

单词 verifying
释义 ver·i·fy·ing 英'verɪfaɪ美'verɪfaɪ COCA³³¹⁵⁷BNC³²³⁹⁶Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
vt. 证实,核实

make sure sth is true

confirm the truth of;

Please verify that the doors are closed

verify a claim

check or regulate a scientific experiment by conducting a parallel experiment or comparing with another standard;

Are you controlling for the temperature?

attach or append a legal verification to a pleading or petitionto declare or affirm solemnly and formally as true;

Before God I swear I am innocent

verify, authenticate, confirm, corroborate, substantiate


confirm指以事实或不容置疑的陈述来证实某事的真实性、准确性、正确性以及有效程度; verify侧重以具体的事实和细节为证据; corroborate指以陈述或新证据作进一步的证实; substantiate强调某事需要证明,并以此提出充分的证据; authenticate指专家或内行的证实。





用作动词 v.
~+名词verify the figures核实数字verify one's innocence证明某人的无辜verify one's statements证实某人的陈述verify a theory验证理论verify truth检验真理~+副词verify accurately精确地证实verify decisively确切地证实verify experimentally实验性证明verify impartially公平地证明verify officially官方证实verify specifically明确地证明verify substantially实质上证实~+介词verify through practice通过实践检验…
verify-ing动名词⇒vt.核实⁶³;证明³⁷v.验证;核验;核对;查实;查清;校准;律证明³⁷…属实;律证实;在提供举证说明;查核;审查;考核;考证出来;查证;检验;查对;核准;校验;宣誓后作证;把立证声明写入申辩书近义词 try试验test考验swan天鹅avow承认prove证明check检查swear咒骂attest证明assert断言affirm证实confirm证实certify证明support支持testify作证control掌控document文件bear out证实aver极力声明determine决定validate使生效experiment试验corroborate确证make sure弄明白substantiate证实authenticate证明…为真
S+~+ n./pron.It's easy to verify his statements.证实他的陈述是很容易的。
Later findings verified the scientist's theory.后来的发现证实了这位科学家的理论。
All those facts verified his innocence.这一切事实都证明他是无辜的。
Several witnesses verified his alibi.几个证人提出他不在犯罪现场的证据。
He spent a whole night verifying the figures of the report.他花了整整一夜核实此报告中的数字。
We verify the spelling of a word by looking into a dictionary.我们通过查字典来查证一个单词的拼法。
His prediction was verified by the result.他的预言被结果证实了。
The driver's report of the accident was verified by eye-witnesses.驾驶员对事故的叙述由目击者加以证实。
Truth can only be verified through practice.只有通过实践,才能检验真理。S+~+that-clauseSubsequent events verified that his judgement was at fault.接着发生的事件证实了他的判断有误。
The police verified that she had an airtight alibi.警方查明她有着无懈可击的不在犯罪现场的证据。
The police verified that the prisoner's statement was fabricated.警察查实囚犯的口供是编造的。



用作及物动词He tried in every way toverifythis theory.他想一切办法来验证这个理论。
Men were sent out toverifywhether it was true.几个人被派去查清事实。
The truthverifiedthe allegations.事实证明了这些说法。
The reader shouldverifythis calculation.此式可由读者自行证明。noun.proving
同义词 authenticating,checking,confirming,corroborating,substantiating,validatingconfirmation,substantiation,validation,verification
agreementnoun concurrence
agreementsnoun concurrence
confirmationnoun ratification, validation, proof
acceptance,accepting,accord,admission,affirmation,affirming,agreement,approval,assent,attestation,authenticating,authentication,authorization,authorizing,avowal,consent,corroborating,corroboration,endorsement,evidence,go ahead,green light,nod,okay,passage,passing,proving,recognition,sanction,sanctioning,stamp of approval,substantiation,support,supporting,testament,testimonial,testimony,validating,verification,verifying,visa,witness
establishingnoun the act of proving
provingnoun trying
recognitionnoun identification, acknowledgment
acceptance,acknowledging,admission,allowance,apperception,appreciation,apprehending,assimilation,avowal,awareness,cognizance,concession,confession,consciousness,detection,discovery,double take,high sign,identifying,memory,notice,noticing,perceiving,perception,realization,recall,recalling,recognizance,recollection,recurrence,remembering,remembrance,respect,salute,sensibility,tumble,understanding,verifying A parser not only processes namespace declarations, verifying their correctness, but it also ensures that an XML document is namespace well- formed.
解析器不仅要处理名称空间的声明、验证它们的正确性,而且还要确保 XML文档是名称空间格式良好的。 ibm

The diversity of operating systems can also introduce audit control challenges on top of the problem IT shops already face in verifying that systems are up to date with security and virus patches.
操作系统的多样性还可能带来审核控制挑战,使 IT组织所面临的验证系统是否已安装了最新的安全与病毒补丁的工作雪上加霜。 ibm

This approach is valuable when verifying that the solution meets nonfunctional requirements, where you repeatedly apply patterns and transformations to identify the best match.
当通过重复地应用模式和转换以确定最佳匹配来验证解决方案满足非功能需求时,该方法是有价值的。 ibm

After verifying the customer's identity, the rep could look up and relay the policy number to the user.
验证这个客户的身份之后,客户服务代表可以查询该保单编号并将其告知该用户。 ibm

And although these examples illustrate a software development lifecycle, the techniques I describe can be used by anyone responsible for verifying and gathering requirements.
虽然这些实例举例说明了一个软件开发生命周期,但是我所描述的技术可以由任何负责验证及收集需求的人使用。 ibm

Authorization is not performed using the user ID, but by verifying the list of group memberships associated with the user's login context information.
授权不使用用户 ID执行,而是通过验证与用户登录上下文信息相关的组成员关系列表来执行。 ibm

Automated testing of the module interfaces enables the SCA component developer to use a repeatable and efficient means of verifying the quality of the delivered components.
模块接口的自动化测试使得 SCA组件开发人员能够使用可重复而又有效的方法来验证提交组件的质量。 ibm

By verifying the signature, inquirers using the registry can also be assured that a signed entity is valid and that the publisher represented by the signature created it.
通过验证签名,使用注册中心的查询程序还可以确信一个经过签名的实体是有效的,并且它是由这个签名所代表的发布者创建的。 ibm

By verifying sensor performance on Proteus, the sensor testing has progressed without impact to production, significantly lowering the risk with regard to the Global Hawk's operational capability.
通过验证海神机上传感器的性能,使传感器测试取得进展而又不致于影响生产,同时大大降低了全球鹰飞机作战能力的风险。 www.etiri.com.cn

Furthermore, we propose a method for verifying our predictions with fermionic cold atoms in optical lattices.
此外,我们提出一个在光晶格中利用费米冷原子来验证我们的预言的方法. yeeyan

He said Kim will also hold talks with North Korean officials on verifying the declaration.
凯西说,金成还将和北韩官员就核查北韩的申报进行会谈。 ebigear

Here your focus is verifying that the application does what it should and the right data is moving between the grid application and on- premise storage.
在此,你要关注的是,验证应用程序是否正确运行,正确的数据是否在网格应用程序和基础存储之间进行移动。 infoq

If the post- update file already exists, you can simply append the rest of the script to it after verifying the interpreter.
如果已经存在更新后处理文件,您可以在验证解释器之后将脚本的其余部分添加到该文件。 ibm

In the billing address example, what’s preventing the sales rep from simply copying the shipping address as the billing address without verifying it with the customer?
在帐单地址的例子中,如何去防止销售代表在没有与客户核实的情况下只是将送货地址复制作为帐单地址呢? yeeyan

It is a natural checkpoint for verifying whether the existing business data supports the business requirements for data warehouse project.
它是用于验证现有业务数据是否支持数据仓库项目中业务需求的自然检查点。 ibm

It provides a quick and easy way of verifying that a transaction exists when you invoke a particular method.
它提供了一种简单的方法,用于验证当您调用特定的方法时某个事务是否存在。 ibm

People are also questioning the feasibility of the regulation, saying it could cause corruption, as it is difficult to ensure objective assessment in verifying good deeds.
人们同样怀疑这项规定的可行性,认为规定会导致腐败,因为在核实好事上确保公正客观的评估是非常难实现的。 yeeyan

The most common mistake is to assume that because an instance of your program wrote the data out, it can read that data back in again without verifying it.
最常见的错误是做出这样的假设:因为程序将该数据写出,该程序就能不用验证再一次将该数据读回去。 ibm

The model minimizes the risk of tampering with the authorization data so that servers do not spend more time in verifying the data.
这个模型将篡改授权数据的风险降至了最低,因此服务器不用花费大量的时间来验证数据了。 ibm

The quality engineering QE team that performs these tests acts primarily as a customer advocate in verifying the application's ability to fulfill customer needs or business imperatives.
执行这些测试的质量工程 QE团队,在验证应用软件实现客户需求或业务规则方面,扮演了一个支持客户的角色。 ibm

These jobs can be completed faster by verifying the data for multiple replicates simultaneously.
通过同时验证多个复制的数据,这些作业可以更快地完成。 ibm

They no longer need to wait until other vendors’ products are publicly available before verifying that the latest versions have not introduced any regressions.
在验证最新版本未出现任何退化之前,他们不再需要等待,直到其他供应商的产品公开提供。 ibm

This architectural audit should be the last measure for verifying code quality before moving on to system testing.
此架构审查应该是在转入系统测试之前验证代码质量的最后度量。 ibm

This signature is a means of verifying that the legitimate user is the author of this message.
这种签名是验证合法用户是否是此消息的作者的一种方式。 ibm

Users can submit documents securely on the site through an anonymous, encrypted file uploader. Site administrators have said they would review and publish files only after verifying the contents.
用户可以通过一个匿名加密的上传方在该站安全发布文件,网站管理员称他们只会在核实其中内容后再审查并发布文件。 yeeyan

Verifying the username and password is an act of authentication.
验证用户名和密码是一项身份验证操作。 ibm

Verifying composition ensures the compatibility of services that participate in the composition.
验证组合可以确保参与组合的服务的兼容性。 ibm




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