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词汇 VDM
释义 VDMBNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
n.Vienna development method维也纳开发方法
The VM configuration CD is a very important component of the automatic VM deployment solution because it contains both configuration data from the VDM and users.
VM配置 CD是自动化 VM部署解决方案的最重要组件,因为它包含来自 VDM和用户的配置数据。 ibm

A new CD- ROM will be created for the cloned VM to mount the VM configuration CD and the VDM will search the IDE buses first, then SCSI buses of the VM to find an idle bus for the CD- ROM.
将为已复制的 VM创建一个新 CD- ROM以装入 VM配置 CD,并且 VDM将搜索 VM的 IDE总线先搜索 IDE总线,再搜索 SCSI总线以为 CD- ROM查找一个空闲总线。 ibm

After cloning the source VM, VDM collects all configuration data, archives it into an ISO file, and then copies it to the target location of the cloned VM.
在复制源 VM之后, VDM 将收集所有配置数据,将其存档到 ISO文件中,然后将该文件复制到复制的 VM的目标位置中。 ibm

However, to register and start the new VM, the server installed VDM should have some VM hypervisor utilities installed.
但是,要注册并启动新 VM,安装了 VDM的服务器应当安装一些 VM管理程序工具。 ibm

Several modern technologies are used in the development and manufacture of VDM, which is successfully being used in traffic tolling system.
针对ITS应用中的主要特点和要求, VDM采取了一些相应的技术措施,该设备现已被成功地应用于交通收费系统中。 ilib

The CD is simulated by an ISO file generated by the VDM according to the VM deployment task and will be mounted to a virtual CD-ROM so it can hold far more data than a floppy disk.
该 CD是由 VDM所生成的 ISO文件根据 VM部署任务模拟的,并且将被装入虚拟光驱,这样它可以比软盘保存更多的数据。 ibm

This paper describes the design of the video digital mixer VDM, a kind of multifunctional video superposition equipment used in Intelligent Transport System ITS.
文章介绍了专门用于 ITS智能交通系统中的一种多功能视频叠加设备—— VDM的设计。 ilib

Through Extending Virtual Description Model, VDM web pages can support modular design, and bring forward relevant extended semantic tag format grammar.
对虚拟表示模型进行了扩展,使 VDM页面能够灵活地支持模块化设计,并给出了相应扩充语义标记的形式文法。 cnki

To register a VM to VM hypervisor server and start it, the VDM needs the support of some VM hypervisor utilities.
要在 VM管理程序服务器中注册 VM并启动该 VM, VDM需要支持一些 VM管理程序工具。 ibm

When deploying, the network configuration information will be collected by VDM and will be saved to the VM configuration ISO file so the information can be accessed when the VM starts.
在部署时,网络配置信息将由 VDM来收集,并被保存到 VM配置 ISO文件中,以便在 VM启动时可以访问这些信息。 ibm

You can also list all the VM deployment tasks in the task list file and ask the VDM to process all the tasks in that list sequentially.
您还可以列出任务列表文件中的所有 VM部署任务,并要求 VDM按顺序处理该列表中的所有任务。 ibm

The VDM Engine, the core of the VDM.
VDM引擎,它是 VDM的核心。 ibm

VDM modifies the hardware settings of the cloned VM based on the configurations defined in VM deployment task file; it will create a CD- ROM device to mount the ISO file created in step3.
VDM将根据 VM部署任务文件中定义的配置修改已复制 VM的硬件设置;它将创建一个 CD- ROM设备以装入在第 3步中创建的 ISO文件。 ibm

VDM finds the corresponding VM template by going though the directory containing VTD files and cloning the VM template to the destination specified in the deployment task file.
VDM将浏览包含 VTD文件的目录以查找相应的 VM模板,并将 VM模板复制到部署任务文件中指定的目标位置。 ibm

VDM reads in the VM deployment task.
VDM 将读入 VM部署任务。 ibm




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