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词汇 venezuelans
释义 venezuelans ˌvenəˈzweɪlənz COCA⁵²⁴⁷⁶BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺
委内瑞拉人Venezuelan的复数原型venezuelan的复数 But most Venezuelans will see their purchasing power decline.
但是,多数委国人民会发现自己的购买力下降。 ecocn

In all, there will be four Russian ships, with a combined crew of 1,000, the Venezuelans say.
据委内瑞拉人报道,总共将有四艘舰艇,大约1000名俄国军事人员参与演习。 yeeyan

The suspicion must be that this law is designed to defend a declining regime rather than to bolster the security of Venezuelans.
令人疑虑忡忡的是,新法是用来保卫一个日渐衰落的政权而非用来确保委内瑞拉国内民众的安全。 ecocn

The Venezuelans pay for this along with the massive oil subsidies.
委内瑞拉人在支付手术费的同时还要为高额的石油津贴买单。 yeeyan

This violence is not only reflected in skyrocketing crime rates; it also affects the way Venezuelans resolve their political conflicts.
窜升的犯罪率反映暴力事件多发,暴力事件也会影响解决政治冲突的方式。 ecocn

“ But the poor feel the price hikes when they can't buy the subsidized food, ” Mora said, adding that while15.6 million Venezuelans bought subsidized food in 2005, only9.9 million did in 2008.
“但是,当穷人们无法买到津贴食品时,他们就会感受价格的上升”,毛拉表示。同时他补充说,2005年委内瑞拉有一千五百六十万人可以购买补贴食品,但2008年仅有九百九十万。 yeeyan

After several years of oil-fuelled partying for Venezuelans, the hangover has begun.
石油带给委国人民几年的好日子后,后遗症已经开始。 ecocn

As Venezuelans say “love, with hunger, doesn’t last.”
正如委内瑞拉民众所言:“饥饿下的顺应,不会持续很久。” ecocn

But the vehicles that roll, occasionally, off the production line at Venirauto’s factory, west of Caracas, will free Venezuelans from the“ yoke of capitalism, ” declares President Hugo Chávez.
但是,偶尔驶离卡拉卡斯西郊Venirauto车厂生产线的汽车却要让委内瑞拉人民挣脱 Hugo Chávez总统宣称之「资本主义的枷锁」。 ecocn

But the trade sanctions will hurt Venezuelans throughout the country, albeit less visibly.
然而,贸易制裁将伤害遍及全国的委内瑞拉人民,虽然较不易用肉眼看见。 ecocn

But will Venezuelans want to elect him again?
然而委内瑞拉人还愿意继续选他么? yeeyan

But again, official statistics show no signs of a substantial improvement in the well-being of ordinary Venezuelans, and in many cases there have been worrying deteriorations.
但是话又说回来,官方统计显示,委内瑞拉普通老百姓的福利并没有很大的改进,而且许多还在恶化,实在令人担忧。 ecocn

Even a recession has not diminished Venezuelans' appetite for cosmetic surgery with many people taking out loans for the surgery.
即使是经济不景气也没有减少委内瑞拉人对整容手术的狂热,不少人即使贷款也要整容。 jfdaily

In November Mr Chávez faces regional elections which many Venezuelans will see as an unofficial referendum on his rule.
11月份查韦斯先生面临地区选举,许多委内瑞拉人将这看作对其统治的一次非官方全民公决。 ecocn

In his first decade Hugo Chávez has presided over social programmes, inflation, crime and rising intolerance. Venezuelans will pay the price in years to come
雨果•查韦斯上台的头十年中,出现了社会事业、通货膨胀、犯罪以及容忍度下降,委内瑞拉人接下来将要为此付出代价 ecocn

Mere bravado, perhaps, but many Venezuelans fear he may be serious.
虽然可能只是虚张声势,但是很多委内瑞拉人担心他可能来真的。 ecocn

Most Venezuelans—and most Latin Americans— clearly have no enthusiasm for this.
大部分的委内瑞拉人,或者说大部分的拉丁美洲人,毫无疑问对此不感兴趣。 ecocn

On the streets, few Venezuelans seem to be aware of these troubles.
站在大街上,看来没有委内瑞拉人意识到这些问题。 ecocn

Polls suggest that most Venezuelans disapprove of the nationalisations and firmly support private property.
民调显示,大多数委内瑞拉人都不赞同收归国有,并坚定支持拥有私人财产。 ecocn

The authors are surely right when they say that the “ root of Chávez's power resides in the religious and emotional bond” he has forged with ordinary Venezuelans, especially poorer ones.
当本书作者们讲到“查韦斯先生的权力的根本在于他与特别是贫穷的委内瑞拉平民之间精心地打造起了一道宗教与情感的密切关系”时,这肯定是无庸置疑的。 ecocn

Thereafter the five accused— four Venezuelans and a Uruguayan— met Mr Antonini several times in Miami.
其后,被指控的这五人,其中四个委内瑞拉人,一个乌拉圭人与安东尼尼在迈阿密见过几次面,。 ecocn

These views are not shared by Venezuelans.
委国人民并不认同这些意见。 ecocn

Without the oil windfall, a majority of Venezuelans are likely to withdraw their consent.
没有石油带来的横财,大多数委内瑞拉人可能会撤回对查韦斯的赞成票。 ecocn

Venezuelans are due to vote for a new parliament in September.
今年九月委国人民将投票改选新国会。 ecocn

Venezuelans, understandably, increasingly prefer to stay at home.
可以理解的是,委内瑞拉人越来越情愿呆在家里不出门。 ecocn

Venezuelans often try to seek refuge from their country's troubles in the delights of their national sport.
委内瑞拉人经常试图在他们的国球中寻求欢乐,希望以此逃避自己国家中的问题。 ecocn




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