

单词 verities
释义 ver·i·ty 英'verəti美'verəti COCA⁵⁷⁸²⁸BNC⁵¹²⁴⁶
conformity to reality or actuality;

they debated the truth of the proposition

the situation brought home to us the blunt truth of the military threat

he was famous for the truth of his portraits

he turned to religion in his search for eternal verities

an enduring or necessary ethical or religious or aesthetic trutheternal verity基本道德准则…
近义词 fact事实truth事实being存在reality真实trueness真实actuality实在principle原理sincerity真诚accuracy准确性factualnessfactual的名词形式…

用作名词Human's mission lies in exploringveritybravely.人的天职在勇于探索真理。 A Heritage book and video “ We Still Hold These Truths” promotes the old verities as a panacea for present ills.
基金会的一本著作与配套光碟《我们依然坚守这些真理》宣传那些古老之真理才是去除当今弊端的灵丹妙药。 ecocn

After the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers, the sham verities of the “ Washington Consensus” and the “ Great Moderation” were consigned forever to oblivion.
雷曼兄弟 Lehman Brothers破产之后,“华盛顿共识” Washington Consensus和“大缓和” Great Moderation的虚假事实被永远抛到了九霄云外。 iciba

But his reaction also illustrates the prickliness of Chinese leaders when foreigners presume to pronounce on the eternal verities of Chinese culture.

He had always told me that flowers are a gift from God, that they speak to the verities of the, to honor, truth, and love.
他总是告诉我花是来自上帝的最好礼物,他们谈到了心灵、荣誉、真理和爱的真谛。 yeeyan

Man can never know the ultimate verities.
人类是永远不会知道终极真理的。 ebigear

Some economists think the results cast doubt on the long- held verities of their discipline.
一些经济学家认为这些结果给他们领域长期坚持的准则带来了疑问。 ecocn

The results showed the vine Papaya verities are high yield economic fruit. It has bright future and is worth industrial developing.
结果认为番木瓜丰产性强且经济价值高,发展前景广阔,值得进行产业化开发。 cnki

The factors affecting soil fertility are: river harnessing, fertilizer application, and the changes in cropping system and land utilization after the adoption of high yield hybrid verities.
影响肥力变化的因子包括河流治理、施肥、高产品种使用后种植制度和土地利用程度的变化等等。 cnki

This paper analyzes and verities the formulae of smooth turbulence of plastic pipeline, to explicit the range of suitability and to improve precision of designing.
本文将以部分实测资料验证分析塑料管光滑紊流计算公式,以明确其适用范围,提高设计精度。 cnki




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