

单词 vermont
释义 Ver·mont 英vəˈmɒnt美vɚˈmɑntAHDvər-mŏntʹ COCA⁶⁵⁵⁸BNC³³³⁵⁹
a state in New England近义词 VTVermont 美国佛蒙…Green Mountain State佛蒙特州的别名…

用作名词That to me is what made Vermont.对我而言,正是这些东西造就了佛蒙特。
Thefriend said that the air in the mountains of Vermont was veryclear.这位朋友说佛蒙特的大山里空气非常清新。 A few states, such as Washington and Vermont, give out small grants; Iowa offers a 25% tax credit.
一些州——比如华盛顿州和佛蒙特州——给出了少量的补助金;爱荷华州提供了25%的税费减免。 ecocn.org

Against his will, he is recruited to assassinate the man responsible for the conflict: an elderly book reviewer living in Vermont who tells himself a war story at night when he can’t sleep.
他不情愿地被征募入伍,受委派去刺杀造成内战冲突的关键人物:一个居住在佛蒙特州的图书评论家,这个人总是在晚上失眠的时候自言自语地讲述战争故事。 ecocn.org

And one of them— Vermont Yankee— just got another extension of its license to operate.
它们当中的一个,佛蒙特洋基核电站,刚刚得到延期使用许可证。 yeeyan

In late January, I traveled from my Brooklyn apartment to a remote Vermont farmhouse belonging to a friend of a friend.
一月底,我从我的布鲁克林公寓去了一个偏远的福蒙特州农舍里,这个农舍是我朋友的朋友的。 yeeyan

In that year, Congress decided that the flag should have15 stars and15 stripes, to represent the new states of Vermont and Kentucky.
那一年,会议决定旗帜应由15颗星星及15条横纹组成,从而代表新佛蒙特州和肯塔基州两个新州。 yeeyan

The Ethan Allen furniture factory, just across the state line in Vermont, has laid off more than 100 workers since February.
跨过州界,位于佛蒙特州的伊桑•艾伦家具厂自二月以来已经裁退了100多名工人; ecocn

THE wintry state of Vermont is no bellwether.
寒冷的佛蒙特州从不盲目跟风。 ecocn

The youngest, Bradley,22, has a year to go at the University of Vermont.
最小的弟弟布拉德利,22岁,在佛蒙特大学,还有一年毕业。 yeeyan

What's more, since purchasing a place in Vermont last year, Lagerfeld's presumably become acquainted with the joys of the American road system.
另外,自从去年在佛蒙特州购置地产以来,拉格菲尔德大概已经熟悉了美国公路系统的乐趣。 yeeyan

A nice guy from Vermont drove all the way down to see me.
一个好男人从佛蒙特州一路开车来看我。 yeeyan

And so the hospice organization brought Hawaii to her— a particular challenge in a Vermont winter.
所以临终关怀组织把夏威夷带到她面前——这是佛蒙特冬天的一个特别挑战。 yeeyan

If they were all crammed into a single state, it would be more populous than Wyoming, Vermont or North Dakota.
如果把这些人全部放在一个州,那么该州就会比怀俄明州、佛蒙特州或是北达科他州人口更为稠密。 ecocn

IN 1996, David Colander of Middlebury College, in Vermont, expressed his dissatisfaction with decades of economics by invoking a lofty analogy.
1996年佛蒙特州明德学院的大卫·科兰德通过一个颇为巧妙的类比,表达了他对几十年来经济学的不满。 ecocn

In 2000, Diana Levine, a Vermont musician, had her hand and forearm amputated after such a mistaken injection.
2000年,佛蒙特州音乐家戴安娜·莱文,由于动脉误注此药导致手及前臂截肢。 yeeyan

In Vermont, the state legislature successfully overrode the governor’s promised veto.
在佛蒙特州,州立法机关成功推翻了州长已承诺的否决权。 ecocn

Maine and Vermont are both trying to insure all their citizens.
缅因州和佛蒙特州都尝试为所有的居民投保。 ecocn

More than250 roads were closed in Vermont as the state experienced its worst floods for75 years.
超过250条的道路被关闭,在美国佛蒙特州75年来经历的最严重的洪水。 yeeyan

My life changed when I met Ken and we moved to the far north of Vermont.
当我遇到肯之后,生活彻底变了样。我们搬到佛蒙特州最北边去住。 yeeyan

North-eastern states, such as New Hampshire, Vermont and Maine, experienced the largest decreases in marriage whereas in the midwest and around the Rockies the institution held relatively steady.
例如新罕布什尔,佛蒙特州和缅因州等东北部地区结婚登记率大幅度降低,而落基山脉周边和中西部则相对平稳。 yeeyan

Senator Patrick Leahy, a Vermont Democrat and chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, reiterated his call for a nonpartisan commission to look into the use of extreme interrogation techniques.
参议院司法委员会主席、来自佛蒙特州的参议员莱希重申了他的呼吁。 他建议成立两党联合调查委员会对使用极端审讯技术展开调查。 kekenet

The vote was not exactly sui generis, but the fact that it occurred in a large and populous state in the country drew more media attention than, say, Vermont.
投票结果并不完全自成一格,但事实上,它发生在一个土地辽阔、人口众多的佛蒙特州,吸引了众多媒体的关注。 yeeyan

The sponsor of the Senate’s version of the bill is the only socialist in Congress, Bernie Sanders of Vermont.
该法案参议院版本的提案人是仅存的社会主义者---来自美国佛蒙特州的伯尼桑德斯。 ecocn

This old hay barn in Berkshire, Vermont stands amidst the autumn colors made brilliant by the rising sun.
这是在伯克群一间古老的干草仓库,佛蒙特州站立在初升太阳所构成的秋天色彩里。 yeeyan

Under the sunset far into Vermont.
在夕阳下伸到远方的佛蒙特州。 putclub

While she worked the phones and racked up the miles, he sat in his converted barn in Vermont, surfing oceans of data.
当普里斯特打着电话,在万里路途上奔波的时候,威廉坐在佛蒙特改装过的农屋内浏览海量的数据。 yeeyan

Wilmington, Vermont, received36 inches of snow in one day.
佛蒙特的威尔明顿一天降雪达到36英寸。 yeeyan




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