

单词 very modest
释义 very modest短语³⁰⁷⁵³
It's a very modest acceleration.

Paolo Boffetta from the Tisch Cancer Institute at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York found that eating a lot of fruit and vegetables has only“ a very modest” protective effect against cancer.
纽约西奈山医学院蒂施癌症研究学院保罗·波费塔也发现大量进食水果和蔬菜只对癌症有微乎其微的抑制作用。 yeeyan

Failing to meet the very modest expectations of Cancun would have been fatal.
坎昆没有实现原来最核心的愿望是致命的缺陷。 ecocn

However, the new analysis also confirms that the optimistic claims, first made in September and viewed sceptically at the time, are indeed very modest.
不过,新的分析还证实,试验结果并不如开始宣称的那样乐观。 试验结果在九月份首次公布,当时就有人表示怀疑。 yeeyan

Offer some flexibility to smaller banks in view of their very modest starting base.
考虑到较小银行在成立初期的规模较小,为它们提供一些灵活性。 blog.sina.com.cn

Well, that is learning, but it's of a very modest kind.
好吧,他们是在学习,只是进度太慢。 yeeyan




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