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词汇 vegetable oil
释义 vegetable oil ˈvedʒtəblɔɪl 短语²⁸⁹³⁰

any of a group of liquid edible fats that are obtained from plants近义词 oil油
用作名词Margarine is derived fromvegetable oil.人造奶油来源于植物油。
What brand ofvegetable oilare you using?你正在用的植物油是什么牌子?as in.grease
同义词 lard,lubricant,oildrippings,tallowanimal oil,unctiousness,unctuosity
greasenoun fat
animal oil,drippings,lard,lubricant,oil,tallow,unctiousness,unctuosity The CHP engine would run on vegetable oil squeezed from local rapeseed, though2OC is experimenting with other fuels, such as synthetic oil made from wood.
热电联产发动机的运转依靠从当地油菜籽中提取的植物油,尽管2OC公司正对其他燃料进行实验,如从木材中提取合成油。 yeeyan

The effect of growing demand for the two main types of vegetable oil, palm and soyasee chart, is amplified by supply problems.
人们对植物油的两种主要原料棕榈和大豆需求在不断增加,而供应问题却严重影响了此种需求。 ecocn

The process of hydrogenation, which turns liquid vegetable oil into the solid oils used in commercial baking, destroys the vitamin K naturally found in the oils.
氢化油是由液态植物油经加工制成的固态商业烘焙用油。在加工过程中,植物油中天然含有的维生素 K会遭到破坏。 forbeschina

They are in fried foods, fast foods, commercially baked goods, such as peanut butter and items prepared with partially hydrogenated oil, margarine and vegetable oil.
含有反式脂肪的食物包括油炸食品、快餐、焙烤食品,比如花生酱,以及含有氢化油,人造黄油,植物油的食品。 yeeyan

A common way of converting a vehicle to run on unprocessed vegetable oil is therefore to fit it with two fuel tanks.
一种将未经加工的植物油用于汽车的普遍方法是使其与两根燃料槽相匹配。 yeeyan

Back in1990, amid constant public outcry about the amount of cholesterol in their french fries, McDonald's started using pure vegetable oil in their fryers.
早在1990年,由于在公众当中不断有人提出关于薯条的胆固醇含量的强烈抗议,麦当劳开始在其炸锅里使用纯植物油。 yeeyan

Firstly, fry onions on vegetable oil till they become gold yellow.
首先,用植物油煎炒洋葱至金黄色。 yeeyan

Four Wesson varieties are implicated in the case: Canola Oil, Vegetable Oil, Corn Oil, and Best Blend.
该案子牵涉了四种威臣产品:菜籽油、植物油、玉米油和调和油。 yeeyan

Humans were not designed to eat white flour, refined sugar, high fructose corn syrup, and hydrogenated vegetable oil.
人类体质本不适合多吃白面粉,精制糖,果葡糖浆,氢化植物油之类的东西的。 yeeyan

It uses plant- oil based lubricants and a biodiesel engine capable of running on chocolate and vegetable oil.
它使用植物油制成的润滑油,其生化柴油发动机可以巧克力和植物油为燃料。 iciba

Most of the women harvest and break coconuts, but several hundred work in26 plants that produce vegetable oil and soap.
大部分妇女收割椰子并且把椰子打破,但是也有数百名妇女在26个工厂里工作,生产植物油和肥皂。 yeeyan

Pour vegetable oil on the exhaust of someone’s car so it will smoke when started up.
在别人车的排气管里倒入植物油,发动时会冒黑烟。 ebigear

Skip the corn oil and pure vegetable oil.
略过玉米油和纯植物油。 yeeyan

Sugar becomes cloying; processed industrial vegetable oil tastes unnatural.
糖变得反胃,精加工的植物油尝起来非自然。 yeeyan

These subsistence- level households sell the coconut kernels, from which the oil is extracted and used as vegetable oil and in the soap and cosmetic industries, for cash.
这些处于温饱水平的家庭贩卖椰子肉以换取现金。椰子肉中提炼的油可作为植物油在肥皂和化妆品行业中使用。 yeeyan

They have also distributed vegetable oil and other essentials, but these programs are limited.
他们还发放植物油和其他必需品,但是这些措施是有限的。 yeeyan

Treated with methanol and potassium hydroxide, also known as lye, the vegetable oil molecules break down.
植物油分子经过甲醇和钾的氢氧化物、也被称作灰汁的处理后就被分解。 ebigear

White corn, vegetable oil and salt.
白马铃薯植物油和盐. yeeyan

Vegetable oil and margarine showed double-digit price rises while poor harvests and increased transportation costs led fruit to its biggest price increases since April of last year.
植物油和人造黄油达到了两位数的涨价,与此同时粮食减产和运输成本增加导致水果经历了去年四月以来最大幅度的涨价。 yeeyan




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