释义 |
verse·s 英vɜːs美vɜːrs COCA¹⁵⁵⁷¹BNC⁹⁴⁵⁷Economist¹⁹⁰⁵⁰⁺⁹ 基本双解英英辨析搭配记法近义反义句型例句例句 n.诗²;韵文⁸;诗节⁴vi.作诗vt.诗化¹;在诗中表现¹;对…精通¹原型verse的三单过去分词versed现在分词versing三单verses n.名词 U 诗,韵文poetry;lines of words usually with a regularly repeated accent and often with rhyme C 诗节,歌曲的一段a unit within a poem,song,etc. Noun: literature in metrical forma piece of poetrya line of metrical text Verb: compose verses or put into verse;He versified the ancient saga familiarize through thorough study or experience;She versed herself in Roman archeology n.名词 verse, doggerel, jingle, poem, poesy, poetry这组词的共同意思是“诗”。其区别是: 1.poem多指“一首一首的诗”; poetry指“诗的总称”或“诗的艺术”,有时还可指“诗意”。例如: This dancer has poetry in her movements.这位舞者的动作充满了诗意。2.verse作“韵文,诗”解,比poetry更注重诗的形式,而poetry更注重诗的内容。合乎诗的形式但无诗意的平凡之作叫verse,不能叫poetry。verse还可指诗节,也可指诗的“一行”。例如: Not all verse is great poetry.不是所有的诗都是好诗。3.doggerel意为“歪诗,打油诗”,常指充满陈词滥调、不恰当的比喻和令人讨厌的韵律的一些平庸陈腐的作品,人们对任何不喜欢的诗进行贬义的夸张时都可称为doggerel。例如: Do you agree that the poet had seldom written anything but doggerel?你不认为那个诗人写的只是打油诗吗?4.jingle指有简单的韵律的“诗”,常指没有丰富的语言内涵、伴有歌曲或单调的韵律的极其简单的“小诗”,往往旨在引起人注意。例如: This is only nursery jingle.这只是哄小孩子的小诗。5.poesy为古英语,含义同poetry,但比poetry更带有抒情和赞许的情调。一般多用于刻薄地指责那些过于华丽、矫揉造作、文风陈腐的诗作。 6.poem为可数名词; poetry为不可数名词; verse为不可数名词,但作“诗节”“行”解时,为可数名词; doggerel为不可数名词。 poem,poetry,verse这些名词均有“诗”之意。 poem通常指一首诗或诗体文。 poetry指诗的总称。 verse多指诗句、诗行或诗节,也可作诗歌、韵文的总称。 blank verse无韵诗free verse不受格律约束的自…nonsense verse打油诗society verse轻松的抒情诗,供上流…light verse打油诗give chapter and verse for注明出处chapter and verse精确的引证详细的情…heroic verse英雄诗体serpentine verse头尾词相同的诗句…cap verse行接尾令(甲举一诗句… vers(转e-从S,→诗歌的音节百转千回⇒诗歌近义词 poem诗rhyme韵poesy诗unit单元part部分chapter章poetry诗歌stanza诗节section部分passage通过measure措施poetise作诗versify作诗poetize作诗jingle叮当声division划分doggerel打油诗blank verse无韵诗canto长诗的篇章…free verse不受格律约束的自由诗…反义词 prose散文的 用作名词n.He expressed his ideas in verse.他用诗的形式来表达他的观点。 He quotes a few verses from Tennyson in his paper.他在论文中引用了英国诗人坦尼森的几行诗句。 She is the minor poet of our class, composing only raggedverses.她是我们班上的小诗人,只能作些打油诗。 动词86%,名词14% 用作名词There are fourversesin each poem.每首诗有四个诗节。 She wrote most of her poetry in blankverse.她所写的诗大部分都是无韵诗。 Most of the scenes are written inverse, but some are in prose.这场戏大部分内容是用韵文写成的,但也有一些是散文形式的 There are fourversesin each poem.每首诗有四个诗节。用作不及物动词It was in blankversethat she sang.她以无韵诗体作诗。 A former mayor of Istanbul, Mr Erdogan was briefly jailed in 1998 for reciting verses from a nationalist poem that were deemed inflammatory. 1998年,曾任伊斯坦布尔市长的埃尔多安先生被短暂拘留,仅仅因为他诵读了一位民族主义者含有煽动意味的诗句。 ecocn “ He was taking verses from the Koran to support his arguments, ” Magid said. “他运用了《可兰经》的经文来支持他的论点,”马吉德说。 yeeyan At this critical juncture my father's old follower Kishori came to the rescue, and finished the episode for us, at express speed, to the quickstep of Dasuraya's jingling verses. 在这紧要关头,我父亲的信徒基肖里过来解围,用达苏拉亚充满节奏感的快步诗句替我们飞快地结束了这个故事。 yeeyan But today's verses clearly state that we walk with Christ in the same way we received Him— by faith. 但现下的诗明确的表示:与基督同行的同时,我们也用信仰接受他。 yeeyan His verses chronicle the Palestinians’ anguish at the loss of their land. 他的诗叙述着巴勒斯坦人失去故土的痛苦。 ecocn I’m gonna read the story of the conversion of Ethiopian eunuch, and I’m gonna do that by reading Act8 verses26 to39. 我接下来要朗读的是一个故事,讲的是一个埃塞俄比亚太监信主的过程。这个故事记录在《使徒行传》8章26节至39节。 yeeyan I merely remembered these verses came from the Soviet novel How Was the Steel Tempered. 我只记得这些诗句,出自苏联小说《钢铁是怎样炼成的》。 yeeyan In one of the rooms a Pandit was reciting some Sanskrit verses of his own composition and explaining them in Bengali to the audience. 在一间屋子里,一位梵文学者向听众朗诵他自己用梵文写的诗,并用孟加拉文解释。 yeeyan Like Milton, he wrote verses. 像弥尔顿一样,他也写诗。163 Mr Trillin describes himself as a“ Deadline Poet” because of the rhyming verses he contributes regularly to the Nation. 经常写押韵诗并定期刊登在《国家》杂志上的特林先生称自己是“期限边缘的诗人”; ecocn My eyes filled with tears and yet I knew the verses were badly written vague, abstract words such as one finds in a newspaper. 尽管诗句的言语抽象晦涩,令人不知所指,一如报纸诗歌的拙劣,但我的双眼却噙满了泪水。 yeeyan Some of these were satirical verses, some farcical plays, others letters to newspapers. 其中有些是讽刺诗,有些是滑稽剧,还有一些是给报纸的信件。 yeeyan The poet ranted his humorous verses before a big crowd. 这位诗人在大庭广众之下大声朗诵他的幽默诗句。《21世纪大英汉词典》 The quotation is from the Latin Vulgate text of Numbers10:35 and the Psalm now numbered 68:1— verses that may have been put to unexpected use. 这条箴言出自于拉丁通行本民数记10:35条,现代的赞美诗弟68:1——这样的诗句用法相对来说是出人意料的。 yeeyan The idea was that if we memorized a few verses each day before soccer, by the time we finished high school we would have memorized the entire Koran, a special distinction. 这个意图是,如果我们每天踢球前背一点章节,那到我们高中毕业的时候就可以记住整本古兰经,这是一项特殊的荣誉。 yeeyan Then you've got the situation where in Romans16, several verses in Romans16, Paul actually addresses women as leaders of churches. 然后还有罗马书16章的问题,罗马书16章中有几节,保罗称呼女人为教会的领袖。163 These verses highlight some factors that you probably don’t think about, but they will keep you healthy: tranquility, trust in God, integrity, humility, and generosity. 这些经文强调了一些你可能没注意到的因素,但是他们会使你身体健康:安宁,信奉上帝,诚信,谦逊和慷慨。 yeeyan When I finished and handed him the verses next day, he took me to the highest class and made me stand before the boys. 当第二天我把写好的诗交给他的时候,他把我带到最高年级的班上去,让我站在学生们面前。 yeeyan Xu’s verses help explain the great prestige Cambridge University enjoys in China, nudging it a notch or two ahead of Oxford. 徐的诗文让剑桥大学在中国享有盛名,让其与牛津相比,在中国人心中,剑桥有着更大的份量。 yeeyan Verses that seemed when one saw them upon the page flat and empty caught from that voice, whose beauty was half in its harsh strangeness, nobility and style. 从某种程度上说,醒耳的奇妙,高贵的气质和独特风格是泰勒声音的美之所在,这些诗句在书页上显得多么的平淡而空乏,却从声音中获得了神韵。 yeeyan Verses4,5. So, what is the essence or the root of sin? 第4节,5.那么,什么是罪恶的本质,或者说根源呢? yeeyan Verses3, 4. If you have the love of God in your heart, you will keep His commandments. 第3,4节。如果你在心中爱上帝,你就会遵守他的戒律。 yeeyan |