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词汇 vertebrate
释义 ver·te·brate 英ˈvɜːtəbrɪt, -ˌbreɪt美ˈvɝtəbrɪt, -ˌbretAHDvûrʹtə-brĭt, -brāt' ☆☆☆☆☆高GIMST八COCA²⁸⁵⁸²BNC²⁶⁷¹⁴iWeb²¹⁰²⁷Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺

animals having a bony or cartilaginous skeleton with a segmented spinal column and a large brain enclosed in a skull or cranium
having a backbone or spinal column;

fishes and amphibians and reptiles and birds and mammals are verbetrate animals

来自vertebra,脊椎。marine vertebrate海洋脊椎动物…vertebrate paleontology古脊椎动物学…vertebrate column脊柱vertebrate virus脊椎动物病毒…vertebrate fauna脊椎动物区系…vertebrate poison杀脊椎动物剂…Vertebrate host脊椎动物宿主…
非常记忆very很〖熟词〗+teb特步〖拼音〗+rate速度〖熟词〗⇒脊椎动物穿着特步鞋快速奔跑GRE难词记忆vertebra→vert=to turn 转+ebra=bone 骨头→可以旋转的骨头→脊椎vertebra→vert=to turn转+ebra=bone骨头→可以旋转的骨头⇒脊椎GRE难词记忆vertebrate→vertebra n.脊椎+ate→脊椎动物来自vertebran. 脊椎骨近义词 bird鸟fish鱼animal动物creature生物mammal哺乳动物reptile爬行动物craniate有头盖的amphibian两栖类的反义词 invertebrate无脊椎动物

用作形容词A dog is avertebrateanimal.狗是脊椎动物。
So far it has not been detected in avertebrateanimal.到目前为止,脊椎动物体内还没有发现过。
The organ in invertebrates is similar to thevertebrateliver.无脊椎动物体内该器官与脊椎动物的肝脏相似。用作名词Fish, birds and human beings are allvertebrates.鱼、鸟和人类都是脊椎动物。as in.animal
同义词 beast,creature,petbeing,brute,critter,invertebrate,mutt,stray,varmintliving thing,wild thing
反义词 mineral,plantas in.mammal
同义词 beast,creature
animalnoun animate being;mammal
beast,being,brute,creature,critter,invertebrate,living thing,mutt,pet,stray,varmint,wild thing
beastnoun large wild animal
animal,beastie,creature,critter,lower animal,mammal,quadruped,varmint,vertebrate,wild animal
mammalnoun animal
mammalsnoun animal
beasts,creatures,vertebrates Michael Ryan, curator of vertebrate paleontology for the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, published the discovery in this month's Journal of Paleontology.
迈克尔·瑞安是克利夫兰自然历史博物馆古脊椎动物部门的负责人,他在本月的《古生物学杂志》上对外公布了这一新发现。 neworiental

The receptors in question orchestrate both behavioural and physical development, including some types of bone growth, in many vertebrate species.
许多脊椎动物体内的激素受体详细编排着其行为发展和身体发育,还包括一些动物的骨骼生长。 ecocn

The vertebrate brain is the most complex example of a modular system.
脊椎动物的大脑正是这样的复杂功能模块。 yeeyan

“ They will eat almost every vertebrate of the right size, but they mostly prefer birds and mammals,” said USGS biologist Gordon Rodda, who co- authored the350- page study.
“它们几乎会吃大小适中的每一类脊椎动物,但它们更偏爱吃禽类和哺乳动物。”曾合作撰写了350页研究报告的美国地质勘探局生物学家戈登.瑞达说。 yeeyan

Algae are found living inside the tissues of spotted salamander embryos, representing the first known case of an algae- vertebrate co- habitation arrangement.
藻类植物被发现生活在斑点蝾螈胚胎组织中,这是第一次发现藻类-脊椎动物的共生关系。 史蒂夫·米尔斯基报告了凯伦·霍普金的发现。 yeeyan

As the vertebrate monsters have waxed and waned, the insects have gone on mating and hatching and, as they do, populating every swamp, tree, and patch of soil.
当脊椎动物们还处于盛衰无常的阶段时,昆虫们就已经统治了每一块沼泽,每一棵树木甚至每一块土地,它们在忙着交配,孵化出越来越多的后代。 yeeyan

Based on a fossil find reported this week in the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, University of Florida researchers now think its prey included a6 to7-foot- long distant relative of crocodiles.
根据本周发表在《脊椎动物古生物学期刊》的一篇关化石研究报告,弗洛里达大学的研究人员们认为,泰坦莽的猎物甚至包括一种身长为6到7英尺的鳄鱼类的远亲。 hjenglish

Because these cells are among the largest in the vertebrate brain, they were the first neurons to be identified.
由于这些细胞是脊椎动物大脑中最大的细胞,它们是最早被识别出来的神经元。 yeeyan

By tracking how bones develop, and in what order, it's possible to see how various genes control the overall development of vertebrate organisms.
通过跟踪骨头如何发育以及以什么样的顺序发育,可能会发现不同的基因是如何控制脊椎动物的全面发育的。 yeeyan

Curiously, researchers have also seen melanin in the testes of a variety of species in all vertebrate groups.
奇怪的是,研究者们发现了这种色素存在于各种各样的脊椎动物中。 yeeyan

In a vertebrate’s arms, muscles do the moving and bones carry the weight.
对脊椎动物的手臂而言,肌肉负责运动,骨骼承受重量。 ecocn

In the absence of any fossils of the extinct ancestor, zoologists chose to believe that Platynereis's nervous system was somehow different from the one found in the vertebrate lineage.
在没有找到任何沙蚕 Platynereis绝迹祖先的化石证据的情况下, 动物学家们更愿意相信沙蚕Platynereis的神经系统与脊椎动物的神经系统是不同的. ecocn

It covers965 populations of365 species, representing35 percent of all known vertebrate species found in the Arctic.
报告涵盖了365种物种的965个种群,相当于北极地区所有已知的脊椎动物物种的35%。 yeeyan

It is the first time any vertebrate larva has been found to use sound to communicate underwater.
这是首次在脊椎动物幼仔中发现,它们能够使用声音在水下进行沟通。 yeeyan

Like males of most other vertebrate species, these animals take more than one mate if they can.
像许多其他雄性脊椎动物一样,如有可能,它们会拥有不止一个配偶。 yeeyan

Not only did mammals sweep across the planet after K- T, but sharks expanded across the seas, explained American Museum of Natural History vertebrate paleontologist Jack Conrad.
美国自然历史博物馆脊椎古生物学家 Jack Conrad解释说, K- T大灭绝之后,不但哺乳动物开始主宰地球,鲨鱼也开始在海洋中扩张。 yeeyan

Such a close co-existence with a photosynthetic organism has previously been found in invertebrates, such as corals, but never in a vertebrate.
这种和光合作用微生物的亲密共存现象曾被发现存在于无脊椎动物中,比如说珊瑚,但是从未在脊椎动物中发现过。 yeeyan

That would really challenge the dogma of vertebrate cells disposing of foreign biological material.
这完全挑战了这个领域的教条脊椎动物细胞对外界生物物质的处理。 yeeyan

The abundance of vertebrate species fell by a third between1970 and2006.
在1970年到2006年之间,本来丰富的脊椎动物物种减少了三分之一。 ecocn

The research, outlined in the latest issue of the Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, strengthens the belief that snakes evolved from a lizard that either burrowed on land or swam in the ocean.
这一研究,刊登在最新出版的古脊椎动物杂志上,为的是进一步强调:蛇是由在陆上穴居和海洋里游泳的蜥蜴进化而来的。 yeeyan

The world's largest lungfish tooth was recently unveiled at the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology annual meeting in Pittsburgh, Pa.
最近在宾夕法尼亚州匹兹堡举行的古脊椎动物学年会上发现了世界上最大的肺鱼牙齿。 yeeyan

They determined that after the gene arose, more than300 million years ago, it barely changed in most branches of vertebrate evolution to the present day.
他们认定,FOXP2基因产生于三亿年前,此后直到今天,绝大多数脊椎动物身上的这个基因几乎没有改变过。 yeeyan

They're in “The Guinness World Book of Records” again, for being the vertebrate growth champion of the world.
它们再次登上“吉尼斯世界纪录”, 这次是作为世界脊椎动物的生长冠军。 yeeyan

This intimate co-habitation— the first ever seen between algae and a vertebrate—is revealed in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
这种亲密的共生关系首次见于藻类和脊椎动物之间,文章刊登在《美国科学院院报》上。 yingyu

This is the first time in a vertebrate animal that you can show such a clear connection between an animal’s behavior and the changes at the molecular level.
这是脊椎动物首次清楚地显示出动物行为和分子层级变化之间的关系。 yeeyan

Thus, they neatly side-stepped the problem of explaining how the nerve cord got from the worm's tummy to the vertebrate's back.
如此说来,他们只是在逃避回答神经网是如何从蠕虫的腹部进而发展到了脊椎动物的背部. ecocn




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