

单词 verandahs
释义 verandahs vəˈrændəz COCA¹⁸⁶¹⁵²BNC⁷⁵⁸²⁷
n.阳台=verandaverandah的名词复数原型verandah的复数 A stacking system is used to generate a variety of open spaces; courtyards, verandahs, terraces, green roofs etc. that help to structure the office spaces.
设计包含一个独特的堆砌系统,这样的排布生成出更加多样的开阔空间,如院落,凉亭,露台,绿色屋顶等等,同时它能帮助办公空间的结构形成。 julemei.com

Men still come and go, but those same verandahs and rooms seem empty and deserted.
人们还是来来往往,但是那些房间和阳台看上去像是空空如也、被人遗弃了。 yeeyan

Rooms either overlook the sunlit atrium courtyard, or have verandahs that open out to sweeping panoramas out of the city skyline, or river promenade or Marina Bay.
客房忽视的阳光明媚的心房庭院,或有走廊,开出席卷全景城市天际线,或河畔或滨海湾。 mm776.com

Sprinkling water into our eyes, or taking a run round the verandahs, were palliatives which had no lasting effect.
往眼睛里洒点水,或到走廊上跑跑步,都只是权宜之计,没有多大的效果。 yeeyan

The grounds include a kitchen garden, and the music room and library open directly on to verandahs where afternoon tea is served.
该别墅范围内有一个菜园,有音乐室和图书室通向游廊,人们在游廊上可饮用午茶。 bab

They are a pair of identical two storied colonial military barrack blocks with pitched Chinese tile roofs with tar finish and verandahs with colonnades on the elevations.
它们是两座外型相同的双层殖民地军营,它拥有以中式瓦片铺成的金字屋顶及以柱廊造成的主立面外貌。 kuenglish




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