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词汇 venture
释义 ven·ture 英ˈventʃə美ˈvɛntʃɚAHDvĕnʹchər ★★★☆☆高四六研GIMT牛46八COCA⁴²⁸⁴BNC⁴⁵⁵⁷iWeb³⁶⁹⁸Economist¹⁹⁰²

vt. & vi. 敢于,冒险

dare; take the risk of; expose to danger or loss

any venturesome undertaking especially one with an uncertain outcomean investment that is very risky but could yield great profits;

he knew the stock was a speculation when he bought it

a commercial undertaking that risks a loss but promises a profit
proceed somewhere despite the risk of possible dangers;

We ventured into the world of high-tech and bought a supercomputer

put forward, of a guess, in spite of possible refutation;

I am guessing that the price of real estate will rise again

I cannot pretend to say that you are wrong

put at risk;

I will stake my good reputation for this

venture, chance, endanger, hazard, imperil, risk


venture强调冒险的勇气和获得成功的可能,而不太侧重结果; chance不顾及行动或过程中的冒险成分,而寄希望于幸运; endanger强调面临危险,但本身不侧重冒险; imperil也强调面临危险,但更侧重不可肯定和危险的紧迫性; hazard侧重有失掉的危险,强调不确定,获得好结果的希望不大; risk更强调面对真正的危险。

venture, dare

dare和venture都可用作及物动词,表示“敢,敢于”。但用法稍有区别:dare为常用词,着重指有足够的勇气和胆量去做某事; venture属正式用语,着重指不顾客观实际而冒险一试。








用作动词 v.
~+名词venture one's fortune on把财产投机于venture one's life冒着生命危险venture one's money in把钱用于venture an opinion冒昧地发表意见~+副词venture forward冒着危险前进venture boldly勇敢地冒险venture fruitlessly无效地冒险venture madly疯狂地冒险venture profitably有益地冒险venture rashly轻率地冒险venture tactfully敢于老练地提出venture timidly胆怯地冒险venture trustfully深信不疑地冒险venture wistfully渴望冒险venture out on the thin ice冒险走上薄冰~+介词venture at冒险做某事venture in a speculation用于投机事业venture into the jungle冒险走进丛林venture into a room鼓起勇气走进房间venture into space大胆进入太空venture on〔upon〕冒险去试…venture on an ambitious project冒险去从事一项雄心勃勃的工程venture on a journey冒险做旅行venture on a stormy sea冒着风浪出海venture on a translation试着进行翻译
venture forth v.+adv.

勇敢地出发 set out bravely

venture forthIn the fairy stories, the youngest son usually ventures forth to try to find his fortune.在神话故事中,最小的儿子通常总是勇敢地出发寻求幸福。
venture in v.+prep.

在…中冒着…的危险 rise (sth in somewhere)

venture sth in sthMen ventured their lives in war.人们在战争中冒着生命危险。
He ventured his fortune in a speculation.他拿他的大宗财产做投机生意。
venture into v.+prep.

冒险进入 rise (sth into)

venture into sthDon't venture into the jungle without a guide.没有向导,不要冒险到森林里去。
venture on〔upon〕 v.+prep.

冒险进行,大胆进行 rise (sth on sth uncertain)

venture on〔upon〕 sthThey ventured on the sea.他们冒险出海。
He ventured on a rash speculation.他进行鲁莽的投机。
He is too timid to venture upon an undertaking.他太胆小,不敢从事任何事业。
The hope of making further discoveries led them to venture upon a second voyage.他们希望有新的发现,于是大胆地进行了第二次航行。venture sth on〔upon〕 sthI will venture five shillings on it.我愿为它赌五先令。
venture out v.+adv.

在天气不好时外出 go outside in unsuitable weather

venture outI'd rather not venture out in pouring rain if I don't have to.除非迫不得已,我才不会冒着大雨外出呢。非常记忆ve维E〖编码〗+n门〖编码〗+ture扯〖谐音〗⇒吃了维E把门扯坏了这太冒险钱博士vent来+ureS.名→到来之事→偶然发生之事→风险⇒冒险,投机vent来+ureS.名→到来之事→偶然发生之事→风险⇒冒险,投机发音记忆“玩车”→玩车一族追求的就是冒险谐音记忆音“完全”⇒完全冒险主义词根记忆vent+ure来到危险=冒险近义词 dareriskadventure
S+~+ADon't venture too near the edge of the well,you might fall in.不要冒险走近井边,你可能会掉进去的。
Nothing venture, nothing have.不入虎穴,焉得虎子。
S+~+ n./pron.I won't venture a step farther.我不敢再往前走一步。
Will you venture a flight in a jet plane?你敢坐喷气式飞机吗?
Men venture their lives in space exploration.人们冒着生命危险从事太空探索。
He ventured an objection at the meeting.他在会议上冒昧地提了一个问题。S+~+to- vHe ventured to speak to her.他壮起胆子跟她说话。
I venture to assert that it is true.我敢断言那是真的。
Very few people ventured to go out on that stormy night.在那个风雨交加的夜晚,很少有人敢出去。
He ventured to kiss her hand.他大胆地吻了她的手。Pventurern.冒险者投机者Pventuresomea.冒险的好冒险的不顾一切的




用作名词All our hopes rested upon thisventure.我们所有的希望都寄托在这次冒险上了。
These foreigners have put forward a proposal for a jointventure.这些外国人提出了一个合资企业的建议。
The hi-tech industry attracts muchventurecapital.高科技产业吸引着许多风险投资。
Any businessventurecontains an element of risk.任何商业投资都包含一定的风险因素。
He was sucked in as a partner in thisventure.他受欺骗参与了这项投机活动。用作动词Don'tventureinto the jungle without a guide如果没有向导,就不要冒险到森林里去。
Heventuredhis life to save a little girl from drowning.他冒生命危险救起了一个小女孩,使她免于淹死。
I will notventurea step further .我不敢再往前走一步了。
Iventureto ask if anything sprang up between you.冒昧问一句,你们之间没发生什么事吧?noun.gamble, attempt
同义词 deal,endeavor,enterprise,experiment,investment,project,undertakingadventure,baby,chance,essay,exploit,feat,hazard,header,jeopardy,peril,proposition,pursuit,risk,setup,shot,spec,speculation,stab,stake,test,thing,trial,wagerpet project
反义词 idleness,assurance,certainty,fact,inaction,protection,reality,safety,suretyverb.take a chance
同义词 dare,operateadvance,assay,attempt,bet,brave,challenge,chance,defy,endanger,essay,experiment,expose,feel,front,gamble,grope,hazard,imperil,jeopardize,presume,risk,speculate,stake,try,volunteer,wagerdare say,get down,go out on a limb,have a fling at,lay open,make a stab at,make bold,play for,play the market,put in jeopardy,put up,stick one's neck out,take a crack at,take a flyer,take a plunge,try out
反义词 abstain,design,disbelieve,guard,hide,neglect,plan,protect,save,yield
activitiesnoun special interest or pursuit
activitynoun special interest or pursuit
adventurenoun risky or unexpected undertaking
attemptnoun try, effort
all one's got,attack,bid,crack,dry run,endeavor,exertion,experiment,fling,go,header,lick,one's all,one's darnedest,one's level best,pursuit,shot,stab,striving,struggle,trial,try,tryout,undertaking,venture,whack,workout
attemptverb try, make effort
aim,attack,do level best,endeavor,essay,exert oneself,experiment,give a fling,give a whirl,give best shot,give it a go,give it a try,give old college try,go the limit,have a crack,have a go at,make a run at,pursue,push,seek,shoot the works,solicit,strive,tackle,take a stab at,take best shot,take on,try one's hand at,undertake,venture
attemptingverb try, make effort
aiming,attacking,do leveling best,endeavoring,essaying,exerting oneself,experimenting,giving a fling,giving a whirl,giving best shot,giving it a go,giving it a try,giving old college try,going the limit,having a crack,having a go at,making a run at,pursuing,pushing,seeking,shooting the works,soliciting,striving,tackling,taking a stab at,taking best shot,taking on,trying one's hand at,undertaking,venturing The future should dictate some type of return on every dollar we invest in any venture.
在任何风险投资的每一美元未来都会要求得到回报。 yeeyan

Always remember: You get to choose the path you want to venture down.
永远记住:你已经到达你希望为之冒险的人生轨迹。 yeeyan

And now whenever I embark upon any new venture the first thing I do is visualize the destination, the goal, the dream, or the result that I am working towards.
现在无论什么时候我要开始新的冒险,我会做的第一件事就是构想自己的目的地,目标,梦想或者我最终将要达到的结果。 kle100

And, as with any profitable venture, there will be imitators.
并且,作为任何高效益的风险,都将有模仿者。 ecocn

But all venture capitalists should have to disclose their personal failure rates.
但是所有的风险资本家必须坦白他们的失败率。 yeeyan

But many entrepreneurs and venture capitalists do not, arguing that it does not fix any of the system's big problems and risks creating new ones.
但是许多企业主和风险投资却不同意,争论的焦点在于这不适合所有的系统的大问题并且创造了新的风险。 ecocn

Don't venture into the jungle without a guide.

Firstly, you have to get a PhD, but if you want to practise you then need venture capital, otherwise you don't have the tools.
首先,你必须弄到一个哲学博士学位,但是如果你想执业的话还要有创业资本。要不然你就拿不到仪器。 yeeyan

For the entrepreneur, that means surrounding yourself with people who will do what is right for the venture, not what your feelings dictate.
对于企业家来说,这意味着将那些为企业作出正确决定的员工团结在周围,而不受自己的感情支配。 yeeyan

He tamed the urge to participate in the new venture.

His slide to the right, even as far as support for the Iraq venture, seemed inexplicable.
他滑向了右派,似乎令人费解,甚至于到了支持伊拉克投机的程度。 ecocn

In Aden, the port city in the restive south where most of the27 deaths recorded during the protests have occurred, few Westerners venture out after dark.
在失去控制的南部港口城市亚丁——就是这里,在抗议期间发生了导致27人丧生的记录——很少有西方人在天黑后冒险出门。 ecocn

Next we venture back outside to the ruins of a mud- brick house, pulverized by bombs. I find fragments of an artillery shell, a prayer cap.
接下来,我们又冒险回到外面一处被炸弹炸得支离破碎的泥砖房废墟中,我发现一些炮弹壳,和一顶祈祷帽。 yeeyan

Regardless of whether you have taken venture capital or not, capital efficiency and bootstrapping are critical values.
不考虑你是否风险投资,资金的有效性和引导指令具有决定性的价值。 yeeyan

Sure, you can raise money but the odds of getting venture capital are high.
当然了,你可以筹集资金,但是风险投资的几率也是非常高的。 hjenglish

The insecurity of the venture kept investors away.

The nocturnal animals hide in underwater caves by day, then venture out at night, feeding on small fish, squid, and octopus.
这种夜行性动物白天时隐藏在水底洞穴里,晚上才出来冒险,它们以小鱼、乌贼和章鱼为食。 yeeyan

These“ dirty snowballs” castoff gas and dust whenever they venture near the sun.
这些“脏雪球”在冒险接近太阳时会丢出气体和尘埃。 yeeyan

Was it acceptable for this entrepreneur to lie to save his venture?
如果企业家撒谎是为了挽救他的企业,你能接受吗? yeeyan

We only venture outside the vehicle to remove heavy debris in our way.
我们只是为了移去路上的碎石残骸时才冒险走出车外。 yeeyan




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