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词汇 Vesuvio
释义 Vesuvio
TheVesuviois my favorite restaurant in town.描述您在镇里喜爱的餐馆。
TheVesuviois my favorite restaurant in town, across the street there is a big house, and next door only empty land.描述您在镇里喜爱的餐馆。在街道对面是什么?在隔壁是什么?
At this timeVesuvioejected a large amount of magma in less than 24 hours, buried and annihilated the towns of Pompeii and Herculaneum located to the southeast of the volcano.维苏威火山这次爆发在不到24小时之内喷射出大量的岩浆,埋葬并毁灭了位于火山东南方向的古城庞贝和海格立斯。
The 4th round of the 1/10th scale Brazilian touring car National Championships took place recently at the FazendaVesuvioin Sao Paulo.第四轮的十分之一规模车赛巴西全国锦标赛最近发生在法曾达维苏威在圣保罗。
Water and fire are mingling together like the lava fromVesuviorushing into the Mediterranean Sea stirring thousand mile of smong,created the modern and passion of life.水与火的碰撞与交融,犹如苏维士火山喷发的熔岩一泻千里流入地中海激起万丈烟雾,充满时代气息与激情。
Era nebbioso, ma ilVesuvioera distinguibile anche da lontano, potevo anche immaginare la sua eruzione e la antica Pompei seppellita viva sotto la lava in 79 A.D.其实起雾了,但站在那不勒斯湾眺望,远处的维苏威火山清晰可见,甚至,人们还能联想到公元79年的那场火山爆发,把古老的庞贝古城活活埋葬的场景。




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