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词汇 Veluwe
释义 Veluwe
Visser has discovered that at the De HogeVeluwepark, oak bud burst now occurs about 10 days earlier than it did 20 years ago.维瑟发现,在侯格维陆威园区,橡树的开芽期比20年前约早了10天。
The winter and early spring temperatures at De HogeVeluwehave increased in recent decades, although there has been no change in frost days.近数十年来,尽管侯格维陆威的霜日天数没有变化,但冬天和初春的温度已经上升。
Visser says the birds base the laying date at De HogeVeluweon early spring temperatures, which, in contrast to late spring temperatures, have not changed in the past 30 years.维瑟说,侯格维陆威的鸟儿根据初春温度来产卵,而相对于晚春的温度,初春温度在过去30年间并没有改变。
For example, it might seem that evolution could produce an early-laying great tit that could remain in synchrony with caterpillars in the oak trees in the De HogeVeluwepark.例如,乍看之下演化似乎有可能制造出较早产卵的白颊山雀,在侯格维陆威园区与橡树中的毛虫生物量维持同步。
The applications to simulation of macrophyte competitive growths in the LakeVeluweand evaluation of habitat suitability in the lower reaches of River Rhine,the Netherlands,indicate that integrated models are practical and have promising perspectives.模型在莱茵河下游生态栖息地评价和荷兰Veluwe湖沉水植物竞争性生长模拟等实例中的应用表明耦合生态水力学模型有很好的应用前景。
Visser's research shows that the winter moth population at De HogeVeluweis declining, but he has not collected moth numbers long enough to be sure this is not part of a natural cycle.维瑟的研究显示,侯格维陆威园区的冬季蛾类族群正在减少,但他蒐集蛾类数量的时间还不够久,无法判定这是否为自然循环中的一部份。




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