

单词 vermonters
释义 vermonters vərˈmɑːntərz COCA⁶⁵⁷⁸⁵
🌏佛匠原型vermonter的复数 As a result only10% of Vermonters are uninsured, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, compared with17% of Americans. Health spending per person is15% higher than the national average.
因此,据凯瑟家庭基金会 Kaiser Family Foundation称,相比17%的全国平均水平,佛蒙特人只有10%没有保险,同时个人医保开销也比全国平均水平高出15%。 ecocn

Still, Vermonters are stubborn. They may yet defy cynics and become a successful model for single- payer care.
即使如此,佛蒙特人仍在坚持,他们也许能不顾那些愤世嫉俗的声音,成为统一支付医改的成功榜样。 ecocn

It is also unclear which health services will be covered and how to pay for Vermonters who seek care out- of- state. And the whole scheme will need federal approval.
何种医疗服务在保险范围内,如何为那些寻求在州外治疗的佛蒙特人支付也不明朗,且整个方案需要得到联邦政府的批准。 ecocn

Probably online auction sites like eBay contributed to this trend, which was bad for entrepreneurs like himself but good for rural Vermonters, he had to admit.
大概像电子港湾这样的拍卖网址才可以从这一趋势获利,但却不利于像他这样的创业者。这有利于佛蒙特的乡下人,他不得不承认这个事实。 yeeyan

The governor, James Douglas, has just signed a bill that is supposed to bring broadband and mobile access to virtually all Vermonters by2010 good luck!.
州长詹姆斯・道格拉斯刚刚签署了一项法案,预计在2010年前为所有佛蒙特州人通上宽频和手机祝他好运! ecocn

The pamphlet contained brief characterizations of famous Vermonters.
这本小册子对著名的佛蒙特人进行了简要描述。 websaru

This region, known simply as “the Kingdom” by Vermonters, is famous for its maple syrup, covered bridges, ski slopes, and the riot of fall colors that blankets its woodlands each September.
在这片佛蒙特人称为王国的宝地上,盛产枫糖浆,桥梁遍布,到处都是可供滑雪的山坡,还有每年九月秋意浓浓的树林。 ngpod

This similarity has not been lost on the Vermonters trying with renewed vigour to shut it down.
这种相似性并没有被重振旗鼓、试图关闭这座核电站的佛蒙特人所忽略。 hxen

Vermont’s Medicaid programme is among America’s most generous. As a result only10% of Vermonters are uninsured, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation, compared with17% of Americans.
佛蒙特的医疗补助是全美国各个州中最慷慨的,根据凯泽家庭基金会的调查,相比美国的17%,只有10%的佛蒙特人没有投保。 ecocn




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