmendorf, a longtime Hill veteran and principal at Elmendorf Strategies.
“从来没有一届政府尝试过他们现在做的事情,太不可思议了,”资深国会老兵兼埃尔门多夫战略咨询负责人史蒂夫埃尔门多夫说道。 yeeyan

“That’s why I feel so wholeheartedly behind the justice of this case,” says a veteran Jerusalem commentator.
一位耶路撒冷资深评论员说:“这是我全心全意期待伸张正义的原因。 ecocn

“The centre of gravity is shifting to this part of the world and I want to play a part in it while I can, ” Mr Bolton, a30- year veteran of Fidelity, told a media briefing in Hong Kong.
博尔顿先生是富达一位有30年年资的老手,他在香港的一个新闻发布会上说:“重心正在向世界这一地区转移,而我只要抽出身来就想要在其中发挥作用。” yeeyan

A mature database veteran realized he needed to update his skills.
一名年长的数据库老手意识到他需要更新他的技能。 ibm

Around the year59 BC, Julius Caesar established a settlement for his veteran troops in the fertile river valley of the Arno.
大约在公元前59年,凯撒为他的部队里的老兵在富饶的亚诺河谷建立了殖民地。 yeeyan

But it is firing back at Taibbi, the son of veteran NBC television reporter Mike Taibbi.
但这次它进行了还击,针对 NBC老牌记者迈克·泰比的儿子小泰比。 yeeyan

But Schmidt, a20- year veteran of the IT industry, wasn't keen on shouldering the considerable costs of creating and maintaining an OS and browser for no obvious return.
但是,在 IT行业有20年经验的老兵施米特不喜欢承担数量可观的费用,来创建并维护没有明显回报的操作系统和浏览器。 yeeyan

But the length and intensity of these strikes has taken even veteran observers of France by surprise.
但是,这些罢工持续的时间与其剧烈程度甚至让法国资深观察家也大为惊奇。 ecocn

Gioia and other travelers scold themselves for their forgetfulness, but psychologists say it's commonplace even among the most veteran of travelers.
吉奥亚和其他旅客因健忘而自责,但是,心理学家为他们开脱说,这是常有的事,旅行老手都避免不了。 yeeyan

However, it’s often the case that one of the largest roadblocks to migrating to new technologies is not budget constraints or management objections; it’s the veteran techies in the IT department.
然而,通常却是这样的一种情况,迁移到新的技术上的阻力不是预算上的限制,也不是管理层的反对,而是IT部门的资深老员工。 yeeyan

However, the emerging markets veteran adds that China is entering its most productive phase, which is still to happen in India.
但是,这位新兴市场的老手补充说,中国即将进入生产率最高的阶段,而印度还没有。 robertafnani.com

Nor is an industry veteran, such as Mr King, an obvious new broom.
一个身经百战的业内老兵如金先生者也不是一个新官。 ecocn

People“ want to know what happened”, suggests Michael Mansfield, a barrister and veteran of high-profile inquiries and inquests.
人们“想知道发生了什么”,律师和高级调查审判的老手,迈克尔·曼斯菲尔德如是说。 ecocn

She said she spoke not as a politician but as the mother of an Iraq war veteran.
她说,她不是作为一位政界人士讲话,而是作为伊拉克战争一名老兵的母亲讲话。 kekenet

The baseball veteran loved to coach young players.
这位棒球老手喜欢指导年轻选手。 kekenet

The work was supervised by an American archaeologist who was himself a Vietnam veteran.
这项工作在一位美国考古学家的监督下进行,他自己就是一名越战老兵。 yeeyan

They had, they told a shocked nation celebrating its centenary, found only a single survivor on the battlefield, a veteran bleeding from the wounds of seven bullets and arrows.
他们——此言在建国百年庆典活动中震惊全国——在战场上只找到一位生还者,一名全身七处被子弹和箭头所伤的老兵。 ecocn

Today we have invited some veteran diplomats, renowned scholars, diplomatic envoys and friends from the media.
今天,我们邀请了部分资深外交官和知名学者,还有驻华使节和媒体代表。 ebigear




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