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verge 英vɜːdʒ美vɝdʒAHDvûrj ★★☆☆☆高四六研GIMS宝6八TCOCA⁹⁵²⁷BNC⁹⁶⁶⁵iWeb¹⁰¹⁵⁹Economist⁷⁷⁹¹ 基本双解英英词源搭配短语记法近义反义句型用法例句Thesaurus例句 v.接近¹⁵;濒于⁷;下沉¹;趋于¹v.处在…的边沿¹n.边缘⁷²;界限²;权杖¹复数verges过去分词verged现在分词verging三单verges 事物山区山地方位边缘
v.动词 vt. & vi. 接近,濒于be near to Noun: a region marking a boundarythe limit beyond which something happens or changes;on the verge of tears on the brink of bankruptcy a ceremonial or emblematic staffa grass border along a road Verb: border on; come close to;His behavior verges on the criminal 经由古法语verge来源于拉丁语virga杆;“边缘”的意义来自于英国皇家总管大臣的土地裁判权,“权杖”是此权利的象征。作“接近,濒临”时,来源于拉丁语动词vergere弯曲,倾斜。 同源词:verger, virgule; converge, diverge 用作动词 v. ~+介词verge on〔upon〕接近,濒于verge to接近到verge towards向…地方接近 用作动词v. verge into v.+prep.
慢慢地变为他物的一部分 change slowly so as to become part of (sth else) verge into sthWe looked at the sky where the last of the sunlight was verging into darkness.我们望着天空,落日的余晖渐渐地被吞没。 verge on v.+prep.
非常像某事物,接近于某事物( be very much like sthHe's verging on 80 now and needs constant attention.)他已近80岁,需要有人随时侍候。 verge towards v.+prep.
向…地方靠近〔接近〕 be near towards somewhere verge towards sthThe sun was verging towards the horizon.太阳向地平线下降。 They seemed to be verging towards a quarrel.他们似乎要吵起来了。verg-e…的⇒v.接近¹⁵;濒于⁷;下沉¹;趋于v.处在…的边沿n.边缘⁷²;界限²;权杖¹v.趋向;延伸;渐变;渐渐变成与into连用处在…边沿;逼近;近乎;濒临;斜向;倾向;倾斜;向…倾斜;西沉n.节杖;边;边沿;边际;轴;摆轮的心轴;路边;镶边;范围;境界;建饰柱;蝼羽;小草地;绿地非常记忆v胜利〖编码〗+er儿〖拼音〗+ge哥〖拼音〗⇒比赛胜利后儿子在赛场边缘抱住哥哥GRE红宝书源于: edgen 边缘 v + edge词根记忆verg倾向+e→倾向于近义词 rim边wand棒edge边缘lean倾斜tend趋向near近的move移动brink边缘limit限度border边界margin边缘incline倾斜sceptre权杖approach靠近boundary边界threshold门槛border on相邻于scepter君主节杖come close to接近be close to与 … 近 用作动词v. 用作及物动词 S+~+ n./pron.This narrow strip verges the road.这条狭长的地带构成了公路的边沿。 v.动词
verge用作名词时意思是“边缘”“边界”,转化为动词时意思是“构成某事物的边缘”,常引申表示“接近”“濒于”,指某事物运行或延伸到其边缘与另一事物靠近或毗邻。 verge可用作及物动词,也可用作不及物动词。用作及物动词时,接名词或代词作宾语; 作不及物动词时,常与介词on连用。 名词97%,动词3% 用作动词The pathvergeson the edge of a precipice.这条小径濒临断崖的边缘。 He isvergingon a breakdown.他正濒临精神崩溃。 The sun wasvergingtowards the horizon.太阳向地平线下降。 The economyvergestoward inflation.经济倾向于通货膨胀。用作动词Her landvergeson the neighboring township.她的土地与邻镇相连。用作名词The country's economy is on thevergeof collapse.这个国家的经济已到了崩溃的边缘。 Large numbers of people had to struggle on thevergeof starvation.那时许多人不得不挣扎在饥饿的边缘。 The little boy walked along the grassverge, trying not to step into the field.这个小男孩沿着草地的边上走,以防踩到地里。 The old man was on thevergeof eighty.那老人已年近八十。noun.extremity, limit 同义词 brink,edge,fringe,thresholdborder,borderline,boundary,brim,extreme,hem,lip,margin,point,rim,selvage,skirt,terminus 反义词 center,inside,interior,middleverb.come near 同义词 abut,adjoin,approach,border,bound,communicate,edge,end,fringe,hem,incline,join,lean,line,march,margin,neighbor,outline,rim,skirt,surround,tend,touch,trench,trendbe on the edge,brink on,butt on,gravitate toward 反义词 center,leave,let goretreat adjoinverb be next to abut,approximate,be adjacent to,border,butt,communicate,connect,join,lie,lie beside,link,neighbor,touch bendverb form or cause a curve angle away,angle off,arch,bow,buckle,camber,careen,circle,contort,crimp,crinkle,crook,crouch,curl,deflect,deform,detour,double,droop,flex,genuflect,hook,incline,incurvate,lean,loop,pervert,round,spiral,stoop,swerve,tilt,turn,twist,veer,verge,warp,waver,wilt,wind,yaw,zigzag bordernoun outermost edge, margin bound,boundary,bounds,brim,brink,circumference,confine,end,extremity,fringe,hem,limit,line,lip,outskirt,perimeter,periphery,rim,selvage,skirt,trim,trimming,verge borderverb bound on;be on the edge abut,adjoin,be adjacent to,bind,circumscribe,communicate,contour,decorate,define,delineate,edge,encircle,enclose,flank,frame,fringe,hem,join,line,march,margin,mark off,neighbor,outline,rim,set off,side,skirt,surround,touch,trim,verge bound/boundsnoun farthest limit boundary,compass,confine,edge,end,environs,extremity,fringe,limit,limitation,line,march,margin,pale,periphery,precinct,purlieus,rim,term,termination,verge boundariesnoun outer limit abuttals,ambits,barriers,beginnings,borderlands,borderlines,bordersboundsbrinks,circumferences,circumscriptions,compasses,confines,edges,ends,environs,extents,extremities,frames,fringes,frontiers,hems,horizons,limits,line of demarcations,lines,marches,margins,marks,meres,metes,outlines,outposts,pales,perimeters,peripheries,precincts,purlieuses,radii,rims,sides,skirts,terminals,terminations,termini,verges It remains that what we once thought impossible is on the verge of becoming possible. 但是,我们曾经认为不可能的事情正在逐渐抵达可能的边缘。 yeeyan “ China is running the risk or is on the verge of overheating,” he said. “中国正在冒着风险,或已处于经济过热的边缘,”他说。 yeeyan A rival perception, however, suggests that they are more like a couple on the verge of divorce: they agree on little, and trust each other even less. 然而,另外一种与之相对立的看法认为,这两个人就像一对处于离婚边缘的夫妇:他们很少有一致的看法,彼此之间的信任更是少得可怜。 ecocn As Dean Misczynski at the Public Policy Institute of California puts it, California is “on the verge of a vast experiment”. Will crime go up or down? 就如加州公共政策研究所所长米斯肯斯基所指,加州处在“一个规模庞大的实验的边缘”,犯罪率将会上升还是下降? ecocn Beauty speaks to their spirits through the senses; but Tolstoy would have your house barren to the verge of hardship. 美,经过人们的感官提悦他们的精神,可是,托尔斯泰要让你的房子简陋至困苦的边缘。 yeeyan But to think that travel is on the verge of a resurgence in terms of cash being thrown into it is foolhardy. 但是仅仅由于现金在大把的投入,就认为旅游业正在复苏的边缘是非常草率的。 yeeyan But even if that does not happen, the upheaval may have given a nudge to investors already on the verge of leaving emerging markets. 但是,就算这一幕不会发生,埃及动荡也会令原本就处在离开新兴市场边缘的投资者们加速行动。 ecocn But let me ask you, how does this statement sound right now, with the global financial system on the verge of collapse? 但是,我要提问,随着全球金融系统走向崩溃的边缘,这种说法现在怎么听起来就是正确的呢? who But the world's biggest economy does not seem on the verge of a second recession. 但是世界最大的经济体似乎并不是处在第二次衰退的边缘上。 ecocn Despite a year of government effort, a tentative recovery in the housing market appears to be on the verge of stalling. 尽管经过了政府一年的努力,房地产市场微弱的复苏看起来到了停滞的边缘。 ecocn He is clearly on the verge of madness: he was so last night at least. 他分明在疯狂的边缘上了:至少昨天晚上他是这样的。 putclub.com If every big bank is on the verge of collapse, you can't wind down all of them simultaneously. 要是每家大银行都处于崩溃的边缘,你不可能同时让它们都倒下的。 yeeyan India and Pakistan are gaining ground and are on the verge of completing eradication. 印度和巴基斯坦正在取得进展,并且已处在完成根除工作的边缘。 who It was on the verge of defaulting on its international debt. 当时该国正处于对其国际债务违约的边缘。 putclub It should not be in fiscal crisis; it should not be on the verge of cutting essential public services and denying health coverage to almost a million children. 它不应该遭受财政危机;它不应该处在削减必要的公用事业支出甚至拒绝为将近一百万儿童提供健康保险的边缘。 yeeyan Japan is on the verge of a reluctant revolution. 日本正处在一场非自愿革命的边缘。 tingvoa Let me ask you: how does this statement sound right now, with the global financial system on the verge of collapse? 我要提问:随着全球金融系统走向崩溃的边缘,这种说法现在怎么听起来就是正确的呢? who Many of us feel that we ask ourselves these questions because we’re on the verge of regressing back into the shadows of mediocracy. 很多人都会不由自主的向自己问这些问题,因为此时的我们正处在倒退回到平庸的影子的边缘。 yeeyan She saw that he stood on the verge of lunacy, if he had not already stepped across it. 她亲眼看到,他已经站到发疯的边缘——如果说他还没有跨过那边缘处于疯狂状态的话。 ebigear That deal is now on the verge of collapse. 该和平协议目前正在崩溃的边缘。 ecocn.org Then come two European governments, France and Germany, who issue their debt in a currency that some think is on the verge of breaking up. 接下来是两个欧洲政府:法国和德国是以货币形式发行债券的,有人认为这些货币正处于崩溃的边缘。 ecocn This long-drawn-out war brought their country's finance to the verge of bankruptcy. 这场旷日持久的战争使他们国家财政濒于破产的边缘。《新英汉大辞典》 Yet a fortnight later the country seems on the verge of political deadlock. 然而,两星期以后,这个国家似乎接近了政治僵局的状态。 ecocn |