释义 |
Beus 基本例句 伯斯¹⁰⁰原型beu的复数The boy wanted to ritire from school.beuhis father rejected against it.男孩想退学,但他的父亲坚决反对。 If the person wins your heart, or vice-versa, then your Valentine's Day willbeuspecial.成功约会的首要因素是自信。简言之,如果你都不认为自己引人注目、富有魅力,你又怎能让别人相信呢? It should be about sharing everything,your happiness,your ups,your downs ,your triumphs.It shouldbeuabout the life you can make together ,instead of being about either ones past.最终爱变得太过自由,恋人们最后会互相憎恶,会说一些他们并不想说的话,也许他们是对的,会在争论中占上风。 |