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ver·sion 英ˈvɜːʒən, -ʃən美ˈvɝʒən, -ʃənAHDvûrʹzhən, -shən ★★★★☆高四六研IMT牛46八COCA¹²⁸³BNC¹⁰⁴⁷iWeb⁴²⁸Economist¹²⁷¹ 基本双解英英辨析词源搭配记法近义反义句型派生词例句Thesaurus例句 n.版本⁹¹;说法⁴;译本³;形式²复数versions过去分词versioned现在分词versioning形容词versional 图书出版文书语言学
n.名词 C 个人对事件的描述,说法,看法account of an event, etc. from the point of view of one person C 版本,形式special adaptation of a book, piece of music, etc. C 译本,翻译translation into another language Noun: an interpretation of a matter from a particular viewpoint;his version of the fight was different from mine something a little different from others of the same type;an experimental version of the night fighter a variant of the same word an emery wheel is the modern variation of a grindstone the boy is a younger edition of his father a written work as a novel that has been recast in a new form;the play is an adaptation of a short novel a written communication in a second language having the same meaning as the written communication in a first languagea mental representation of the meaning or significance of somethingmanual turning of a fetus in the uterus usually to aid delivery n.名词 version, account, chronicle, story这组词都可用来表示对某事物的“描述”“陈述”。其区别是: account表示“记事”“叙事”,多指目击者的客观描述; chronicle 表示“记事”“编年史”,指按事件发生的先后顺序所做的叙述或汇报; story 表示“描述”“说法”,常常与另外的叙述形成对照,侧重叙述是杜撰的,或有杜撰之嫌; version 表示“说法”,总是与另外的叙述形成对照,侧重两者的细节和内在关系的不同。 translation,version,paraphrase这些名词均含“翻译,译文”之意。 translation普通用词,指从一种语言到另一种语言的翻译。 version可与translation换用,尤指不拘泥于文字的意译,更常指某种作品的一种译文。 paraphrase可指非常自由的解释,不拘泥遣词造句,重在传意。通常指用同样语言深入浅出地解释艰深的句子或段落。 借用于拉丁语vertere转的过去分词versus犁的转动→犁沟,进一步隐喻“行”→“诗行”。 词根词缀: -vers-转 + -ion名词词尾 用作名词 n. 动词+~have〔hear〕 sb's version听取某人的看法prepare a version改编版本tell versions谈看法形容词+~the abridged〔condensed〕 version节略本the dramatic version剧本the English〔French〕 version英〔法〕文译本the written version成文本名词+~the film〔movie, screen〕 version电影版the stage version戏剧剧本介词+~according to sb's version按某人的说法~+介词versions of the accident对事故的看法 钱博士vers转+ion名词后缀→语言转换的结果⇒译文,版本,改编本 词根vert-转来自拉丁语,过去分词形式为vers-。它和拉丁词根verg-转,倾向以及日耳曼词根ward-朝向最终都源自原始印欧语词根*wer-2转。非常记忆ve维E〖编码〗+r草〖编码〗+sion神〖谐音〗⇒有一种说法是吃了维E和草就可以变女神vers转+ion名词后缀→语言转换的结果⇒译文,版本,改编本。词根记忆vers转化+ion→从原文转化而来→译本词根记忆vers转化+ion→从原文转化而来→译本词根记忆vers转+ion→从原文转化而来→译本词根记忆vers+ion=从原文转出来=译文谐音记忆音“我行”⇒我的译文行近义词 formkindstyleaccount 用作名词n.His version of the accident seemed most convincing.他对该事件的叙述似乎最令人信服。 The two newspapers gave different versions of what happened.这两家报纸对所发生的事件说法各不相同。 When I have compared the two versions I may write to you again.当我比较两种版本之后,我可能再次给你写信。 This dress is a cheaper version of the one we saw in the shop.这件连衣裙是我们在那家商店看到的那件的廉价仿制品。 She asked a different version of the question.她换了一种形式问这个问题。 The book was translated into many versions and sold all over the world.这本书被译成多种译本并行销全球。 The author wrote an up-to-date version of Romeo and Juliet story.这位作家写了罗密欧和朱丽叶这个故事的最新改写本。 Did you read the whole book or only the abridgedversion?你读的是全书还是节略本?Psuperversion上转Pcardioversionn.心复率
名词100% 用作名词The newversionof this dictionary is not in use yet.这本字典的新版本还未通行。 The two newspapers gave differentversionsof what happened.两家报纸对发生的事说法不一。 The book was translated into manyversionsand sold all over the world.这本书被翻译成多种译文并行销全球。 This shirt is a cheaperversionof the one I saw in that shop.这件衬衫同我在那家商店里见到的几乎一样,但它是便宜货。noun.account of a happening 同义词 adaptation,form,history,interpretation,rendition,report,story,tale,translation,variantchronicle,clarification,condensation,construction,exercise,narrative,paraphrase,portrayal,reading,redaction,rendering,restatement,rewording,side,simplification,sketch,statement,transcription accountnoun written description of past events ABCs,annal,blow-by-blow,bulletin,chronicle,detail,explanation,history,lowdown,make,narration,narrative,play by play,recital,report,run down,score,story,tab,take,tale,the picture,the whole picture arrangementnoun musical adaptation chart,composition,instrumentation,interpretation,lead sheet,orchestration,score,version chroniclenoun account, narrative annals,archives,diary,history,journal,narration,prehistory,recital,record,recountal,register,report,story,version conceptionnoun understanding;idea apperception,appreciation,apprehension,clue,cogitating,cognition,communing,comprehension,conceit,concentrating,concept,consideration,considering,deliberating,design,dreaming,envisaging,explanation,exposition,fancy,fancying,image,imagining,impression,inkling,intellection,interpretation,meditating,meditation,mental grasp,musing,notion,perception,philosophizing,picture,plan,realization,representation,speculating,speculation,thought,version conceptionsnoun understanding;idea apperceptions,appreciations,apprehensions,clues,cogitatings,cognitions,communings,comprehensions,conceits,concentratings,concepts,considerations,considerings,deliberatings,designs,dreamings,envisagings,explanations,expositions,fancies,fancies,images,imaginings,impressions,inklings,intellections,interpretations,meditatings,meditations,mental grasps,musings,notions,perceptions,philosophizings,pictures,plans,realizations,representations,speculatings,speculations,thoughts,versions constructionnoun explanation apprehension,construal,definition,exegesis,explication,exposition,exposé,inference,interpretation,reading,rendering,rendition,translation,version So what else can we do with this version? 用这个版本我们是否可以做些其他的呢?163 The baseline is very important for us in the version management of our products. 在我们的产品的版本管理中基线对我们来说是十分重要的。 ibm The distributors will probably bump up the price of the software when the next version is released. 当下一个软件版本公开发行时销售商可能将提高软件的价格。《21世纪大英汉词典》 At IBM, we have built verification and logging directly into our widget classes, so those additional lines of code are not necessary when using our version of the widget classes. 在 IBM,我们已经将验证和记录直接构建到窗口小部件类中,所以在使用我们的窗口小部件类版本时,不需要那些额外的代码。 ibm Conversely, each and every version of every file can be traced back to the activity, and therefore the change request, that caused the change. 相反,每个文件的每一个版本都可以被追溯到这个活动,因此这个变更请求就可以引起变更。 ibm Every command that you enter is recorded so that you go back to the command and either run it again verbatim, or edit it and run the edited version. 您输入的每个命令都被记录下来,以便您能够返回到该命令,并再次按原样运行它,或者编辑它并运行编辑后的版本。 ibm Every device can be the same version of the platform. 每个设备可以在该平台的同一版本上工作。 infoq How do you version the endpoint? 该如何对端点进行版本控制? ibm However, it is key to have something like this that you can use to tell the browser that there is a new version of your application. 但是,拥有这样的信息很关键,因为您可以使用该信息来告知浏览器您的应用程序有一个新版本。 ibm However, you do not get the source code with this version. 不过,客户不能获得此版本对应的源代码。 ibm If you must make a change that would be incompatible with a released version, for whatever reason, then there is a back door of temporarily disabling this constraint. 如果您必须做出一个变更,使它与发布版本不相兼容,不管是什么原因,那么就会有一个临时后门丧失这个约束的能力。 ibm In this case, we have it just print a message to the console and then call the base class version for actual handling. 在此例中,我们仅让它向控制台打印一条消息,然后调用它的基类版本来执行实际的处理。 ibm In this situation, you can either catch up the resource from the stream, release your version of the resource to the stream, or merge your work and the stream resource. 在这种情况下,您可以捕获来自流的资源,将您制订的该资源的版本发布到流中,或者也可以把您的工作与流资源合并起来。 ibm Neither are required, but both add a bit of robustness and documentation to the existing version. 它们都不是必需的,但都会给现有的版本增加一些健壮性和文档。 ibm Others need to appreciate and understand you for who you are today, not some“ ideal” version of you, or someone you might be in the future. 其他人需要欣赏和理解今天的你,而不是一些“完美”版本的你,或者可能在将来成为他她伴侣的某个人。 yeeyan So, how do you use version control well? 那么,怎样才能用好版本控制呢? blog.sina.com.cn Some might think that at this point you should print out the version in memory. 在这里一些人可能认为应该打印出内存中的版本。 ibm This could change in a later version, but currently you must define an MDB for each destination that you want to listen on. 这一限制在以后的版本中可以改变,但目前您只能为每个您想侦听的目的地定义一个 MDB。 ibm This illustrates the application compatibility with the new version. 这说明了新版本的应用程序兼容性。 ibm What they learn would be applicable to any implementation or version. 他们所学的可以应用到任何实现或版本。 ibm Which version do you want? 你需要哪个版本? yeeyan Why should he care which version you choose? 他何必要关心你买了什么版本呢? yeeyan With the second method, you do not need to version the process. 对于第二种方法,您不需要进行流程版本控制。 ibm You simply upgrade one disk then boot off it, and when you need to go back to the other version, simply boot off that disk instead. 只需升级一个磁盘,然后从它引导;当需要返回到另一个版本时,只需从另一个磁盘引导。 ibm You need to propagate the edits over each new version. 您需要将编辑的内容传播到每个新版本中。 ibm Version numbers do not have to remain constant from stream to stream. 版本号码不需要从一个流程到一个流程保持一致。 ibm |