

单词 veins
释义 veins 英'veɪnz美'veɪnz COCA¹⁰⁸⁶²BNC⁷⁶⁰⁵
名词 vein:
a blood vessel that carries blood from the capillaries toward the hearta distinctive style or mannerany of the vascular bundles or ribs that form the branching framework of conducting and supporting tissues in a leaf or other plant organa layer of ore between layers of rockone of the horny ribs that stiffen and support the wing of an insect
动词 vein:
make a veinlike patternhave quicksilver in one's veins具有活跃好动的性格…
Tequila in his heartbeat, Hisveinsburned gasoline.吸血鬼隐藏在他的心跳里,愤怒的火焰在他的丝丝纹理间跳跃。 In his veins dances the blood of hero.

It doesn't really matter whether it appears as cellulite on our thighs or cholesterol in our veins— we just don't want it.
不管它出现在哪里——大腿上的脂肪团还是静脉里的胆固醇——真的没什么关系,总之,我们很讨厌它。 yeeyan

The heart pumps blood through the arteries, capillaries and veins to provide oxygen and nutrients to every cell of the body.
砰砰跳动的心脏连接着动脉,毛细血管和静脉并提供氧气和养分给身体的每一个细胞. yeeyan

The veins empty themselves into the heart.

An elegantly carved and polished huge ring of white marble with pink veins elicits a smile.
一个有粉红色纹理的,精雕细磨的巨大白色大理石环能引起会心微笑。 ecocn

And the vessels can be stored for up to a year, so clinics could keep a supply of spare arteries and veins.
而且这种血管可以存放长达一年,所以诊所可以保持备用动脉和静脉的供应。 yeeyan

But when it comes to hemorrhoids— a painful swelling of the veins in the anal canal that affects half of all Americans— new research suggests that you may want to get your butt off the toilet.
但是说到痔疮,一种影响近一半美国人的肛管静脉的伴随着疼痛的肿胀,新的研究表明,如果你想预防痔疮的话可能就要让你的屁股离开厕所了。 yeeyan

Distinct from solid organs like hearts, lungs and kidneys, harvested tissues also include cartilage, ocular material, arteries and veins.
除去心、肺、肾这样的固体器官外,可回收的组织还包括软骨、眼睛组织、动脉和静脉。 ecocn

Experts say that laughter increases endorphins, strengthens your immune system, and sends extra oxygen coursing through your veins.
专家声称,大笑可以提高内啡肽水平、强化免疫系统、增加血管中的氧气含量。 yeeyan

However, it also confirms that swallowtails need veins on their wings to achieve stable flight, and do not need to continually adjust them as many others insects do.
尽管如此,这也证实了燕尾蝶需要靠翅膀上的血管来实现稳定飞行,而不用像其他昆虫那样不停地进行调整。 yeeyan

I was not delivered unto this world in defeat, nor does failure course in my veins.
我不是为了失败才来到这个世界上的,我的血管里也没有失败的血液在流动。 ebigear

In this condition, veins in the legs and feet of the patient fail to return blood back to the heart.
在这种情况下,病人腿部和脚部的静脉不能把血液输送回心脏。 yeeyan

It is very likely, scientists said, that a little infected monkey or ape blood got into human veins many times in history as hunters cut themselves while butchering carcasses.
科学家认为这很有可能是历史上多次发生了少量猴类或类人猿血进入人类血管的事件,比如猎人在打猎时割伤了他们自己。 yeeyan

Moving feet in this manner encourages blood flow in the calf muscle veins, thus reducing blood stagnation.
以这种方式运动脚部促进小腿肌肉静脉的血液流动,从而减少血液停滞。 who

One elderly world leader was asked why he looked so young. He replied that because he was a regular blood donor, the fresh blood coursing through his veins added to his good health.
一位上了年纪的外国领导人曾被问到他为什么看上去那么年轻,他说是因为定期献血,自身补充上来的新鲜血液流过血管而使他更健康。 edu.sina.com.cn

Other popular procedures for this region include laser treatment of leg veins37 percent, laser hair removal33 percent and liposuction, which pulls in31 percent of the nation’s procedures.
这个地区其他流行的整形手术包括下肢静脉激光治疗37%,激光除毛33%和吸脂——它在全国整容手术中占到31%。 yeeyan

The nation boasts veins of coal, iron ore, limestone, magnesite, graphite, copper, zinc, lead and precious metals.
这个国家拥有煤炭、铁矿石、石灰石、菱镁矿、石墨、铜、锌、铅和贵金属等矿脉。 yeeyan

This in turn facilitates veins and muscles of the legs to move blood to the heart more efficiently.
进而,这也使得腿部的血管和肌肉能够更有效的把血液输送回心脏。 yeeyan

We must try and maintain this heartbeat in the body of the motherland, and keep alive the remnants of hope in our veins.
我们必须努力将这一份心跳保留在祖国大地,在我们的血管里要将剩下的那点希望永远燃烧着。 ecocn

When you hold a shell to your ear to hear the sea, the sound you hear is actually your own blood rushing through your veins!
当你手握着贝壳放在耳边能听到海的声音,其实你听到的这个声音是你自己的血液流经静脉时的声音! yeeyan

Veins are flexible and can get twisted, slowing the rate of blood flow and potentially leaving waste and compounds such as iron to accumulate in the brain.
静脉是有弹性的,并且是能够扭曲的,它能够降低血液流速,潜在地运出代谢废物和化合物,比如脑中所集聚的废铁物质。 yeeyan

Veins then carry blood out of the clitoris.
然后,血液又经由血管从阴蒂输送出来。 yeeyan




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