

单词 vernacular
释义 ver·nac·u·lar 英vəˈnækjələ美vɚˈnækjəlɚAHDvər-năkʹyə-lər ☆☆☆☆☆高四GIS宝八COCA²⁵⁸⁷⁶BNC²²⁸⁶²iWeb²²⁹⁷⁰Economist²²⁰⁹⁹⁺

a characteristic language of a particular group as among thieves;

they don't speak our lingo

the everyday speech of the people as distinguished from literary language
being or characteristic of or appropriate to everyday language;

common parlance

a vernacular term

vernacular speakers

the vulgar tongue of the masses

the technical and vulgar names for an animal species

来自拉丁语 verna,家仆,尤指出生在主人家的仆人后代,引申词义本土的,地方的,后用于 指地方性语言,即方言。比较 family.vernacular name土名vernacular arts地方工艺vernacular literature粗俗文学
GRE红宝书ver真实, nacular = nativeadj 本国的: 本国的真实语言-方言
非常记忆ver我〖谐音〗+na那〖拼音〗+cu粗〖拼音〗+lar腊肉〖拼音〗⇒会说方言的我买到了那里的粗腊肉发音记忆“我奶哭了”→离乡多年,我奶奶一听到熟悉的乡音就激动地哭了→方言GRE难词记忆vernacular→vern本地+acular→本地的GRE难词记忆vern→very near→vern本地+acular⇒本地的近义词 cant倾斜slang俚语lingo语言argot隐语speech演说patois方言jargon行话dialect方言language语言vulgar通俗的common常见的vocabulary词汇colloquial口语的dialectic逻辑论证法lingua franca通用语

用作名词In some churches, they speak Latin, but in others they use thevernacular.在一些教堂中,人们讲拉丁语,但在其他一些教堂中,人们使用本地话。
Thevernacularsof these African tribes have never been written down.这些非洲部落的土话没能被记载下来。
We must master the localvernacular.我们必须掌握当地的方言。
He speaks an incomprehensiblevernacular.他说的是一种无法听得懂的方言。adj.native, colloquial
同义词 indigenous,vulgarcommon,local,natural,ordinarydialectal,domesticated,idiomatic,informal,ingrained,inherent,plebian,popular
反义词 abnormal,different,extraordinary,refined,uncommonnoun.native language
同义词 argot,dialect,idiom,jargon,lingo,parlance,patois,slangcant,language,patter,phraseology,speech,tonguejive talk,lingua franca,native tongue,street talk
反义词 standard,quiet,silence
argotnoun jargon
cantnoun jargon
colloquialadjective particular, familiar to an area, informal
dialectnoun local speech
dialectaladjective regional
dialectsnoun local speech
accents,argot,cants,idioms,jargons,languages,lingos,localisms,patois,patters,pronunciations,provincialisms,regionalism,slang,terminologies,tongues,vernaculars,vocabularies Cast in a new, modern vernacular, his short stories declared to readers, for almost the first time, that fiction could serve sophisticated, serious purposes.
通过阅读他以新式的白话文写就的短篇小说,读者们大多数人是第一次认识到小说创作也可以是带有特定目的的。 yeeyan

Consider user-friendliness. There are prayer books in everyday vernacular or even street slang“ And even though I walk through/The Hood of death/ I don't back down/ for you have my back”.
在方便易用上,市面上存在着各种以日常白话或者街头俚语出版的祈祷书如,“即便我悠悠而过”/“死亡之谜”/“我不放弃”/“因你有我倚靠”。 ecocn

Paraphrase the ancient Chinese prose in vernacular language.

The language of the early medieval theater was Latin, which few understood. This changed in time to the local vernacular or to a combination of Latin and vernacular.
中世纪早期剧场里使用的语言是只有少数人听得懂的拉丁语,然后及时的变成方言或是方言与拉丁语的结合。 yeeyan

Written under a pseudonym, the book is a naturalistic masterpiece composed in the vernacular language.
这部作品是人匿名发表的,其用的是方言写作,是一部博大精深的大师级作品。 yeeyan

A well-known example of vernacular work is the collection of songs composed by Roger McGuinn, former leader of The Byrds, which he’s published under a Creative Commons shared licensing agreement.
方言作品中颇有名气的一例就是由罗杰·麦吉恩谱写的歌曲集,他是 Byrds的前任领导人,他的作品在知识共享协议下发表。 yeeyan

And as the museum makes plans to scatter their creations around the world, it is the vernacular city that is being lost.
而现在博物馆做着自己的计划,先人们的创作将要散落到世界各地,我们正在失去我们这座城市的本土文化。 yeeyan

But the owners and designers of urban gardens didn’t appreciate the vernacular peasant landscapes, which were associated with the disheveled working class.
但是城市花园的主人和设计者无法欣赏这样的农村景观,它们乡气十足,往往与杂乱的劳动阶级联系在一起。 yeeyan

But as China has become more urbanized and “ civilized, ” this vernacular landscape has gradually been deprived of its productivity, its support to and of life, and its natural beauty.
但是随着中国愈来愈城市化、愈来愈“开化”,这种民间景观逐渐被剥离了它的生育功能、为生活提供的保障及其内在的自然美。 yeeyan

But Rome’s destruction of Carthage in 146BC reduced it to a dwindling local vernacular.
但是,罗马在公元前146年将迦太基毁灭了,将其限制成为了当地语言。 ecocn

Finding patterns in communication doesn't just show how funny captions about photos of cats leak into the public vernacular, Golub says.
找到交流中的模式并不是发现猫猫照片标注中的方言使用是多么搞笑那么简单, Golub说。 yeeyan

His art had been fuelled by the vernacular culture of the streets but it was many years since he had been able to run with the kids on the block.
他的音乐得到过来自当地街头民间文化的刺激,但是他已经许多年他没能和街头的孩子们一起玩耍了。 yeeyan

Previously, the new vernacular writers were viewed a bit like outlaws, hovering on the edge of a town that was run by a cabal.
以前,人们认为新型的方言作家和恶棍差不多。 他们这群人流荡在人数不多的小镇郊区。 yeeyan

Religious works were converted from Latin into the vernacular.
宗教作品从拉丁文被转化成当地的土话。 yeeyan

Since the vital physiological role of the brain has become clear to medicine, the vernacular sense of our center has migrated from the ancient heart to newfangled mind.
自从大脑极其重要的生理作用得到医学确认起,我们自身的中心感觉器官就从古老的心脏转移到了新奇的思想上。 yeeyan

The team think contextual integrity can be used to express the conventions and laws surrounding privacy in the formal vernacular of a computer language.
研究小组认为,语境完整性可以被用来通过标准的计算机语言,表达关于隐私的约定和法律。 ecocn

We often can't at least not easily adjust other features to accommodate the new features, and certain programming idioms are already in the language's vernacular.
我们常常无法至少不容易调整其他功能来适应新功能,而且某些编程语言风格已存在于该语言的方言中。 ibm

With this new vernacular in hand, IT architects and business process owners can more easily map their unique requirements to established best practice design techniques and patterns.
在掌握了这个新的术语表后, IT设计师和业务流程的所有者就能更轻易地把他们的独一无二的需求映射到已建立的最佳实践设计技术和模式中。 ibm

Write a narrative descriptive passage in a vernacular other than your own.
用别人的方式写一段描述性的叙述,不是用你自己的语言。 yeeyan

You may not agree with all the definitions I provide, but this will give us a common vernacular going forward.
您可能不完全同意我提供的定义,但这将作为一个通用术语使我们能继续讨论下去。 ibm




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